module DropboxApi::Endpoints::Files class ListFolderLongpoll < DropboxApi::Endpoints::RpcNotify Method = :post Path = "/2/files/list_folder/longpoll".freeze ResultType = DropboxApi::Results::ListFolderLongpollResult ErrorType = DropboxApi::Errors::ListFolderLongpollError include DropboxApi::OptionsValidator # A longpoll endpoint to wait for changes on an account. In conjunction # with list_folder, this call gives you a low-latency way to monitor an # account for file changes. The connection will block until there are # changes available or a timeout occurs. This endpoint is useful mostly # for client-side apps. If you're looking for server-side notifications, # check out our webhooks documentation. # # @param cursor [String] A cursor as returned by list_folder or # list_folder_continue. # @option options timeout [Numeric] A timeout in seconds. The request will # block for at most this length of time, plus up to 90 seconds of random # jitter added to avoid the thundering herd problem. Care should be taken # when using this parameter, as some network infrastructure does not # support long timeouts. The default for this field is 30. add_endpoint :list_folder_longpoll do |cursor, options = {}| validate_options([ :timeout ], options) options[:timeout] ||= 30 perform_request options.merge({ :cursor => cursor }) end end end