require 'faraday' require 'faraday_middleware' require 'faraday_middleware/oauth2_refresh' require 'oauth2' module MediumSdk::Connection class AuthCode OAUTH_HOST = '' OAUTH_AUTHZ_ENDPOINT = '/m/oauth/authorize' OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = '/m/oauth/token' API_HOST = '' API_VERSION = 'v1' attr_reader :client_id attr_accessor :authcode_client attr_accessor :oauth2client attr_accessor :oauth_redirect_uri attr_accessor :http attr_accessor :token def initialize(opts = {}) init_attributes @client_id = opts[:client_id] if opts.key? :client_id @client_secret = opts[:client_secret] if opts.key? :client_secret @oauth_redirect_uri = opts[:redirect_uri] if opts.key? :redirect_uri @scope = opts[:scope] if opts.key? :scope @instance_headers = opts[:instance_headers] if opts.key? :instance_headers @oauth2client = new_oauth2_client @authcode_client = new_auth_code_client end def init_attributes() @token = nil @http = nil @instance_headers = nil end def set_token(token) if token.is_a? Hash token = OAuth2::AccessToken::from_hash @oauth2client, token elsif token.is_a? String if token =~ /^\s*{.+}\s*$/ token_hash = MultiJson.decode(token) token = OAuth2::AccessToken::from_hash @oauth2client, token_hash else token = { 'access_token' => token } token = OAuth2::AccessToken::from_hash @oauth2client, token end end unless token.is_a? OAuth2::AccessToken raise "Token is not a OAuth2::AccessToken" end @token = token @http = api_version_uri()) do |conn| conn.request :oauth2_refresh, @token conn.request :json if @instance_headers.is_a? Hash @instance_headers.each do |k,v| conn.headers[k] = v end end conn.response :json, content_type: /\bjson$/ conn.response :logger conn.adapter Faraday.default_adapter end end def api_version_uri() return File.join API_HOST, API_VERSION end def authorize_uri(opts = {}) @oauth2client = new_oauth2_client() unless @oauth2client opts.merge!({ 'client_id' => @client_id, 'response_type' => 'code'}) if ! opts.key(:scope) && ! opts.key('scope') && @scope opts.merge!({ 'scope' => @scope }) end @oauth2client.auth_code.authorize_url _add_redirect_uri(opts) end def _add_redirect_uri(opts = {}) if !opts.key?(:redirect_uri) && @oauth_redirect_uri.to_s.length > 0 opts[:redirect_uri] = @oauth_redirect_uri.to_s end return opts end def authorize_code(code, opts = {}) #token = @oauth2client.auth_code.get_token(code, _add_redirect_uri(opts)) params = { code: code, client_id: @client_id, client_secret: @client_secret, redirect_uri: @oauth_redirect_uri, grant_type: 'authorization_code' } res = '/v1/tokens', params set_token res.body return @token end def new_auth_code_client return API_HOST) do |faraday| faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params faraday.response :json, content_type: /\bjson$/ faraday.response :logger # log requests to STDOUT faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP end end def new_oauth2_client return, @client_secret, site: OAUTH_HOST, authorize_url: OAUTH_AUTHZ_ENDPOINT, token_url: OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT) end end end