require 'digest/sha1' module Doozer # ViewHelpers which are included in Controllers and Partials module ViewHelpers # Returns a url from a hash of options. Expects option keys as symbols. # # :name - the to parse additional options with # # :base_url - the base url of the request # # => route tokens are replace the key/values pairs in the options. if a route token is found in the options it is replaced with a 'MISSING-key' string. # # => all remaining options are added as key=value query string parameters # # You can also pass a opt as a string which just passed it through. # def url(opt) url = '' if opt.kind_of? Hash # name (if present) trumps controller/action (if present) if opt[:name] # TODO: this needs to be only in dev mode name = opt.delete(:name) route = Doozer::Routing::Routes::get_by_name(name) return "MISSING-ROUTE-for-name-#{name}" if route .nil? url = "#{route.path}" # we need to swap out the tokens here and account for formats on the end of the path tokens = route.tokens tokens.last.gsub!(Regexp.compile("\.#{route.format.to_s}$"), '') if route.format != :html if not route.tokens.empty? tokens.each { |token| val = opt[token.to_sym] if val opt.delete(token.to_sym) else val = "MISSING-#{token}" end url.gsub!(/:#{token}/, val.to_s) } end # set base_url host = "" if opt[:base_url] host = opt.delete(:base_url) end # add qs pairs if not opt.empty? url += "?#{hash_to_qs(opt)}" end url = "#{host}#{url}" elsif opt.kind_of? String url = "#{opt}" end return url end # Creates an html anchor tag. # # text - the text of the anchor tag # # opt - a hash of options which are passed to url(opt) # # prop - a hash of anchor tag attributes to add to the link def link(text='', opt={}, prop={}) "#{text}" end # Creates an img tag. # # path - the src of the image tag # # prop - a hash of image tag attributes def img(path, prop={}) "" end # Creates a stylesheet link tag. # # path - the href of the link tag # # prop - a hash of link tag attributes. # # => Defaults to :rel=>'stylesheet', :type=>'text/css', :media=>'all' def stylesheet(path, prop={}) # prop[:rel] = 'stylesheet' if prop[:rel].nil? prop[:type] = 'text/css' if prop[:type].nil? prop[:media] = 'all' if prop[:media].nil? "" end # Creates a link tag for feeds. # # opt - a hash of options which are passed to url(opt) # # prop - a hash of link tag attributes. # # => Example: :rel=>'alternate', :type=>'application/rss+', :media=>'all' def feed(opt={}, prop={}) "" end # Creates a script tag. # # path - the src of the javascript tag # # prop - a hash of script tag attributes. # # => Defaults to: :type=>'text/javascript' def javascript(path, prop={}) prop[:type] = 'text/javascript' if prop[:type].nil? "" end # Creates a url for static files # # hahses the file date and appends it to the end of the file for cache busting... # # def static_url(path) Doozer::Configs.static_url(path) end # Render the page title # # retuns page title if it was set in a controller def title return @view[:title] ? @view[:title] : "" end # Creates metatags # # retuns a differnt metatag for each key/value added to @view[:meta] hash. See Doozer::Controller#meta for adding examples. def metatags #loop all metatags here... out=[] @view[:meta].each{ | key, value | out.push(""" """) } out.join("") end # Creates an authtoken form element # # By default, all post requests expect this value to be present unless overrided with Doozer::Controller#after_initialize # # You can customize the elemement id by passing arg[:id] to the method. # # The value contains an checksum of the app_name and cookie sid def authtoken(args={}) id = args[:id] if args[:id] "" end # Turns a hash of key/value pairs in to a key1="value1" key2="value2" key3="value3" def hash_to_props(opt={}) props=[] opt.each { | key, value | props.push("#{key.to_s}=\"#{value}\"") } return " #{props.join(" ")}" if props.length > 0 return "" end # Turns a hash of key/value pairs in querystring like key1=value%201&key2=value2&key3=value3 # # All values are CGI.escaped for output def hash_to_qs(opt={}) props=[] opt.each { | key, value | props.push("#{key.to_s}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}") } props.join("&") end # Safe encodes a string by entity encoding all less then and greater then signs # def h(s) s.gsub!(/&/,'&') s.gsub!(//,'>') return s end # Returns the base url configured in app.yml # def base_url Doozer::Configs.base_url end # Returns the env setting the application was loaded under (:development, :deployment, or :test) # def rack_env Doozer::Configs.rack_env end # Returns the app name configured in app.yml # def app_name Doozer::Configs.app_name end # Returns the app path the application was loaded in. This defaults to the path all scripts were executed from. In general, this is the root of your project directory unless specified otherwise. # def app_path Doozer::Configs.app_path end # Returns the ip address of the server # # Automatically accounts for proxied requests and returns HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if present. def ip if addr = @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] addr.split(',').last.strip else @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] end end # Returns the domain name of the request # def server_name @env['SERVER_NAME'] end # Returns the request path # def path @env['REQUEST_PATH'] end # Test if this person has a session with keys in it... def session? @session.empty? end private def timestamp_path(path) # p Doozer::Configs.rack_env return path if Doozer::Configs.rack_env == :deployment if path.index('?').nil? path = "#{path}?#{@bust_key}" else path = "#{path}&#{@bust_key}" end end ## check to see if form authtoken matches the one expected ## phrase defaults to 'sid' which the default used for form authtokens def authtoken_matches?(token, phrase=nil) phrase = @request.cookies['sid'] if phrase.nil? token == generate_authtoken(phrase) end def generate_authtoken(phrase) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{app_name}--#{phrase}--") end end end