require "carrierwave" module CarrierWave # adapt carrierwave mount to cards module CardMount include CarrierWave::Mount def uploaders Card.uploaders ||= {} end def uploader_options Card.uploader_options ||= {} end def mount_uploader column, uploader=nil, options={}, &block options[:mount_on] ||= :db_content super class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 event :store_#{column}_event, :finalize, on: :save, when: :store_#{column}_event? do store_#{column}! end # remove files only if card has no history event :remove_#{column}_event, :finalize, on: :delete, when: proc { |c| !c.history? } do remove_#{column}! end event :mark_remove_#{column}_false_event, :finalize, on: :update do mark_remove_#{column}_false end event :store_previous_changes_for_#{column}_event, :store, on: :update, when: proc { |c| !c.history? } do store_previous_changes_for_#{column} end event :remove_previously_stored_#{column}_event, :finalize, on: :update, when: proc { |c| !c.history?} do remove_previously_stored_#{column} end # don't attempt to store coded images unless ENV specifies it def store_#{column}_event? !coded? || ENV["STORE_CODED_FILES"] end def attachment #{column} end def store_attachment! set_specific.delete :#{column} store_#{column}! end def attachment_name "#{column}".to_sym end def read_uploader *args read_attribute *args end def write_uploader *args write_attribute *args end def #{column}=(new_file) return if new_file.blank? self.selected_action_id = unless history? assign_file(new_file) { super } end def remote_#{column}_url=(url) assign_file(url) { super } end def assign_file file db_column = _mounter(:#{column}).serialization_column send(:"\#{db_column}_will_change!") # unless attribute_is_changing? db_column if web? self.content = file else send(:"#{column}_will_change!") yield end end def remove_#{column}=(value) column = _mounter(:#{column}).serialization_column send(:"\#{column}_will_change!") super end def remove_#{column}! self.remove_#{column} = true write_#{column}_identifier self.remove_#{column} = false super end def #{column}_will_change! @#{column}_changed = true @#{column}_is_changing = true end def #{column}_is_changing? @#{column}_is_changing end def #{column}_changed? @#{column}_changed end def serializable_hash(opts=nil) except = opts&.dig(:except) && Array.wrap(opts[:except]).map(&:to_s) only = opts&.dig(:only) && Array.wrap(opts[:only]).map(&:to_s) self.class.uploaders.each_with_object(super(opts)) do |(column, uploader), hash| if (!only && !except) || (only && only.include?(column.to_s)) || (!only && except && !except.include?(column.to_s)) hash[column.to_s] = _mounter(column).uploader.serializable_hash end end end RUBY end end end