require File.expand_path("../test_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) class GraphvizTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup RailsERD.options.filetype = :png RailsERD.options.warn = false load "rails_erd/diagram/graphviz.rb" end def teardown FileUtils.rm Dir["erd*.*"] rescue nil RailsERD::Diagram.send :remove_const, :Graphviz rescue nil end def diagram(options = {}) @diagram ||=, options).tap do |diagram| diagram.generate end end def find_dot_nodes(diagram) [].tap do |nodes| diagram.graph.each_node do |name, node| nodes << node end end end def find_dot_node(diagram, name) diagram.graph.get_node(name) end def find_dot_node_pairs(diagram) [].tap do |edges| diagram.graph.each_edge do |edge| edges << [edge.node_one, edge.node_two] end end end def find_dot_edges(diagram) [].tap do |edges| diagram.graph.each_edge do |edge| edges << edge end end end def find_dot_edge_styles(diagram) find_dot_edges(diagram).map { |e| [e[:arrowtail]'"', ''), e[:arrowhead]'"', '')] } end # Diagram properties ======================================================= test "file name should depend on file type" do create_simple_domain begin assert_equal "erd.svg", Diagram::Graphviz.create(:filetype => :svg) ensure FileUtils.rm "erd.svg" rescue nil end end test "rank direction should be lr for horizontal orientation" do create_simple_domain assert_equal '"LR"', diagram(:orientation => :horizontal).graph[:rankdir].to_s end test "rank direction should be tb for vertical orientation" do create_simple_domain assert_equal '"TB"', diagram(:orientation => :vertical).graph[:rankdir].to_s end # Diagram generation ======================================================= test "create should create output for domain with attributes" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references, :column => :string do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar", :column => :string Diagram::Graphviz.create assert File.exists?("erd.png") end test "create should create output for domain without attributes" do create_simple_domain Diagram::Graphviz.create assert File.exists?("erd.png") end test "create should write to file with dot extension if type is dot" do create_simple_domain Diagram::Graphviz.create :filetype => :dot assert File.exists?("") end test "create should create output for filenames that have spaces" do create_simple_domain Diagram::Graphviz.create :filename => "erd with spaces" assert File.exists?("erd with spaces.png") end test "create should write to file with dot extension without requiring graphviz" do create_simple_domain begin GraphViz.class_eval do alias_method :old_output_and_errors_from_command, :output_and_errors_from_command def output_and_errors_from_command(*args); raise end end assert_nothing_raised do Diagram::Graphviz.create :filetype => :dot end ensure GraphViz.class_eval do alias_method :output_and_errors_from_command, :old_output_and_errors_from_command end end end test "create should create output for domain with attributes if orientation is vertical" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references, :column => :string do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar", :column => :string Diagram::Graphviz.create(:orientation => :vertical) assert File.exists?("erd.png") end test "create should create output for domain if orientation is vertical" do create_simple_domain Diagram::Graphviz.create(:orientation => :vertical) assert File.exists?("erd.png") end test "create should not create output if there are no connected models" do Diagram::Graphviz.create rescue nil assert !File.exists?("erd.png") end test "create should abort and complain if there are no connected models" do message = nil begin Diagram::Graphviz.create rescue => e message = e.message end assert_match /No entities found/, message end test "create should write to given file name plus extension if present" do begin create_simple_domain Diagram::Graphviz.create :filename => "foobar" assert File.exists?("foobar.png") ensure FileUtils.rm "foobar.png" rescue nil end end test "create should abort and complain if output directory does not exist" do message = nil begin create_simple_domain Diagram::Graphviz.create :filename => "does_not_exist/foo" rescue => e message = e.message end assert_match /Output directory 'does_not_exist' does not exist/, message end test "create should not fail when reserved words are used as node names" do create_model "Node", :name => :string create_model "Edge", :node => :references do belongs_to :node end assert_nothing_raised do Diagram::Graphviz.create end end # Graphviz output ========================================================== test "generate should create directed graph" do create_simple_domain assert_equal "digraph", diagram.graph.type end test "generate should add title to graph" do create_simple_domain assert_equal '"Domain model\n\n"', diagram.graph.graph[:label].to_s end test "generate should add title with application name to graph" do begin Object::Quux = Object::Quux::Application = Object::Rails = create_simple_domain assert_equal '"Quux domain model\n\n"', diagram.graph.graph[:label].to_s ensure Object::Quux.send :remove_const, :Application Object.send :remove_const, :Quux Object.send :remove_const, :Rails end end test "generate should omit title if set to false" do create_simple_domain assert_equal "", diagram(:title => false).graph.graph[:label].to_s end test "generate should create node for each entity" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_equal ["m_Bar", "m_Foo"], find_dot_nodes(diagram).map(&:id).sort end test "generate should add html label for entities" do RailsERD.options.markup = true create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_match %r{<\w+.*?>Bar</\w+>}, find_dot_node(diagram, "m_Bar")[:label].to_gv end test "generate should add record label for entities" do RailsERD.options.markup = false create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_equal %Q("Bar"), find_dot_node(diagram, "m_Bar")[:label].to_gv end test "generate should add attributes to entity html labels" do RailsERD.options.markup = true create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar", :column => :string assert_match %r{<\w+.*?>column <\w+.*?>string</\w+.*?>}, find_dot_node(diagram, "m_Bar")[:label].to_gv end test "generate should add attributes to entity record labels" do RailsERD.options.markup = false create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar", :column => :string, :column_two => :boolean assert_equal %Q("Bar|column (string)\\ncolumn_two (boolean)\\n"), find_dot_node(diagram, "m_Bar")[:label].to_gv end test "generate should not add any attributes to entity labels if attributes is set to false" do create_model "Jar", :contents => :string create_model "Lid", :jar => :references do belongs_to :jar end assert_no_match %r{contents}, find_dot_node(diagram(:attributes => false), "m_Jar")[:label].to_gv end test "node html labels should have direction reversing braces for vertical orientation" do RailsERD.options.markup = true create_model "Book", :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author", :name => :string assert_match %r(\A<\{\s*<.*\|.*>\s*\}>\Z)m, find_dot_node(diagram(:orientation => :vertical), "m_Author")[:label].to_gv end test "node html labels should not have direction reversing braces for horizontal orientation" do RailsERD.options.markup = true create_model "Book", :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author", :name => :string assert_match %r(\A<\s*<.