--- en: activemodel: attributes: project: budget: Budget decidim_category_id: Category decidim_scope_id: Scope description: Description proposal_ids: Related proposals title: Title decidim: budgets: actions: attachments: Attachments confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to delete this project? destroy: Delete edit: Edit new: New preview: Preview title: Actions admin: models: project: name: Project projects: create: invalid: There's been a problem creating this project success: Project successfully created destroy: success: Project successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit project update: Update index: finished_orders: Finished orders pending_orders: Pending orders title: Projects new: create: Create title: New result update: invalid: There's been a problem updating this project success: Project successfully updated models: project: fields: title: Title projects: budget_confirm: are_you_sure: Do you agree? Once you have confirmed your vote, you can not change it. cancel: Cancel confirm: Confirm description: These are the projects you have chosen to be part of the budget. title: Confirm vote budget_excess: close: Close description: This project exceeds the maximum budget and can not be added. If you want, you can delete a project you have already selected to add, or make your vote with your preferences. ok: OK title: Maximum budget exceeded budget_summary: are_you_sure: Are you sure you want to cancel your vote? assigned: 'Assigned:' cancel_order: delete your vote and start over checked_out: description: You've already voted for the budget. If you've changed your mind, you can %{cancel_link}. title: Budget vote completed description: What projects do you think we should allocate budget for? Assign at least %{minimum_budget} to the projects you want and vote with your preferences to define the budget. title: You decide the budget count: projects_count: one: 1 project other: "%{count} projects" filters: category: Category category_prompt: Select a category scopes: Scopes search: Search filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold order_progress: vote: Vote order_selected_projects: remove: Remove selected_projects: one: project selected other: projects selected view: View project: add: Add count: one: 1 support other: "%{count} supports" remove: Remove project_budget_button: add: Add added: Added show: budget: Budget view_all_projects: View all projects features: budgets: actions: vote: Vote name: Budgets settings: global: comments_enabled: Comments enabled total_budget: Total budget vote_threshold_percent: Vote threshold percent step: comments_blocked: Comments blocked show_votes: Show votes votes_enabled: Votes enabled orders: checkout: error: An error ocurred while processing your vote success: Your vote has been accepted successfully destroy: error: An error ocurred while canceling your vote success: Your vote has been canceled successfully resource_links: included_proposals: project_proposals: 'Proposals included in this project:' index: confirmed_orders_count: Orders count total_budget: Total budget