require 'restclient' require 'nokogiri' require 'active_support' # fine, we'll just do all of activesupport instead of the parts I want. thank Rails 3 for shuffling requires around. require 'cgi' require 'hashie' require 'nagiosharder/filters' # :( require 'active_support/version' # double and triplely ensure ActiveSupport::VERSION is around if ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR > 2 require 'active_support/core_ext/array' require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/time' require 'active_support/core_ext/time/calculations' require 'active_support/core_ext/date/calculations' require 'active_support/core_ext/date_time/calculations' require 'active_support/core_ext/date/acts_like' require 'active_support/core_ext/time/acts_like' require 'active_support/core_ext/date_time/acts_like' end require 'httparty' class NagiosHarder class Site attr_accessor :nagios_url, :user, :password, :default_options, :default_cookies, :version, :nagios_time_format include HTTParty::ClassMethods def initialize(nagios_url, user, password, version = 3, nagios_time_format = nil) @nagios_url = nagios_url.gsub(/\/$/, '') @user = user @password = password @default_options = {} @default_cookies = {} @version = version debug_output if ENV['DEBUG'] basic_auth(@user, @password) if @user && @password @nagios_time_format = if nagios_time_format == 'us' "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" else if @version.to_i < 3 "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" else "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" end end self end def acknowledge_service(host, service, comment) request = { :cmd_typ => 34, :cmd_mod => 2, :com_author => @user, :com_data => comment, :host => host, :service => service, :send_notification => true, :persistent => false, :sticky_ack => true } response = post(cmd_url, :body => request) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def acknowledge_host(host, comment) request = { :cmd_typ => 33, :cmd_mod => 2, :com_author => @user, :com_data => comment, :host => host, :send_notification => true, :persistent => false, :sticky_ack => true } response = post(cmd_url, :body => request) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def unacknowledge_service(host, service) request = { :cmd_typ => 52, :cmd_mod => 2, :host => host, :service => service } response = post(cmd_url, :body => request) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def schedule_service_downtime(host, service, options = {}) request = { :cmd_mod => 2, :cmd_typ => 56, :com_author => options[:author] || "#{@user} via nagiosharder", :com_data => options[:comment] || 'scheduled downtime by nagiosharder', :host => host, :service => service, :trigger => 0 } request[:fixed] = case options[:type].to_sym when :fixed then 1 when :flexible then 0 else 1 end if request[:fixed] == 0 request[:hours] = options[:hours] request[:minutes] = options[:minutes] end request[:start_time] = formatted_time_for(options[:start_time]) request[:end_time] = formatted_time_for(options[:end_time]) response = post(cmd_url, :body => request) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def schedule_host_downtime(host, options = {}) request = { :cmd_mod => 2, :cmd_typ => 55, :com_author => options[:author] || "#{@user} via nagiosharder", :com_data => options[:comment] || 'scheduled downtime by nagiosharder', :host => host, :childoptions => 0, :trigger => 0 } # FIXME we could use some option checking... request[:fixed] = case options[:type].to_sym when :fixed then 1 when :flexible then 0 else 1 # default to fixed end if request[:fixed] == 0 request[:hours] = options[:hours] request[:minutes] = options[:minutes] end request[:start_time] = formatted_time_for(options[:start_time]) request[:end_time] = formatted_time_for(options[:end_time]) response = post(cmd_url, :body => request) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def cancel_downtime(downtime_id, downtime_type = :host_downtime) downtime_types = { :host_downtime => 78, :service_downtime => 79 } response = post(cmd_url, :body => { :cmd_typ => downtime_types[downtime_type], :cmd_mod => 2, :down_id => downtime_id }) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def schedule_host_check(host) response = post(cmd_url, :body => { :start_time => formatted_time_for(, :host => host, :force_check => true, :cmd_typ => 96, :cmd_mod => 2 }) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def schedule_service_check(host, service) response = post(cmd_url, :body => { :start_time => formatted_time_for(, :host => host, :service => service, :force_check => true, :cmd_typ => 7, :cmd_mod => 2 }) response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ end def service_status(options = {}) params = {} { :host_status_types => :notification_host, :service_status_types => :notification_service, :sort_type => :sort, :sort_option => :sort, :host_props => :host, :service_props => :service, }.each do |key, val| if options[key] && (options[key].is_a?(Array) || options[key].is_a?