# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/nokogiri/all/nokogiri.rbi # # nokogiri-1.10.3 class Nokogiri::XML::Document < Nokogiri::XML::Node def <<(node_or_tags); end def add_child(node_or_tags); end def canonicalize(*arg0); end def clone(*arg0); end def collect_namespaces; end def create_cdata(string, &block); end def create_comment(string, &block); end def create_element(name, *args, &block); end def create_entity(*arg0); end def create_text_node(string, &block); end def decorate(node); end def decorators(key); end def document; end def dup(*arg0); end def encoding; end def encoding=(arg0); end def errors; end def errors=(arg0); end def fragment(tags = nil); end def initialize(*args); end def inspect_attributes; end def name; end def namespaces; end def remove_namespaces!; end def root; end def root=(arg0); end def self.empty_doc?(string_or_io); end def self.new(*arg0); end def self.parse(string_or_io, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end def self.read_io(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def self.read_memory(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def self.wrap(document); end def slop!; end def to_java; end def to_xml(*args, &block); end def url; end def validate; end def version; end end class Nokogiri::HTML::Document < Nokogiri::XML::Document def fragment(tags = nil); end def meta_content_type; end def meta_encoding; end def meta_encoding=(encoding); end def self.new(*arg0); end def self.parse(string_or_io, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end def self.read_io(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def self.read_memory(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def serialize(options = nil); end def set_metadata_element(element); end def title; end def title=(text); end def type; end end class Nokogiri::XML::Node def <<(node_or_tags); end def <=>(other); end def ==(other); end def >(selector); end def [](name); end def []=(name, value); end def accept(visitor); end def add_child(node_or_tags); end def add_child_node(arg0); end def add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(node); end def add_class(name); end def add_namespace(arg0, arg1); end def add_namespace_definition(arg0, arg1); end def add_next_sibling(node_or_tags); end def add_next_sibling_node(arg0); end def add_previous_sibling(node_or_tags); end def add_previous_sibling_node(arg0); end def add_sibling(next_or_previous, node_or_tags); end def after(node_or_tags); end def ancestors(selector = nil); end def append_class(name); end def attr(name); end def attribute(arg0); end def attribute_nodes; end def attribute_with_ns(arg0, arg1); end def attributes; end def before(node_or_tags); end def blank?; end def canonicalize(mode = nil, inclusive_namespaces = nil, with_comments = nil); end def cdata?; end def child; end def children; end def children=(node_or_tags); end def classes; end def clone(*arg0); end def coerce(data); end def comment?; end def compare(arg0); end def content; end def content=(string); end def create_external_subset(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def create_internal_subset(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def css_path; end def decorate!; end def default_namespace=(url); end def delete(name); end def description; end def do_xinclude(options = nil); end def document; end def document?; end def dump_html; end def dup(*arg0); end def each; end def elem?; end def element?; end def element_children; end def elements; end def encode_special_chars(arg0); end def external_subset; end def first_element_child; end def fragment(tags); end def fragment?; end def get(arg0); end def get_attribute(name); end def has_attribute?(arg0); end def html?; end def in_context(arg0, arg1); end def initialize(name, document); end def inner_html(*args); end def inner_html=(node_or_tags); end def inner_text; end def inspect_attributes; end def internal_subset; end def key?(arg0); end def keys; end def lang; end def lang=(arg0); end def last_element_child; end def line; end def matches?(selector); end def name; end def name=(arg0); end def namespace; end def namespace=(ns); end def namespace_definitions; end def namespace_scopes; end def namespaced_key?(arg0, arg1); end def namespaces; end def native_content=(arg0); end def native_write_to(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def next; end def next=(node_or_tags); end def next_element; end def next_sibling; end def node_name; end def node_name=(arg0); end def node_type; end def parent; end def parent=(parent_node); end def parse(string_or_io, options = nil); end def path; end def pointer_id; end def prepend_child(node_or_tags); end def previous; end def previous=(node_or_tags); end def previous_element; end def previous_sibling; end def process_xincludes(arg0); end def processing_instruction?; end def read_only?; end def remove; end def remove_attribute(name); end def remove_class(name = nil); end def replace(node_or_tags); end def replace_node(arg0); end def self.new(*arg0); end def serialize(*args, &block); end def set(arg0, arg1); end def set_attribute(name, value); end def set_namespace(arg0); end def swap(node_or_tags); end def text; end def text?; end def to_format(save_option, options); end def to_html(options = nil); end def to_s; end def to_str; end def to_xhtml(options = nil); end def to_xml(options = nil); end def traverse(&block); end def type; end def unlink; end def values; end def wrap(html); end def write_format_to(save_option, io, options); end def write_html_to(io, options = nil); end def write_to(io, *options); end