require_relative '../helper' require_relative '../globals' module Fastlane # Adds all the necessary emojis (obv) # class InspectorReporter NUMBER_OF_ISSUES_INLINE = 3 # Called just as the investigation has begun. def inspector_started_query(query, inspector) puts("") puts("Looking for related GitHub issues on #{inspector.repo_owner}/#{inspector.repo_name}...") puts("Search query: #{query}") if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? puts("") end # Called once the inspector has recieved a report with more than one issue. def inspector_successfully_recieved_report(report, inspector) report.issues[0..(NUMBER_OF_ISSUES_INLINE - 1)].each { |issue| print_issue_full(issue) } if report.issues.count > NUMBER_OF_ISSUES_INLINE report.url.sub!('\'', '%27') puts("and #{report.total_results - NUMBER_OF_ISSUES_INLINE} more at: #{report.url}") puts("") end print_open_link_hint end # Called once the report has been recieved, but when there are no issues found. def inspector_recieved_empty_report(report, inspector) puts("Found no similar issues. To create a new issue, please visit:") puts("{inspector.repo_owner}/#{inspector.repo_name}/issues/new") puts("Run `fastlane env` to append the fastlane environment to your issue") end # Called when there have been networking issues in creating the report. def inspector_could_not_create_report(error, query, inspector) puts("Could not access the GitHub API, you may have better luck via the website.") puts("{inspector.repo_owner}/#{inspector.repo_name}/search?q=#{query}&type=Issues&utf8=✓") puts("Error: #{}") end private def print_issue_full(issue) resolved = issue.state == 'closed' status = (resolved ? : puts("➡️ #{issue.title.yellow}") puts(" #{issue.html_url} [#{status}] #{issue.comments} 💬") puts(" #{Time.parse(issue.updated_at).to_pretty}") puts("") end def print_open_link_hint(newline = false) puts("") if newline puts("🔗 You can ⌘ + double-click on links to open them directly in your browser.") if FastlaneCore::Helper.mac? end end end