(Symbol)) params[key.to_s.gsub(/_/, '')] = Nagiosharder::Filters.value(val, *options[key]) end end # if any of the standard filter params are already integers, those win %w( :hoststatustypes, :servicestatustypes, :sorttype, :sortoption, :hostprops, :serviceprops, ).each do |key| params[key.to_s] = options[:val] if !options[:val].nil? && options[:val].match(/^\d*$/) end if @version == 3 params['servicegroup'] = options[:group] || 'all' params['style'] = 'detail' params['embedded'] = '1' params['noheader'] = '1' else if options[:group] params['servicegroup'] = options[:group] params['style'] = 'detail' else params['host'] = 'all' end end query = {|k,v| v }.map {|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&') url = "#{status_url}?#{query}" response = get(url) raise "wtf #{url}? #{response.code}" unless response.code == 200 statuses = [] parse_status_html(response) do |status| statuses << status end statuses end def host_status(host) host_status_url = "#{status_url}?host=#{host}&embedded=1&noheader=1" response = get(host_status_url) raise "wtf #{host_status_url}? #{response.code}" unless response.code == 200 services = {} parse_status_html(response) do |status| services[status[:service]] = status end services end def disable_service_notifications(host, service, options = {}) request = { :cmd_mod => 2, :host => host } if service request[:cmd_typ] = 23 request[:service] = service else request[:cmd_typ] = 29 request[:ahas] = true end response = post(cmd_url, :body => request) if response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ # TODO enable waiting. seems to hang intermittently #if options[:wait] # sleep(3) until service_notifications_disabled?(host, service) #end true else false end end def enable_service_notifications(host, service, options = {}) request = { :cmd_mod => 2, :host => host } if service request[:cmd_typ] = 22 request[:service] = service else request[:cmd_typ] = 28 request[:ahas] = true end response = post(cmd_url, :body => request) if response.code == 200 && response.body =~ /successful/ # TODO enable waiting. seems to hang intermittently #if options[:wait] # sleep(3) while service_notifications_disabled?(host, service) #end true else false end end def service_notifications_disabled?(host, service) self.host_status(host)[service].notifications_disabled end def status_url "#{nagios_url}/status.cgi" end def cmd_url "#{nagios_url}/cmd.cgi" end def extinfo_url "#{nagios_url}/extinfo.cgi" end private def formatted_time_for(time) time.strftime(nagios_time_format) end def parse_status_html(response) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response.to_s) rows = doc.css('table.status > tr') last_host = nil rows.each do |row| columns = Nokogiri::HTML(row.inner_html).css('body > td').to_a if columns.any? # Host column host = columns[0].inner_text.gsub(/\n/, '') # for a given host, the host details are blank after the first row if host != '' # remember it for next time last_host = host else # or save it for later host = last_host end debug 'parsed host column' # Service Column if columns[1] service_links = columns[1].css('td a') service_link, other_links = service_links[0], service_links[1..-1] if service_links.size > 1 comments_link = other_links.detect do |link| link.attribute('href').to_s =~ /#comments$/ end comments_url = comments_link.attribute('href').to_s if comments_link flapping = other_links.any? do |link| link.css('img').attribute('src').to_s =~ /flapping\.gif/ end acknowledged = other_links.any? do |link| link.css('img').attribute('src').to_s =~ /ack\.gif/ end notifications_disabled = other_links.any? do |link| link.css('img').attribute('src').to_s =~ /ndisabled\.gif/ end extra_service_notes_link = other_links.detect do |link| link.css('img').any? do |img| img.attribute('src').to_s =~ /notes\.gif/ end end extra_service_notes_url = extra_service_notes_link.attribute('href').to_s if extra_service_notes_link end service = service_links[0].inner_html end debug 'parsed service column' # Status status = columns[2].inner_html if columns[2] debug 'parsed status column' # Last Check last_check = if columns[3] && columns[3].inner_html != 'N/A' last_check_str = columns[3].inner_html debug "Need to parse #{columns[3].inner_html} in #{nagios_time_format}" DateTime.strptime(columns[3].inner_html, nagios_time_format).to_s end debug 'parsed last check column' # Duration duration = columns[4].inner_html.squeeze(' ').gsub(/^ /, '') if columns[4] started_at = if duration && match_data = duration.match(/^\s*(\d+)d\s+(\d+)h\s+(\d+)m\s+(\d+)s\s*$/) ( match_data[1].to_i.days + match_data[2].to_i.hours + match_data[3].to_i.minutes + match_data[4].to_i.seconds ).ago end debug 'parsed duration column' # Attempts attempts = columns[5].inner_html if columns[5] debug 'parsed attempts column' # Status info status_info = columns[6].inner_html.gsub(' ', '').gsub("\302\240", '') if columns[6] debug 'parsed status info column' if host && service && status && last_check && duration && attempts && started_at && status_info service_extinfo_url = "#{extinfo_url}?type=2&host=#{host}&service=#{CGI.escape(service)}" host_extinfo_url = "#{extinfo_url}?type=1&host=#{host}" status = :host => host, :host_extinfo_url => host_extinfo_url, :service => service, :status => status, :last_check => last_check, :duration => duration, :attempts => attempts, :started_at => started_at, :extended_info => status_info, :acknowledged => acknowledged, :service_extinfo_url => service_extinfo_url, :flapping => flapping, :comments_url => comments_url, :extra_service_notes_url => extra_service_notes_url, :notifications_disabled => notifications_disabled yield status end end end nil end def debug(*args) $stderr.puts *args if ENV['DEBUG'] end end end