[ { "source": "^I'm using a clean gemset \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a directory named \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a file named \"([^\"]*)\" with:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "a file named \"features/doc_string.feature\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/doc_string.feature" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/f.feature\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/f.feature" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/only_background_and_hooks.feature\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/only_background_and_hooks.feature" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/only_background_and_hooks_steps.rb\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/only_background_and_hooks_steps.rb" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/step_definitions/doc_string_steps.rb\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/step_definitions/doc_string_steps.rb" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/step_definitions/multiline_steps.rb\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/step_definitions/multiline_steps.rb" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/step_definitions/steps.rb\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/support/hooks.rb\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/support/hooks.rb" } ] }, { "name": "a file named \"features/support/ze/formator.rb\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 14, "val": "features/support/ze/formator.rb" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^a (\\d+) byte file named \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^an empty file named \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I write to \"([^\"]*)\" with:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I overwrite \"([^\"]*)\" with:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I append to \"([^\"]*)\" with:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I append to \"([^\"]*)\" with \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I remove the file \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I cd to \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I run \"(.*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I run `([^`]*)`$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "I run `cucumber -f stepdefs --dry-run`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -f stepdefs --dry-run" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -f usage --dry-run`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -f usage --dry-run" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q -t @one -t @three features/tagulicious.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q -t @one -t @three features/tagulicious.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q -t @one,@three features/tagulicious.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q -t @one,@three features/tagulicious.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/background_tagged_before_on_outline.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/background_tagged_before_on_outline.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/failing_background.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/failing_background.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/failing_background_after_success.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/failing_background_after_success.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/multiline_args_background.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/multiline_args_background.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/passing_background.feature:9`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/passing_background.feature:9" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/passing_background.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/passing_background.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/pending_background.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/pending_background.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/scenario_outline_failing_background.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/scenario_outline_failing_background.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/scenario_outline_passing_background.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/scenario_outline_passing_background.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber -q features/tagulicious.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber -q features/tagulicious.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber features/f.feature:2`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber features/f.feature:2" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber features/f.feature:6`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber features/f.feature:6" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber features/only_background_and_hooks.feature`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber features/only_background_and_hooks.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run `cucumber`", "args": [ { "offset": 7, "val": "cucumber" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^I successfully run \"(.*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I successfully run `([^`]*)`$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I run \"([^\"]*)\" interactively$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I run `([^`]*)` interactively$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^I type \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output should contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the output should contain \"WARNING\"", "args": [ { "offset": 27, "val": "WARNING" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^the output from \"([^\"]*)\" should contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output from \"([^\"]*)\" should not contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output should not contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output should contain:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the output should contain:", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^the output should not contain:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output should contain exactly \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output should contain exactly:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output should match \\/([^\\/]*)\\/$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the output should match:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the exit status should be (\\d+)$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the exit status should not be (\\d+)$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^it should (pass|fail) with:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "it should fail with:", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "fail" } ] }, { "name": "it should pass with:", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "pass" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^it should (pass|fail) with exactly:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "it should fail with exactly:", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "fail" } ] }, { "name": "it should pass with exactly:", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "pass" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^it should (pass|fail) with regexp?:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stderr should contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stderr should contain:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stderr should contain exactly:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stdout should contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stdout should contain:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stdout should contain exactly:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stderr should not contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stderr should not contain:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stdout should not contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stdout should not contain:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stdout from \"([^\"]*)\" should contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stdout