*\|.*>\s*>\Z)m, find_dot_node(diagram(:orientation => :horizontal), "m_Author")[:label].to_gv end test "node record labels should have direction reversing braces for vertical orientation" do RailsERD.options.markup = false create_model "Book", :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author", :name => :string assert_match %r(\A"\{\w+|.*\}"\Z)m, find_dot_node(diagram(:orientation => :vertical), "m_Author")[:label].to_gv end test "node record labels should not have direction reversing braces for horizontal orientation" do RailsERD.options.markup = false create_model "Book", :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author", :name => :string assert_match %r(\A"\w+|.*"\Z)m, find_dot_node(diagram(:orientation => :horizontal), "m_Author")[:label].to_gv end test "generate should create edge for each relationship" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar", :foo => :references do belongs_to :foo end assert_equal [["m_Bar", "m_Foo"], ["m_Foo", "m_Bar"]], find_dot_node_pairs(diagram).sort end test "generate should create edge to polymorphic entity if polymorphism is true" do create_model "Cannon", :defensible => :references do belongs_to :defensible, :polymorphic => true end create_model "Stronghold" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end create_model "Galleon" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end assert_equal [["m_Defensible", "m_Cannon"], ["m_Defensible", "m_Galleon"], ["m_Defensible", "m_Stronghold"]], find_dot_node_pairs(diagram(:polymorphism => true)).sort end test "generate should create edge to each child of polymorphic entity if polymorphism is false" do create_model "Cannon", :defensible => :references do belongs_to :defensible, :polymorphic => true end create_model "Stronghold" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end create_model "Galleon" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end assert_equal [["m_Galleon", "m_Cannon"], ["m_Stronghold", "m_Cannon"]], find_dot_node_pairs(diagram).sort end test "generate should create edge to abstract entity if polymorphism is true" do create_model "Person", :settlement => :references create_model "Country" do has_many :settlements end create_model "Settlement" do self.abstract_class = true belongs_to :country has_many :people end create_model "City", Settlement, :country => :references assert_equal [["m_Country", "m_Settlement"], ["m_Settlement", "m_City"], ["m_Settlement", "m_Person"]], find_dot_node_pairs(diagram(:polymorphism => true)).sort end test "generate should create edge to each child of abstract entity if polymorphism is false" do create_model "Person", :settlement => :references create_model "Country" do has_many :settlements end create_model "Settlement" do self.abstract_class = true belongs_to :country has_many :people end create_model "City", Settlement, :country => :references assert_equal [["m_City", "m_Person"], ["m_Country", "m_City"]], find_dot_node_pairs(diagram).sort end # Simple notation style ==================================================== test "generate should use no style for one to one cardinalities with simple notation" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain assert_equal [["none", "none"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :simple)) end test "generate should use normal arrow head for one to many cardinalities with simple notation" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [["none", "normal"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :simple)) end test "generate should use normal arrow head and tail for many to many cardinalities with simple notation" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [["normal", "normal"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :simple)) end # Advanced notation style ================================================== test "generate should use open dots for one to one cardinalities with bachman notation" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain assert_equal [["odot", "odot"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :bachman)) end test "generate should use dots for mandatory one to one cardinalities with bachman notation" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :other end assert_equal [["dot", "odot"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :bachman)) end test "generate should use normal arrow and open dot head with dot tail for one to many cardinalities with bachman notation" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [["odot", "odotnormal"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :bachman)) end test "generate should use normal arrow and dot head for mandatory one to many cardinalities with bachman notation" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many end assert_equal [["dot", "odotnormal"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :bachman)) end test "generate should use normal arrow and open dot head and tail for many to many cardinalities with bachman notation" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [["odotnormal", "odotnormal"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :bachman)) end test "generate should use normal arrow and dot tail and head for mandatory many to many cardinalities with bachman notation" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain Many.class_eval do validates_presence_of :more end More.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many end assert_equal [["dotnormal", "dotnormal"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :bachman)) end # Crows-foot notation style ================================================ test "generate should use 0/1 crowsfeet for one to one cardinalities with crowsfoot notation" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain assert_equal [["teeodot", "teeodot"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :crowsfoot)) end test "generate should use 1/1 crowsfeet for mandatory one to one cardinalities with crowsfoot notation" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :other end assert_equal [["teeodot","teetee"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :crowsfoot)) end test "generate should use 0/* crowsfeet with 0/1 crowsfeet for one to many cardinalities with crowsfoot notation" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [["teeodot", "crowodot"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :crowsfoot)) end test "generate should use 0/* crowsfeet with 1/1 crowsfett for mandatory one to many cardinalities with crowsfoot notation" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many end assert_equal [["teeodot", "crowtee"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :crowsfoot)) end test "generate should use 0/* and 0/* crowsfeet for many to many cardinalities with crowsfoot notation" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [["crowodot", "crowodot"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :crowsfoot)) end test "generate should use 1/* and 1/* tail and head for mandatory many to many cardinalities with crowsfoot notation" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain Many.class_eval do validates_presence_of :more end More.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many end assert_equal [["crowtee", "crowtee"]], find_dot_edge_styles(diagram(:notation => :crowsfoot)) end end