#!/usr/bin/env ruby # $BUILTIN # $NAME debug # $SERVICE Carioca::Services::ProxyDebug # $RESOURCE debug # $DESCRIPTION Proxy class debugger Service for Carioca # Copyright Ultragreen (c) 2012 #--- # Author : Romain GEORGES # type : class definition Ruby # obj : Generic Debugs tools library #--- require 'rubygems' require 'methodic' module Carioca module Services # Service Debug of Carioca # Proxy Class Debug for devs class ProxyDebug # ProxyDebug service constructor (has a class proxy => so a service proxy) # @param [Hash] _options the params # @option _options [String] :service the name of the service you want to proxyfying # @option _options [Hash] :params the params of the proxyfied service def initialize(_options) options = Methodic.get_options(_options) options.specify_classes_of :service => String options.specify_presence_of([:service]) options.validate! if options[:params] then @obj = Registry.init.start_service :name => options[:service], :params => options[:params] else @obj = Registry.init.start_service :name => options[:service] end @log = Registry.init.get_service :name => 'logger' @mapped_service = options[:service] end # method_missing overload to make the class proxy efficient def method_missing(methodname, *args,&block) @log.debug("ProxyDebug") { "BEGIN CALL for mapped service #{@mapped_service} "} @log.debug("ProxyDebug") { "called: #{methodname} " } @log.debug("ProxyDebug") { "args : #{args.join " "}" } if block_given? then @log.debug("ProxyDebug") { "block given" } a = @obj.send(methodname, *args,&block) else a = @obj.send(methodname, *args) end @log.debug("ProxyDebug") { "=> returned: #{a} " } @log.debug("ProxyDebug") { 'END CALL' } return a end end end end # protection for loading libs if $0 == __FILE__ then puts "#{File::basename(__FILE__)}:" puts 'this is a RUBY library file' puts "Copyright (c) Ultragreen" end