def write_xhtml_to(io, options = nil); end def write_xml_to(io, options = nil); end def xml?; end include Enumerable include Nokogiri::XML::PP::Node include Nokogiri::XML::Searchable end class Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment < Nokogiri::XML::Node def coerce(data); end def css(*args); end def dup; end def errors; end def errors=(things); end def initialize(document, tags = nil, ctx = nil); end def name; end def namespace_declarations(ctx); end def search(*rules); end def self.new(*arg0); end def self.parse(tags); end def serialize; end def to_html(*args); end def to_s; end def to_xhtml(*args); end def to_xml(*args); end end class Nokogiri::XML::Text < Nokogiri::XML::CharacterData def content=(string); end def self.new(*arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::CDATA < Nokogiri::XML::Text def name; end def self.new(*arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::ProcessingInstruction < Nokogiri::XML::Node def initialize(document, name, content); end def self.new(*arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::Attr < Nokogiri::XML::Node def content=(arg0); end def inspect_attributes; end def self.new(*arg0); end def to_s; end def value; end def value=(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::EntityReference < Nokogiri::XML::Node def children; end def inspect_attributes; end def self.new(*arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::Comment < Nokogiri::XML::CharacterData def self.new(*arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet def %(*args); end def &(arg0); end def +(arg0); end def -(arg0); end def <<(arg0); end def ==(other); end def >(selector); end def [](*arg0); end def add_class(name); end def after(datum); end def append_class(name); end def at(*args); end def attr(key, value = nil, &block); end def attribute(key, value = nil, &block); end def before(datum); end def children; end def clone; end def css(*args); end def delete(arg0); end def document; end def document=(arg0); end def dup; end def each; end def empty?; end def filter(expr); end def first(n = nil); end def include?(arg0); end def index(node = nil); end def initialize(document, list = nil); end def inner_html(*args); end def inner_text; end def inspect; end def last; end def length; end def pop; end def push(arg0); end def remove; end def remove_attr(name); end def remove_attribute(name); end def remove_class(name = nil); end def reverse; end def set(key, value = nil, &block); end def shift; end def size; end def slice(*arg0); end def text; end def to_a; end def to_ary; end def to_html(*args); end def to_s; end def to_xhtml(*args); end def to_xml(*args); end def unlink; end def wrap(html); end def xpath(*args); end def |(arg0); end include Enumerable include Nokogiri::XML::Searchable end class Nokogiri::XML::XPathContext def evaluate(*arg0); end def register_namespaces(namespaces); end def register_ns(arg0, arg1); end def register_variable(arg0, arg1); end def self.new(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::ParserContext def column; end def line; end def parse_with(arg0); end def recovery; end def recovery=(arg0); end def replace_entities; end def replace_entities=(arg0); end def self.file(arg0); end def self.io(arg0, arg1); end def self.memory(arg0); end def self.new(thing, encoding = nil); end end class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::PushParser def <<(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end def document; end def document=(arg0); end def finish; end def initialize(doc = nil, file_name = nil, encoding = nil); end def initialize_native(arg0, arg1); end def native_write(arg0, arg1); end def options; end def options=(arg0); end def replace_entities; end def replace_entities=(arg0); end def write(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end end class Nokogiri::XML::Reader def attr_nodes; end def attribute(arg0); end def attribute_at(arg0); end def attribute_count; end def attribute_nodes; end def attributes; end def attributes?; end def base_uri; end def default?; end def depth; end def each; end def empty_element?; end def encoding; end def errors; end def errors=(arg0); end def initialize(source, url = nil, encoding = nil); end def inner_xml; end def lang; end def local_name; end def name; end def namespace_uri; end def namespaces; end def node_type; end def outer_xml; end def prefix; end def read; end def self.from_io(*arg0); end def self.from_memory(*arg0); end def self_closing?; end def source; end def state; end def value; end def value?; end def xml_version; end include Enumerable end class Nokogiri::XML::DTD < Nokogiri::XML::Node def attributes; end def each; end def elements; end def entities; end def external_id; end def html5_dtd?; end def html_dtd?; end def keys; end def notations; end def system_id; end def validate(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::ElementContent def c1; end def c2; end def children; end def document; end def name; end def occur; end def prefix; end def type; end end class Nokogiri::XML::AttributeDecl < Nokogiri::XML::Node def attribute_type; end def default; end def enumeration; end def inspect; end end class Nokogiri::XML::ElementDecl < Nokogiri::XML::Node def content; end def element_type; end def inspect; end def prefix; end end class Nokogiri::XML::EntityDecl < Nokogiri::XML::Node def content; end def entity_type; end def external_id; end def inspect; end def original_content; end def self.new(name, doc, *args); end def system_id; end end class Nokogiri::XML::Namespace def document; end def href; end def inspect_attributes; end