from \"([^\"]*)\" should not contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stderr from \"([^\"]*)\" should contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the stderr from \"([^\"]*)\" should not contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the file \"([^\"]*)\" should not exist$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the following files should exist:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the following files should not exist:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a file named \"([^\"]*)\" should exist$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a file named \"([^\"]*)\" should not exist$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a (\\d+) byte file named \"([^\"]*)\" should exist$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the following directories should exist:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the following directories should not exist:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a directory named \"([^\"]*)\" should exist$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a directory named \"([^\"]*)\" should not exist$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the file \"([^\"]*)\" should contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the file \"([^\"]*)\" should not contain \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the file \"([^\"]*)\" should contain exactly:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the file \"([^\"]*)\" should match \\/([^\\/]*)\\/$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^the file \"([^\"]*)\" should not match \\/([^\\/]*)\\/$", "flags": "", "steps": [ ] }, { "source": "^a scenario \"([^\"]*)\" with:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "a scenario \"Add three numbers\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 12, "val": "Add three numbers" } ] }, { "name": "a scenario \"Add two numbers\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 12, "val": "Add two numbers" } ] }, { "name": "a scenario \"Basic Arithmetic\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 12, "val": "Basic Arithmetic" } ] }, { "name": "a scenario \"Calculate PI\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 12, "val": "Calculate PI" } ] }, { "name": "a scenario \"Simple math\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 12, "val": "Simple math" } ] }, { "name": "a scenario \"Too simple math\" with:", "args": [ { "offset": 12, "val": "Too simple math" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^the following feature:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the following feature:", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^the step \"([^\"]*)\" has a passing mapping$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the step \"I add 4 and 5\" has a passing mapping", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "I add 4 and 5" } ] }, { "name": "the step \"the result is 9\" has a passing mapping", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "the result is 9" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^the step \"([^\"]*)\" has a pending mapping$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the step \"I add 4 and 5\" has a pending mapping", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "I add 4 and 5" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^the step \"([^\"]*)\" has a failing mapping$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the step \"I add 4 and 5\" has a failing mapping", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "I add 4 and 5" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^Cucumber executes the scenario \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "Cucumber executes the scenario \"Basic Arithmetic\"", "args": [ { "offset": 32, "val": "Basic Arithmetic" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^Cucumber runs the feature$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "Cucumber runs the feature", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^Cucumber runs the scenario with steps for a calculator$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "Cucumber runs the scenario with steps for a calculator", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^the scenario passes$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the scenario passes", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^the scenario fails$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the scenario fails", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^the scenario is pending$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the scenario is pending", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^the scenario is undefined$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the scenario is undefined", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^the step \"([^\"]*)\" is skipped$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the step \"the result is 9\" is skipped", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "the result is 9" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^the feature passes$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "the feature passes", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^I run cucumber \"(.+)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "I run cucumber \"--format json features/doc_string.feature\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "--format json features/doc_string.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run cucumber \"--format json features/one_passing_one_failing.feature\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "--format json features/one_passing_one_failing.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run cucumber \"-b --format json features/embed.feature\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "-b --format json features/embed.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run cucumber \"features/f.feature --format Ze::Formator\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "features/f.feature --format Ze::Formator" } ] }, { "name": "I run cucumber \"features/foo.feature\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "features/foo.feature" } ] }, { "name": "I run cucumber \"features/one_passing_one_failing.feature -r features -f rerun\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "features/one_passing_one_failing.feature -r features -f rerun" } ] }, { "name": "I run cucumber \"features/sample.feature --tags ~@wip\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "features/sample.feature --tags ~@wip" } ] }, { "name": "I run cucumber \"features/sample.feature -r features --tags ~@wip\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "features/sample.feature -r features --tags ~@wip" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^it should (pass|fail) with JSON:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "it should fail with JSON:", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "fail" } ] }, { "name": "it should pass with JSON:", "args": [ { "offset": 10, "val": "pass" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^a directory without standard Cucumber project directory structure$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "a directory without standard Cucumber project directory structure", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^a scenario with a step that looks like this:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "a scenario with a step that looks like this:", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^a step definition that looks like this:$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "a step definition that looks like this:", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^I run the feature with the (\\w+) formatter$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "I run the feature with the progress formatter", "args": [ { "offset": 27, "val": "progress" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^I am running spork in the background$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "I am running spork in the background", "args": [ ] } ] }, { "source": "^jeg drikker en \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "jeg drikker en \"øl\"", "args": [ { "offset": 16, "val": "øl" } ] } ] }, { "source": "^skal de andre si \"([^\"]*)\"$", "flags": "", "steps": [ { "name": "skal de andre si \"skål\"", "args": [ { "offset": 18, "val": "skål" } ] } ] } ]