require 'bundler/setup' require 'nokogiri' module ObjectiveCi class CiTasks attr_accessor :exclusions LINT_DESTINATION = "lint.xml" DUPLICATION_DESTINATION = "duplication.xml" LINE_COUNT_DESTINATION = "" def initialize @exclusions = ["vendor"] if using_pods? @exclusions << "Pods" `bundle exec pod install` end end def build(opts={}) lint(opts) lines_of_code(opts) test_suite(opts) duplicate_code_detection(opts) end def lint(opts={}) requires_at_least_one_option(opts, :workspace, :project) requires_options(opts, :scheme) opts[:configuration] ||= "Release" sliced_opts = { |k, v| [:scheme, :workspace, :project, :configuration].include?(k) } xcodebuild_opts_string = sliced_opts.reduce("") { |str, (k, v)| str += " -#{k} #{v}" } xcodebuild_opts_string += " ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO clean build" call_binary("xcodebuild", xcodebuild_opts_string, "| tee xcodebuild.log", opts) # oclint-xcodebuild will fail if we don't exclude Pods (absolute path) pods_dir = "#{Dir.pwd}/Pods" call_binary("oclint-xcodebuild", "-e \"#{pods_dir}\"", "", opts) ocjcd_opts_string = "#{exclusion_options_list("-e")} -- -report-type=pmd -o=#{LINT_DESTINATION}" call_binary("oclint-json-compilation-database", ocjcd_opts_string, "", opts) end def test_suite(opts={}) requires_at_least_one_option(opts, :workspace, :project) requires_options(opts ,:scheme) if !opts[:xcodebuild_override] && xcode_version < 5.0 puts_red "WARNING: Xcode version #{xcode_version} is less than 5.0, and tests will likely not run" end sliced_opts = { |k, v| [:scheme, :workspace, :project].include?(k) } xcodebuild_opts_string = sliced_opts.reduce("") { |str, (k, v)| str += " -#{k} #{v}" } xcodebuild_opts_string += " -destination name=iPad -destination-timeout=10 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO test" call_binary("xcodebuild", xcodebuild_opts_string, ">&1 | bundle exec ocunit2junit", opts) end def lines_of_code(opts={}) call_binary("sloccount", "--duplicates --wide --details .", "| grep -v #{exclusion_options_list("-e")} > #{LINE_COUNT_DESTINATION}", opts) end def duplicate_code_detection(opts={}) opts[:minimum_tokens] ||= 100 # Use `sed` to change paths like `/some/code/./path.m` to `/some/code/path.m`, or else the Violations plugin in Jenkins # doesn't work correctly. call_binary("pmd-cpd-objc", "--minimum-tokens #{opts[:minimum_tokens]}", "| LC_CTYPE=C LANG=C sed 's/\\/\\.\\//\\//' > #{DUPLICATION_DESTINATION}", opts) pmd_exclude end private def exclusion_options_list(option_flag) if exclusions.empty? '' else wrapped_exclusions = { |e| "\"#{e}\"" } "#{option_flag} #{wrapped_exclusions.join(" #{option_flag} ")}" end end private def using_pods? File.exists?("Podfile") end private def call_binary(binary, cl_options, tail, opts={}) extra_options = opts["#{binary}_options".to_sym] override_options = opts["#{binary}_override".to_sym] cl_options = override_options ? extra_options : "#{cl_options} #{extra_options}" command = "#{binary} #{cl_options} #{tail}" command.prepend("bundle exec ") unless binary == "xcodebuild" puts command puts `#{command}` end private def requires_options(opts, *keys) keys.each do |k| raise "option #{k} is required." unless opts.has_key?(k) end end private def requires_at_least_one_option(opts, *keys) if (opts.keys && keys).empty? raise "at least one of the options #{keys.join(", ")} is required" end end private def pmd_exclude # Unfortunately, pmd doesn't seem to provide any nice out-of-the-box way for excluding files from the results. absolute_exclusions = { |e| "#{Dir.pwd}/#{e}/" } regex_exclusion ="(#{absolute_exclusions.join("|")})") output = Nokogiri::XML( output.xpath("//duplication").each do |duplication_node| if duplication_node.xpath("file").all? { |n| n["path"] =~ regex_exclusion } duplication_node.remove end end, 'w') { |file| file.write(output.to_s) } end private def xcode_version matches = `xcodebuild -version`.match(/^Xcode ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) matches ? matches[1].to_f : 0.0 end private def puts_red(str) puts "\e[31m#{str}\e[0m" end end end