def prefix; end include Nokogiri::XML::PP::Node end class Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::ParserContext < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::ParserContext def parse_with(arg0); end def self.file(arg0, arg1); end def self.memory(arg0, arg1); end def self.new(thing, encoding = nil); end end class Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::PushParser < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::PushParser def <<(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end def document; end def document=(arg0); end def finish; end def initialize(doc = nil, file_name = nil, encoding = nil); end def initialize_native(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def native_write(arg0, arg1); end def write(chunk, last_chunk = nil); end end class Nokogiri::XSLT::Stylesheet def apply_to(document, params = nil); end def self.parse_stylesheet_doc(arg0); end def serialize(arg0); end def transform(*arg0); end end module Nokogiri::XSLT def self.parse(string, modules = nil); end def self.quote_params(params); end def self.register(arg0, arg1); end end class Nokogiri::HTML::EntityLookup def [](name); end def get(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::HTML::ElementDescription def block?; end def default_desc; end def default_sub_element; end def deprecated?; end def deprecated_attributes; end def description; end def empty?; end def implied_end_tag?; end def implied_start_tag?; end def inline?; end def inspect; end def name; end def optional_attributes; end def required_attributes; end def save_end_tag?; end def self.[](arg0); end def sub_elements; end def to_s; end end class Nokogiri::XML::Schema def errors; end def errors=(arg0); end def self.from_document(arg0); end def self.new(string_or_io); end def self.read_memory(arg0); end def valid?(thing); end def validate(thing); end def validate_document(arg0); end def validate_file(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::RelaxNG < Nokogiri::XML::Schema def self.from_document(arg0); end def self.read_memory(arg0); end def validate_document(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::EncodingHandler def name; end def self.[](arg0); end def self.alias(arg0, arg1); end def self.clear_aliases!; end def self.delete(arg0); end end module Nokogiri def self.HTML(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end def self.Slop(*args, &block); end def self.XML(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end def self.XSLT(stylesheet, modules = nil); end def self.install_default_aliases; end def self.jruby?; end def self.make(input = nil, opts = nil, &blk); end def self.parse(string, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end def self.uses_libxml?; end end class Nokogiri::VersionInfo def compiled_parser_version; end def engine; end def jruby?; end def libxml2?; end def libxml2_using_packaged?; end def libxml2_using_system?; end def loaded_parser_version; end def self.instance; end def to_hash; end def to_markdown; end def warnings; end end class Nokogiri::SyntaxError < StandardError end module Nokogiri::XML def self.Reader(string_or_io, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil); end def self.RelaxNG(string_or_io); end def self.Schema(string_or_io); end def self.fragment(string); end def self.parse(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end end module Nokogiri::XML::PP end module Nokogiri::XML::PP::Node def inspect; end def pretty_print(pp); end end module Nokogiri::XML::PP::CharacterData def inspect; end def pretty_print(pp); end end class Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions def compact; end def compact?; end def default_html; end def default_html?; end def default_xml; end def default_xml?; end def dtdattr; end def dtdattr?; end def dtdload; end def dtdload?; end def dtdvalid; end def dtdvalid?; end def huge; end def huge?; end def initialize(options = nil); end def inspect; end def nobasefix; end def nobasefix?; end def noblanks; end def noblanks?; end def nocdata; end def nocdata?; end def nocompact; end def nodefault_html; end def nodefault_xml; end def nodict; end def nodict?; end def nodtdattr; end def nodtdload; end def nodtdvalid; end def noent; end def noent?; end def noerror; end def noerror?; end def nohuge; end def nonet; end def nonet?; end def nonobasefix; end def nonoblanks; end def nonocdata; end def nonodict; end def nonoent; end def nonoerror; end def nononet; end def nonowarning; end def nonoxincnode; end def nonsclean; end def noold10; end def nopedantic; end def norecover; end def nosax1; end def nowarning; end def nowarning?; end def noxinclude; end def noxincnode; end def noxincnode?; end def nsclean; end def nsclean?; end def old10; end def old10?; end def options; end def options=(arg0); end def pedantic; end def pedantic?; end def recover; end def recover?; end def sax1; end def sax1?; end def strict; end def strict?; end def to_i; end def xinclude; end def xinclude?; end end module Nokogiri::XML::SAX end class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document def cdata_block(string); end def characters(string); end def comment(string); end def end_document; end def end_element(name); end def end_element_namespace(name, prefix = nil, uri = nil); end def error(string); end def processing_instruction(name, content); end def start_document; end def start_element(name, attrs = nil); end def start_element_namespace(name, attrs = nil, prefix = nil, uri = nil, ns = nil); end def warning(string); end def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone); end end