module Asciidoctor module Ietf class Converter < ::Asciidoctor::Standoc::Converter def relaton_relations %w(included-in described-by derived-from instance obsoletes updates) end def metadata_author(node, xml) personal_author(node, xml) end def metadata_publisher(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || "IETF" publishers.split(/,[ ]?/).each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "publisher" } c.organization { |a| organization(a, p) } end end end def metadata_copyright(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || "IETF" publishers.split(/,[ ]?/).each do |p| xml.copyright do |c| c.from (node.attr("copyright-year") || c.owner do |owner| owner.organization { |o| organization(o, p) } end end end end def organization(org, orgname) if ["IETF", "Internet Engineering Task Force"].include? orgname "Internet Engineering Task Force" org.abbreviation "IETF" else orgname end end def metadata_series(node, xml) xml.series **{ type: "stream" } do |s| s.title (node.attr("submission-type") || "IETF") end a = node.attr("intended-series") and xml.series **{ type: "intended" } do |s| parts = a.split(/ /) s.title parts[0] s.number parts[1..-1].join(" ") if parts.size > 1 end end def title(node, xml) ["en"].each do |lang| at = { language: lang, format: "text/plain" } xml.title **attr_code(at.merge(type: "main")) do |t| t << (::Asciidoctor::Standoc::Utils::asciidoc_sub(node.attr("title")) || ::Asciidoctor::Standoc::Utils::asciidoc_sub(node.attr("title-en")) || node.title) end a = node.attr("abbrev") and xml.title a, **attr_code(at.merge(type: "abbrev")) a = node.attr("asciititle") and xml.title a, **attr_code(at.merge(type: "ascii")) end end def metadata_committee(node, xml) return unless node.attr("workgroup") xml.editorialgroup do |a| committee_component("workgroup", node, a) end end def metadata_ext(node, xml) super x = node.attr("area") and x.split(/,\s*/).each do |a| xml.area a end x = node.attr("ipr") and xml.ipr x x = node.attr("consensus") and xml.consensus x x = node.attr("index-include") and xml.indexInclude x x = node.attr("ipr-extract") and xml.iprExtract x x = node.attr("sort-refs") and xml.sortRefs x x = node.attr("sym-refs") and xml.symRefs x x = node.attr("toc-include") and xml.tocInclude x x = node.attr("toc-depth") and xml.tocDepth x x = node.attr("show-on-front-page") and xml.showOnFrontPage x xml.pi { |pi| set_pi(node, pi) } end def set_pi(node, pi) rfc_pis = { artworkdelimiter: node.attr("artworkdelimiter"), artworklines: node.attr("artworklines"), authorship: node.attr("authorship"), autobreaks: node.attr("autobreaks"), background: node.attr("background"), colonspace: node.attr("colonspace"), comments: node.attr("comments"), docmapping: node.attr("docmapping"), editing: node.attr("editing"), emoticonic: node.attr("emoticonic"), footer: node.attr("footer"), header: node.attr("header"), inline: node.attr("inline"), iprnotified: node.attr("iprnotified"), linkmailto: node.attr("linkmailto"), linefile: node.attr("linefile"), notedraftinprogress: node.attr("notedraftinprogress"), private: node.attr("private"), refparent: node.attr("refparent"), rfcedstyle: node.attr("rfcedstyle"), slides: node.attr("slides"), "text-list-symbols": node.attr("text-list-symbols"), tocappendix: node.attr("tocappendix"), tocindent: node.attr("tocindent"), tocnarrow: node.attr("tocnarrow"), tocompact: node.attr("tocompact"), topblock: node.attr("topblock"), useobject: node.attr("useobject"), strict: node.attr("strict"), compact: node.attr("compact"), subcompact: node.attr("subcompact"), toc: node.attr("toc-include") == "false" ? "no" : "yes", tocdepth: node.attr("toc-depth"), symrefs: node.attr("sym-refs"), sortrefs: node.attr("sort-refs"), } pi_code(rfc_pis, pi) end def pi_code(rfc_pis, pi) rfc_pis.each_pair do |k, v| next if v.nil? pi.send k.to_s, v end end end end end