@announce Feature: 02) Prepare Monitor VM In order to launch a Zenoss server As a admin/developer I want to define the VM configuration via executable features Background: Given the Chef root directory "/tmp/chef" exists And the state of VM "chef" is "running" And I switch Vagrant environment And the Chef root directory "/tmp/monitor" exists And the state of VM "monitor" is not "running" Scenario: Clone a Chef skeleton repository Given the remote Chef repository "git://github.com/cookbooks/chef-repo.git" When I clone the remote Chef repository branch "master" to "monitor" And the local Chef repository exists Then I place all in "monitor" in "/tmp/monitor" Scenario: Migrate the previously generated private keys Then I successfully run `cp /tmp/chef/.chef/monitor.pem /tmp/monitor/.chef` And I successfully run `cp /tmp/chef/.chef/monitor.pem /tmp/monitor/mnt/etc` Scenario: Create some shared Vagrant configuration details Given the directory "hobos" And the file "hobos/vm.bo" contains nothing When I write to "hobos/vm.bo": """ vm.customize do |cvm| cvm.memory_size = 1024 cvm.vram_size = 12 cvm.cpu_count = 2 cvm.accelerate_3d_enabled = false cvm.accelerate_2d_video_enabled = false cvm.monitor_count = 1 cvm.bios.acpi_enabled = true cvm.bios.io_apic_enabled = false cvm.cpu.pae = true cvm.hw_virt.enabled = false cvm.hw_virt.nested_paging = false # STORAGE end """ And I place "hobos/vm.bo" in "/tmp/monitor" Scenario: Create the Monitor Node's Vagrantfile Given the file "Vagrantfile" contains nothing When I write to "Vagrantfile": """ Vagrant::Config.run do |config| @cc_root_path = File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__)) @cc_box_name = "monitor" @cc_node_name = "monitor" @cc_box_url = (Pathname(@cc_root_path) + 'lucid64.box').to_s @cc_ip = "" @cc_http_port = 48625 @cc_ssh_port = 48624 @cc_chef_server_url = "" @cc_host_mount = "#{@cc_root_path}/mnt" @cc_chefserver_path = Pathname(@cc_root_path).parent + 'chef' @cc_validation_key_path = "#{@cc_chefserver_path}/mnt/etc/validation.pem" config.vm.define :monitor do |cfg| cfg.send :eval, IO.read("#{@cc_root_path}/hobos/vm.bo") cfg.vm.box = @cc_box_name cfg.vm.box_url = @cc_box_url cfg.vm.boot_mode = :vrdp # :vrdp (headless) or :gui cfg.vm.network @cc_ip # host-only network IP cfg.vm.forward_port "http", 80, @cc_http_port # Accessible outside the host-only network cfg.vm.forward_port "ssh", 22, @cc_ssh_port, :auto => true cfg.vm.share_folder("chef", "~/chef", "#{@cc_host_mount}/chef" ) cfg.vm.share_folder( "chef-client-etc", "/etc/chef", "#{@cc_host_mount}/etc", :nfs => false ) # name, /vm/path, /real/path cfg.vm.provision :chef_server do |chef| chef.log_level = :debug chef.node_name = @cc_node_name chef.chef_server_url = @cc_chef_server_url chef.validation_key_path = @cc_validation_key_path chef.validation_client_name = "chef-validator" chef.client_key_path = "/etc/chef/monitor.pem" end end end """ And I place "Vagrantfile" in "/tmp/monitor" And I run `bash -c 'cp ~/chef/vagrant/lucid64.box /tmp/monitor'` Scenario: Configure Knife file for the Monitor's client certificate Given the directory ".chef" And the file ".chef/knife.rb" contains: """ current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) user = ENV['CHEF_USER'] || ENV['OPSCODE_USER'] || ENV['USER'] || `whoami` org = ENV['CHEF_ORGNAME'] || 'Private' email = ENV['CHEF_EMAIL'] || "#{user}@mailinator.com" log_path = "#{current_dir}/../log" node_name 'monitor' chef_server_url "http://localhost:4000" log_level :debug log_location "#{log_path}/client_#{node_name}.log" verbose_logging true client_key "#{current_dir}/#{node_name}.pem" cache_type 'BasicFile' cache_options :path => "#{log_path}/checksums" cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks", "#{current_dir}/../site-cookbooks"] cookbook_copyright user cookbook_license "apachev2" cookbook_email email # Amazon Web Services: knife[:aws_access_key_id] = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] if ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] if ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] # Rackspace: knife[:rackspace_api_key] = ENV['RS_API_KEY'] if ENV['RS_API_KEY'] knife[:rackspace_api_username] = ENV['RS_API_USERNAME'] if ENV['RS_API_USERNAME'] # Slicehost knife[:slicehost_password] = ENV['SH_PASSWORD'] if ENV['SH_PASSWORD'] # Terremark knife[:terremark_password] = ENV['TM_PASSWORD'] if ENV['TM_PASSWORD'] knife[:terremark_username] = ENV['TM_USERNAME'] if ENV['TM_USERNAME'] knife[:terremark_service] = ENV['TM_SERVICE'] if ENV['TM_SERVICE'] """ And I place ".chef/knife.rb" in "/tmp/monitor" And I place ".chef/knife.rb" in "/tmp/monitor/mnt/chef"