class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser def check_encoding(encoding); end def document; end def document=(arg0); end def encoding; end def encoding=(arg0); end def initialize(doc = nil, encoding = nil); end def parse(thing, &block); end def parse_file(filename); end def parse_io(io, encoding = nil); end def parse_memory(data); end end class Anonymous_Struct_20 < Struct def localname; end def localname=(_); end def prefix; end def prefix=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def uri; end def uri=(_); end def value; end def value=(_); end end class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser::Attribute < Anonymous_Struct_20 end module Nokogiri::XML::Searchable def %(*args); end def /(*args); end def at(*args); end def at_css(*args); end def at_xpath(*args); end def css(*args); end def css_internal(node, rules, handler, ns); end def css_rules_to_xpath(rules, ns); end def extract_params(params); end def search(*args); end def xpath(*args); end def xpath_impl(node, path, handler, ns, binds); end def xpath_internal(node, paths, handler, ns, binds); end def xpath_query_from_css_rule(rule, ns); end end class Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions def as_html; end def as_html?; end def as_xhtml; end def as_xhtml?; end def as_xml; end def as_xml?; end def default_html; end def default_html?; end def default_xhtml; end def default_xhtml?; end def default_xml; end def default_xml?; end def format; end def format?; end def initialize(options = nil); end def no_declaration; end def no_declaration?; end def no_empty_tags; end def no_empty_tags?; end def no_xhtml; end def no_xhtml?; end def options; end def to_i; end end class Nokogiri::XML::CharacterData < Nokogiri::XML::Node include Nokogiri::XML::PP::CharacterData end class Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError < Nokogiri::SyntaxError def code; end def column; end def domain; end def error?; end def fatal?; end def file; end def int1; end def level; end def level_to_s; end def line; end def location_to_s; end def nil_or_zero?(attribute); end def none?; end def str1; end def str2; end def str3; end def to_s; end def warning?; end end class Nokogiri::XML::XPath def document; end def document=(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::XML::XPath::SyntaxError < Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError def to_s; end end class Nokogiri::XML::Builder def <<(string); end def [](ns); end def arity; end def arity=(arg0); end def cdata(string); end def comment(string); end def context; end def context=(arg0); end def doc; end def doc=(arg0); end def initialize(options = nil, root = nil, &block); end def insert(node, &block); end def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end def parent; end def parent=(arg0); end def self.with(root, &block); end def text(string); end def to_xml(*args); end end class Nokogiri::XML::Builder::NodeBuilder def [](k); end def []=(k, v); end def initialize(node, doc_builder); end def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end end class Anonymous_Struct_21 < Struct def name; end def name=(_); end def public_id; end def public_id=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def system_id; end def system_id=(_); end end class Nokogiri::XML::Notation < Anonymous_Struct_21 end module Nokogiri::HTML def self.fragment(string, encoding = nil); end def self.parse(thing, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = nil, &block); end end class Anonymous_Struct_22 < Struct def description; end def description=(_); end def name; end def name=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def value; end def value=(_); end end class Nokogiri::HTML::EntityDescription < Anonymous_Struct_22 end class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingFound < StandardError def found_encoding; end def initialize(encoding); end end class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader def encoding_found; end def initialize(io); end def read(len); end def self.detect_encoding(chunk); end def self.detect_encoding_for_jruby_without_fix(chunk); end def self.is_jruby_without_fix?; end end class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader::SAXHandler < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document def encoding; end def initialize; end def start_element(name, attrs = nil); end end class Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader::JumpSAXHandler < Nokogiri::HTML::Document::EncodingReader::SAXHandler def initialize(jumptag); end def start_element(name, attrs = nil); end end class Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment < Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment def initialize(document, tags = nil, ctx = nil); end def self.parse(tags, encoding = nil); end end module Nokogiri::HTML::SAX end class Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::Parser < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser def parse_file(filename, encoding = nil); end def parse_io(io, encoding = nil); end def parse_memory(data, encoding = nil); end end class Struct::HTMLElementDescription < Struct def attrs_depr; end def attrs_depr=(_); end def attrs_opt; end def attrs_opt=(_); end def attrs_req; end def attrs_req=(_); end def defaultsubelt; end def defaultsubelt=(_); end def depr; end def depr=(_); end def desc; end def desc=(_); end def dtd; end def dtd=(_); end def empty; end def empty=(_); end def endTag; end def endTag=(_); end def isinline; end def isinline=(_); end def name; end def name=(_); end def saveEndTag; end def saveEndTag=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def startTag; end def startTag=(_); end def subelts; end def subelts=(_); end end module Nokogiri::Decorators end module Nokogiri::Decorators::Slop def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = nil); end end module Nokogiri::CSS def self.parse(selector); end def self.xpath_for(selector, options = nil); end end class Nokogiri::CSS::Node def accept(visitor); end def find_by_type(types); end def initialize(type, value); end def to_a; end def to_type; end def to_xpath(prefix = nil, visitor = nil); end def type; end def type=(arg0); end def value; end def value=(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::CSS::XPathVisitor def accept(node); end def is_of_type_pseudo_class?