Given /^I am in the directory "(.*)"$/ do |sandbox_dir_relative_path| path = File.join(SporkWorld::SANDBOX_DIR, sandbox_dir_relative_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) @current_dir = File.join(path) end Given /^a file named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |file_name| create_file(file_name, '') end Given /^a file named "([^\"]*)" with:$/ do |file_name, file_content| create_file(file_name, file_content) end When /^the contents of "([^\"]*)" are changed to:$/ do |file_name, file_content| create_file(file_name, file_content) end # the following code appears in "config/environment.rb" after / Given /^the following code appears in "([^\"]*)" after \/([^\\\/]*)\/:$/ do |file_name, regex, content| regex = in_current_dir do content_lines ="\n") 0.upto(content_lines.length - 1) do |line_index| if regex.match(content_lines[line_index]) content_lines.insert(line_index + 1, content) break end end, 'wb') { |f| f << (content_lines * "\n") } end end When /^I run (spork|spec|cucumber)(| .*)$/ do |command, args| run(localized_command(command, args)) end When /^I run this in the background: (spork|spec|cucumber)(| .*)$/ do |command, args| @background_script = run_in_background(localized_command(command, args)) end When /^I fire up a spork instance with "spork(.*)"$/ do |spork_opts| @spork_server = run_in_background("#{SporkWorld::RUBY_BINARY} -I #{Cucumber::LIBDIR} #{SporkWorld::BINARY} #{spork_opts}") output = "" begin status = Timeout::timeout(15) do # Something that should be interrupted if it takes too much time... while line = @spork_server.stderr.gets output << line puts line break if line.include?("Spork is ready and listening") end end rescue Timeout::Error puts "I can't seem to launch Spork properly. Output was:\n#{output}" true.should == false end end Then /^the spork window should output a line containing "(.+)"/ do |expected| output = "" begin status = Timeout::timeout(5) do # Something that should be interrupted if it takes too much time... while line = @spork_server.stdout.gets output << line puts line break if output.include?(expected) end end rescue Timeout::Error output.should include(expected) end end When /^I type this in the spork window: "(.+)"/ do |line| @spork_server.stdin.puts(line) @spork_server.stdin.flush end Then /^the file "([^\"]*)" should include "([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename, content| in_current_dir do include(content) end end Then /^the (error output|output) should contain$/ do |which, text| (which == "error output" ? last_stderr : last_stdout).should include(text) end Then /^the (error output|output) should contain "(.+)"$/ do |which, text| (which == "error output" ? last_stderr : last_stdout).should include(text) end Then /^the (error output|output) should match \/(.+)\/$/ do |which, regex| (which == "error output" ? last_stderr : last_stdout).should match( end Then /^the (error output|output) should not contain$/ do |which, text| (which == "error output" ? last_stderr : last_stdout).should_not include(text) end Then /^the (error output|output) should not contain "(.+)"$/ do |which, text| (which == "error output" ? last_stderr : last_stdout).should_not include(text) end Then /^the (error output|output) should be empty$/ do |which| (which == "error output" ? last_stderr : last_stdout).should == "" end Then /^the (error output|output) should be$/ do |which, text| (which == "error output" ? last_stderr : last_stdout).should == text end