module Admin module ResourcesHelper include FiltersHelper include FormHelper include RelationshipsHelper include PreviewHelper include SearchHelper include SidebarHelper include TableHelper #-- # If there's a partial with a "microformat" of the data we want to # display, this will be used, otherwise we use a default table which # it's build from the options defined on the yaml configuration file. #++ def build_list(model, fields, items, resource = @resource.to_resource, link_options = {}, association = nil) template = "app/views/admin/#{resource}/_#{resource.singularize}.html.erb" if File.exist?(template) render :partial => template.gsub('/_', '/'), :collection => items, :as => :item else build_table(model, fields, items, link_options, association) end end def display_link_to_previous return unless params[:back_to] options = {} options[:resource_from] = @resource.model_name.human options[:resource_to] = params[:resource].classify.constantize.model_name.human if params[:resource] editing = %w( edit update ).include?(params[:action]) message = case when params[:resource] && editing "You're updating a %{resource_from} for %{resource_to}." when editing "You're updating a %{resource_from}." when params[:resource] "You're adding a new %{resource_from} to %{resource_to}." else "You're adding a new %{resource_from}." end message = _t(message, :resource_from => options[:resource_from], :resource_to => options[:resource_to]) render File.join(path, "display_link_to_previous"), :message => message end def pagination(*args) @options = args.extract_options! render File.join(path, "pagination") if @items.prev || end =begin # TODO: This method should show a list of actions for the actual record. def custom_actions(klass) options = { :controller => klass.to_resource } items = klass.typus_actions_on("index").map do |action| if @current_user.can?(action, klass) (link_to _t(action.humanize), options.merge(:action => action)) end end end =end private def path "admin/helpers/resources" end end end