module RabbitFeed module TestingSupport module RSpecMatchers describe PublishEvent do let(:event_name) { 'test_event' } let(:event_payload) { {'field' => 'value'} } TestingSupport.capture_published_events self before do EventDefinitions do define_event('test_event', version: '1.0.0') do defined_as do 'The definition of a test event' end field('field', type: 'string', definition: 'field definition') end define_event('different name', version: '1.0.0') do defined_as do 'The definition of a test event with a different name' end end end end context 'when the expectation is met' do it 'validates' do expect { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event event_name, event_payload }.to publish_event(event_name, event_payload) end it 'validates the negation' do expect { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event 'different name', {} }.to_not publish_event(event_name, {}) end it 'traps exceptions' do expect { raise 'this hurts me more than it hurts you' }.to_not publish_event(event_name, {}) end context 'when not validating the payload' do it 'validates' do expect { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event event_name, event_payload }.to publish_event(event_name) end it 'validates the negation' do expect { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event 'different name', {} }.to_not publish_event(event_name) end end end it 'validates the event name' do matcher =, {}) block = { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event 'different name', {} } (matcher.matches? block).should be_falsey end context 'when validating the payload' do context 'and the payload is not a Proc' do it 'validates the event payload' do matcher =, event_payload) block = { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event event_name, {'field' => 'different value'} } (matcher.matches? block).should be_falsey end end context 'uses .with' do context 'and it is not a Proc' do it 'validates the event payload' do matcher =, nil).with(event_payload) block = { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event event_name, {'field' => 'different value'} } (matcher.matches? block).should be false end end context 'and it is a Proc' do it 'validates the event payload' do matcher =, nil).with{event_payload} block = { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event event_name, {'field' => 'different value'} } (matcher.matches? block).should be false end end end end end end end end