require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") require 'erb' describe MetricFu::Template do before(:each) do @template = end describe "#erbify" do it 'should evaluate a erb doc' do section = 'section' File.stub!(:read).and_return('foo') erb = mock('erb') erb.should_receive(:result) ERB.should_receive(:new).with('foo').and_return(erb) @template.should_receive(:template).and_return('foo') @template.send(:erbify, section) end end describe "#template_exists? " do before(:each) do @section = mock('section') @template.should_receive(:template). with(@section).and_return(@section) end describe 'if the template exists' do it 'should return true' do File.should_receive(:exist?).with(@section).and_return(true) result = @template.send(:template_exists?, @section) result.should be_true end end describe 'if the template does not exist' do it 'should return false' do File.should_receive(:exist?).with(@section).and_return(false) result = @template.send(:template_exists?, @section) result.should be_false end end end describe "#create_instance_var" do it 'should set an instance variable with the passed contents' do section = 'section' contents = 'contents' @template.send(:create_instance_var, section, contents) @template.instance_variable_get(:@section).should == contents end end describe "#template" do it 'should generate the filename of the template file' do section = mock('section') section.should_receive(:to_s).and_return('section') @template.should_receive(:this_directory).and_return('dir') result = @template.send(:template, section) result.should == "dir/section.html.erb" end end describe "#output_filename" do it 'should generate the filename of the output file' do section = mock('section') section.should_receive(:to_s).and_return('section') result = @template.send(:output_filename, section) result.should == "section.html" end end describe "#inline_css" do it 'should return the contents of a css file' do css = 'mycss.css' @template.should_receive(:this_directory).and_return('dir') io = mock('io', :read => "css contents") @template.should_receive(:open).and_yield(io) result = @template.send(:inline_css, css) result.should == 'css contents' end end describe "#link_to_filename " do describe "when on OS X" do before(:each) do config = mock("configuration") config.stub!(:platform).and_return('universal-darwin-9.0') config.stub!(:darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks).and_return(false) config.stub!(:link_prefix).and_return(nil) MetricFu.stub!(:configuration).and_return(config) end it 'should return a textmate protocol link' do File.stub!(:expand_path).with('filename').and_return('/expanded/filename') result = @template.send(:link_to_filename, 'filename') result.should eql("filename") end it "should do the right thing with a filename that starts with a slash" do File.stub!(:expand_path).with('filename').and_return('/expanded/filename') result = @template.send(:link_to_filename, '/filename') result.should eql("/filename") end it "should include a line number" do File.stub!(:expand_path).with('filename').and_return('/expanded/filename') result = @template.send(:link_to_filename, 'filename', 6) result.should eql("filename:6") end describe "but no thanks for txtmt" do before(:each) do config = mock("configuration") config.stub!(:platform).and_return('universal-darwin-9.0') config.stub!(:darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks).and_return(true) config.stub!(:link_prefix).and_return(nil) MetricFu.stub!(:configuration).and_return(config) File.should_receive(:expand_path).and_return('filename') end it "should return a file protocol link" do name = "filename" result = @template.send(:link_to_filename, name) result.should == "filename" end end describe "and given link text" do it "should use the submitted link text" do File.stub!(:expand_path).with('filename').and_return('/expanded/filename') result = @template.send(:link_to_filename, 'filename', 6, 'link content') result.should eql("link content") end end end describe "when on other platforms" do before(:each) do config = mock("configuration") config.should_receive(:platform).and_return('other') config.stub!(:link_prefix).and_return(nil) config.stub!(:darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks).and_return(false) MetricFu.stub!(:configuration).and_return(config) File.should_receive(:expand_path).and_return('filename') end it 'should return a file protocol link' do name = "filename" result = @template.send(:link_to_filename, name) result.should == "filename" end end describe "when configured with a link_prefix" do before(:each) do config = mock("configuration") config.should_receive(:link_prefix).and_return('') MetricFu.stub!(:configuration).and_return(config) File.should_receive(:expand_path).and_return('filename') end it 'should return a http protocol link' do name = "filename" result = @template.send(:link_to_filename, name) result.should == "filename" end end end describe "#cycle" do it 'should return the first_value passed if iteration passed is even' do first_val = "first" second_val = "second" iter = 2 result = @template.send(:cycle, first_val, second_val, iter) result.should == first_val end it 'should return the second_value passed if iteration passed is odd' do first_val = "first" second_val = "second" iter = 1 result = @template.send(:cycle, first_val, second_val, iter) result.should == second_val end end end