(node); end def nth(node, options = nil); end def read_a_and_positive_b(values); end def visit_attribute_condition(node); end def visit_child_selector(node); end def visit_class_condition(node); end def visit_combinator(node); end def visit_conditional_selector(node); end def visit_descendant_selector(node); end def visit_direct_adjacent_selector(node); end def visit_element_name(node); end def visit_following_selector(node); end def visit_function(node); end def visit_id(node); end def visit_not(node); end def visit_pseudo_class(node); end end class Nokogiri::CSS::Parser < Racc::Parser def _reduce_1(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_11(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_12(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_13(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_14(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_15(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_16(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_18(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_2(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_20(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_21(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_22(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_23(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_25(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_26(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_27(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_28(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_29(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_3(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_30(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_31(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_32(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_33(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_34(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_35(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_36(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_37(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_4(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_40(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_41(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_42(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_43(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_44(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_45(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_48(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_49(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_5(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_50(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_51(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_52(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_58(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_59(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_6(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_60(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_61(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_63(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_64(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_65(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_66(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_67(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_68(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_69(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_7(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_70(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_8(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_9(val, _values, result); end def _reduce_none(val, _values, result); end def initialize(namespaces = nil); end def next_token; end def on_error(error_token_id, error_value, value_stack); end def parse(string); end def self.[](string); end def self.[]=(string, value); end def self.cache_on; end def self.cache_on=(arg0); end def self.cache_on?; end def self.clear_cache; end def self.parse(selector); end def self.set_cache(arg0); end def self.without_cache(&block); end def unescape_css_identifier(identifier); end def unescape_css_string(str); end def xpath_for(string, options = nil); end end class Nokogiri::CSS::Tokenizer def _next_token; end def action; end def filename; end def lineno; end def load_file(filename); end def next_token; end def scan(str); end def scan_file(filename); end def scan_setup(str); end def scan_str(str); end def state; end def state=(arg0); end end class Nokogiri::CSS::Tokenizer::ScanError < StandardError end class Nokogiri::CSS::SyntaxError < Nokogiri::SyntaxError end class Nokogiri::HTML::Builder < Nokogiri::XML::Builder def to_html; end end class Object < BasicObject def Nokogiri(*args, &block); end end