# # If you require 'epitools/minimal' instead of 'epitools', # this is what you get: core_ext monkeypatches and all the # autoloads; the barest essentials for survival. # if RUBY_VERSION[/^1.8/] require 'enumerator' Enumerator = Enumerable::Enumerator unless defined? Enumerator end RbConfig = Config unless defined? RbConfig class Object unless defined?(__DIR__) # # This method is convenience for the `File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))` idiom. # (taken from Michael Fellinger's Ramaze... thanx, dood! :D) # def __DIR__(*args) filename = caller[0][/^(.*):/, 1] dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(filename)) ::File.expand_path(::File.join(dir, *args.map{|a| a.to_s})) end end # # 'autoreq' is a replacement for autoload that can load gems. # # Usage: # autoreq :Constant, 'thing-to-require' # autoreq :Constant, 'thing-to-require' # autoreq :OtherConstant do # gem 'somegem', '~> 1.2' # require 'somegem' # end # def autoreq(const, path=nil, &block) raise "Error: autoreq must be supplied with a file to load, or a block." unless !!path ^ block_given? if block_given? Module.autoreqs[const] = block else Module.autoreqs[const] = path end end # # Remove an object, method, constant, etc. # def del(x) case x when String del(x.to_sym) when Class, Module Object.send(:remove_const, x.name) when Method x.owner.send(:undef_method, x.name) when Symbol if Object.const_get(x) Object.send(:remove_const, x) elsif method(x) undef_method x end else raise "Error: don't know how to 'del #{x.inspect}'" end end # The hidden singleton lurks behind everyone if defined? singleton_class alias metaclass singleton_class else def metaclass class << self self end end end def meta_eval &blk metaclass.instance_eval &blk end # Adds methods to a metaclass def meta_def name, &blk meta_eval { define_method name, &blk } end # Defines an instance method within a class def class_def name, &blk class_eval { define_method name, &blk } end # # Slightly gross hack to add a class method. # def self.alias_class_method(dest, src) metaclass.send(:alias_method, dest, src) end # # Turns block-accepting iterator methods (eg: each) into methods that return an # Enumerator when they're called called without a block. # # It can transform many methods at once (eg: `enumerable :each, :all_people`). # # Example: # # def lots_of_stuff # @stuff.each { |thing| yield thing } # end # # enumerable :lots_of_stuff # # Now you can use it like an Enumerator: object.lots_of_stuff.with_index.sort.zip(99..1000) # def self.enumerable *meths meths.each do |meth| alias_method "#{meth}_without_enumerator", meth class_eval %{ def #{meth}(*args, &block) return to_enum(#{meth.inspect}, *args, &block) unless block_given? #{meth}_without_enumerator(*args, &block) end } end end alias_class_method :enumerator, :enumerable # # Instead of: # if cookie_jar.include? cookie # Now you can do: # if cookie.in? cookie_jar # def in?(enum) enum.include? self end # # Proper grammar. # alias_method :is_an?, :is_a? alias_method :responds_to?, :respond_to? # # Instead of: # @person ? @person.name : nil # Now you can do: # @person.try(:name) # def try(method, *args, &block) send(method, *args, &block) if respond_to? method end # # Return this object. If given a block, yields this object # and returns the result of the block. # # eg: stuff.group_by(&:self) # define_method :self do if block_given? yield self else self end end alias_method :fap, :self end # # Patch 'Module#const_missing' to support 'autoreq' (which can autoload gems) # class Module @@autoreq_is_searching_for = nil alias const_missing_without_autoreq const_missing def const_missing(const) return if const == @@autoreq_is_searching_for if thing = autoreqs[const] case thing when String, Symbol require thing when Proc Object.class_eval(&thing) else raise "Error: Don't know how to autoload a #{thing.class}: #{thing.inspect}" end end @@autoreq_is_searching_for = const const_get(const) || const_missing_without_autoreq(const) end def autoreqs @@autoreqs ||= {} end end module Kernel # # Executes a command and returns its output. (Like the backtick operator, # but doesn't require shell ecaping arguments.) # def run(*cmd) result = IO.popen(cmd) do |io| block_given? ? yield(io) : io.read end String === result && result.empty? ? nil : result end alias_method :backtick, :run # # Same as Kernel#run, but includes stderr in the result. # def run_with_stderr(*cmd) result = IO.popen(cmd, err: [:child, :out]) do |io| block_given? ? yield(io) : io.read end String === result && result.empty? ? nil : result end alias_method :backtick_with_stderr, :run_with_stderr end class String # # Convert the string to a Path object (for representing files/directories). # def to_Path Path[self] end alias_method :to_P, :to_Path end # # Path("/some/path") is an alias for Path["/some/path"] # def Path(arg) Path[arg] end #################################################################### require 'epitools/autoloads' ####################################################################