module Padrino
module Cache
# Helpers supporting page or fragment caching within a request route.
module Helpers
# Page caching is easy to integrate into your application. To turn it on, simply provide the
# :cache => true option on either a controller or one of its routes.
# By default, cached content is persisted with a "file store"--that is, in a
# subdirectory of your application root.
# @example
# # Setting content expiry time
# class CachedApp < Padrino::Application
# enable :caching # turns on caching mechanism
# controller '/blog', :cache => true do
# expires_in 15
# get '/entries' do
# # expires_in 15 => can also be defined inside a single route
# 'just broke up eating twinkies lol'
# end
# get '/post/:id' do
# cache_key :my_name
# @post = Post.find(params[:id])
# end
# end
# end
# You can manually expire cache with CachedApp.cache.delete(:my_name)
# Note that the "latest" method call to expires_in determines its value: if
# called within a route, as opposed to a controller definition, the route's
# value will be assumed.
module Page
# This helper is used within a controller or route to indicate how often content
# should persist in the cache.
# After seconds seconds have passed, content previously cached will
# be discarded and re-rendered. Code associated with that route will not
# be executed; rather, its previous output will be sent to the client with a
# 200 OK status code.
# @param [Integer] time
# Time til expiration (seconds)
# @example
# controller '/blog', :cache => true do
# expires_in 15
# get '/entries' do
# # expires_in 15 => can also be defined inside a single route
# 'just broke up eating twinkies lol'
# end
# end
# @api public
def expires_in(time)
@route.cache_expires_in = time if @route
@_last_expires_in = time
# This helper is used within a route or route to indicate the name in the cache.
# @param [Symbol] name
# cache key
# @example
# controller '/blog', :cache => true do
# get '/post/:id' do
# cache_key :my_name
# @post = Post.find(params[:id])
# end
# end
# @api public
def cache_key(name)
@route.cache_key = name
# @private
def self.padrino_route_added(route, verb, path, args, options, block) # @private
if route.cache and %w(GET HEAD).include?(verb)
route.before_filters do
if settings.caching?
began_at =
value = settings.cache.get(@route.cache_key || env['PATH_INFO'])
logger.debug "GET Cache", began_at, @route.cache_key || env['PATH_INFO'] if defined?(logger) && value
if value
# content_type(value[:content_type]) if value[:content_type]
halt 200, value
route.after_filters do
if settings.caching? && @_response_buffer.kind_of?(String)
began_at =
content = @_response_buffer
if @_last_expires_in
settings.cache.set(@route.cache_key || env['PATH_INFO'], content, :expires_in => @_last_expires_in)
@_last_expires_in = nil
settings.cache.set(@route.cache_key || env['PATH_INFO'], content)
logger.debug "SET Cache", began_at, @route.cache_key || env['PATH_INFO'] if defined?(logger)
end # Page
end # Helpers
end # Cache
end # Padrino