--- - name: remove firewalld package: name: firewalld state: absent - name: make sure iptables is available package: name: iptables-services state: present - name: allow inbound for internal services iptables: chain: INPUT source: "" destination_port: "{{ item }}" protocol: tcp jump: ACCEPT with_items: - "5601" # Kibana - "8200" # APM - "9200" # Elastic - "9300" # Elastic - name: add yum repo for ElasticSearch yum_repository: name: elasticsearch gpgkey: https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch baseurl: https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/7.x/yum description: Elasticsearch repository for 7.x packages - name: install elasticsearch and related packages package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - elasticsearch - kibana - filebeat - httpd-tools - expect # XXX (this insecure convolution belongs in some kind of shared library) # We have to go through this tempfile dance because jinja doesn't actually see # decrypted vault data, apparently, so as soon as we try to do anything other # than write the whole decrypted blob to a file it fails to decrypt. That's # even if we try the various workarounds from: # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/24425 - name: create Elastic password temp file (ugh) tempfile: state: file suffix: temp register: elasticpw_tmpfile - name: "Write Elastic password to temp file" copy: dest: "{{ elasticpw_tmpfile.path }}" content: "{{ mu_vaults[mu_deploy_id]['elasticpw'] }}" - name: "Load Elastic password from temp file" slurp: src: "{{ elasticpw_tmpfile.path }}" register: elasticpw_yaml - name: From tmp YAML to dict set_fact: elasticpw_dict: "{{ elasticpw_yaml.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}" - name: decrypt elastic password set_fact: elasticpw: "{{ elasticpw_dict['password'] }}" - name: ElasticSearch config files in /etc/elasticsearch copy: dest: "/etc/elasticsearch/{{ item }}" src: "{{ item }}" mode: 0660 owner: root group: elasticsearch become: yes with_items: - jvm.options notify: - Restart elasticsearch - name: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml template: src: elasticsearch.yml.j2 dest: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml mode: 0660 owner: root group: elasticsearch become: yes notify: - Restart elasticsearch - name: Copy ElasticSearch certificate store into place copy: dest: "/etc/elasticsearch/{{ item }}" src: "/opt/mu/var/ssl/{{ inventory_hostname }}.pfx" mode: 0640 group: elasticsearch become: yes with_items: - elastic-certificates.p12 - http.p12 notify: - Restart elasticsearch - name: "Enable and start ElasticSearch" service: name: elasticsearch state: started - name: see if Elastic system passwords have been set shell: cmd: "/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords -s interactive 2>&1 | grep 'user has already been changed'" ignore_errors: true async: 30 poll: 5 no_log: true register: passwords_set - name: Create password-setter script template: src: password_set.expect.j2 dest: "/root/password_set.expect" mode: 0700 owner: root become: yes when: passwords_set is failed - name: set elastic system passwords command: cmd: "/root/password_set.expect" no_log: true become: yes when: passwords_set is failed - name: Remove password-setter scripts file: path: /root/password_set.expect state: absent - name: Copy Mu's CA copy: dest: "/etc/{{ item }}/elasticsearch-ca.pem" src: /opt/mu/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem mode: 0644 become: yes notify: - Restart kibana with_items: - kibana - name: Kibana config files in /etc/kibana template: dest: /etc/kibana/kibana.yml src: kibana.yml.j2 mode: 0640 become: yes notify: - Restart kibana - name: "Enable and start Kibana" service: name: kibana state: started - name: Check whether ElasticSearch S3 backup plugin is installed shell: | /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin list | grep '^repository-s3$' ignore_errors: true register: s3_present no_log: true become: yes - name: Install ElasticSearch S3 backup plugin shell: "/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install -b repository-s3" become: yes when: s3_present is failed notify: - Restart elasticsearch - name: "Force set a reasonable number of shards {{ mu_deployment['servers']['backend'] | json_query('[*].private_ip_address') }}" shell: | /bin/curl --user "elastic:{{ mu_vaults[mu_deploy_id]['elasticpw'] }}" -k -X PUT "https://{{ mu_deployment['servers']['backend'][inventory_hostname]['private_ip_address'] }}:9200/_cluster/settings" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "persistent": { "cluster.max_shards_per_node": "10000" } }' become: yes