var ComboAutoBox = {
// constructor
addTo: function (container, options) {
// generatea an ID based on current time
var generateAnId = function(prefix) {
var now = new Date().getTime();;
while ($("#" + prefix +"-" + now).length != 0) {
return "combo-auto-box-" + now;
// binds autocomplete to text field
var bindAutoComplete = function (inputId) {
$('#' + inputId).keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
if (options.type == 'full') {
$('#' + inputId).autocomplete( "close" );
selectData($('#' + inputId).val());
return false;
$('#' + inputId).autocomplete({
source: setAutoCompleteSource(inputId),
select: function(event, ui) {
if (options.type == 'simple') {
return selectData(;
} else {
return selectData($('#' + inputId).val());
// set autocomplete source
var setAutoCompleteSource = function (inputId) {
if (typeof options.source == 'string') {
return function(request, response) {
var term = 'term=' + $('#' + inputId).val();
var params = ( == null) ? term : + '&' + term;
return $.getJSON(options.source + '?' + params, response);
} else {
return options.source;
// generates text field with html options
var generateInputTag = function () {
var html = 'input type="text"';
if (options.html != null) {
$.each(options.html, function(key, value) {
html = html + ' '+ key +'="' + value + '"';
if ((options.html == null) || ( == null)) {
html = html + ' id="' + generateAnId('combo-auto-box') + '"';
return '<' + html + '>';
// On click opens modal image tag inside "i" tag through css
var generateImageTag = function () {
return '';
// Global div for combo auto box
var generateDivTag = function () {
return '
' + generateInputTag() + '
// dialog modal
var generateDivDialogModal = function (modalDialogId) {
$('').appendTo('#' + container);
$('#' + modalDialogId + ' > div.head > span.close').click(function() {
$('#' + modalDialogId).dialog('close');
$('#' + modalDialogId).dialog({
width: 500,
height: 400,
modal: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
autoOpen: false,
$("#" + modalDialogId).siblings('div.ui-dialog-titlebar').remove();
$('#' + container + ' > div.container-combo-auto-box > span.expand').click(function() {
// Selects an item form modal dialog when clicked on
var selectValueFromModalDialog = function (value) {
$('#' + container + ' > div.container-combo-auto-box > input').val(value);
// generates list for modal dialog
var getListForModalDialog = function (modalDialogId) {
if (typeof options.source == 'string') {
var term = 'term=';
var params = ( == null) ? term : + '&' + term;
$.getJSON(options.source + '?' + params, function(data) {
setListForModalDialog(modalDialogId, data);
} else {
setListForModalDialog(modalDialogId, options.source);
// set list for modal dialog
var setListForModalDialog = function (modalDialogId, data) {
var items = [];
$.each(data, function(index){
items.push('' + data[index].id +''+ data[index].label + '');
$('#' + modalDialogId + ' > div.list').css('height', ($('#' + modalDialogId).dialog("option", "height") - 60) + 'px');
$('#' + modalDialogId + ' > div.list > ul').html(items.join(''));
$('#' + modalDialogId + ' > div.list > ul > li').click(function() {
$('#' + modalDialogId).dialog('close');
$('#' + container + ' > div.container-combo-auto-box > input').val($(this).children('span.combo-auto-box-item-label').text());
// opens modal dialog
var openModalDialog = function (modalDialogId) {
$('#' + modalDialogId).dialog("open");
// starting generate modial dialog
var generateModalDialog = function (textField) {
$(generateImageTag()).prependTo('#' + container + ' > div.container-combo-auto-box');
spanTag = $('#' + container + ' > div.container-combo-auto-box > span.expand');
var paddingRight = 1;
try {
paddingRight = parseInt(textField.css('padding-right').replace(/px/, ''));
} catch (error) {
paddingRight = 1;
spanTag.css('margin', '2px 0px 0px ' + (paddingRight + textField.width() + 9).toString() + 'px');
// on select data
var selectData = function (selectedData) {
if (options.complete != null) {
// main
if (options == null) {
options = {};
if ((options.type == null) || ((options.type != 'simple') && (options.type != 'full'))) {
options.type = 'simple';
$('#' + container).html(generateDivTag());
textField = $('#' + container + ' > div.container-combo-auto-box > input');
if (options.type == 'simple') {