'use strict' define 'aura/extensions/routes', (routes) -> # TODO Remove .call null # TODO Remove modernizr global variable dependency from this extension loader.require.call null, 'modernizr' # TODO rename from ened to ende # TODO Remove jquery global variable dependency from this extension with_component = 'jquery' window.jQuery = window.$ = require with_component # TODO Remove .call null loader.require.call null, 'ened/vendor/assets/javascripts/lennon/lennon.js' query = loader.require.call null, 'querystring' router = null # TODO rename to router stationg (application) -> core = application.core mediator = core.mediator history = Modernizr.history # TODO use diferent routers depending if history is enabled or not lennon_extensions = publishEvent: (name, params) -> if router.last_route != router.current_route mediator.emit 'route.changed', router.current_route # TODO method parsing (get, delete, put, post) mediator.emit name, params process: -> context = {} {location} = window if history path = location.pathname search = location.search else path = location.hash.replace('#!', '') || '/' [path, search] = path.split('?') if path.indexOf('?') != -1 #-- If we land on the page with a hash value and history is enabled, redirect to the non-hash page if ( window.location.hash.indexOf('#!') != -1 && history ) window.location.href = window.location.hash.replace('#!', '') #-- If we land on the page with a path and history is disabled, redirect to the hash page else if ( '/' != window.location.pathname && !history ) window.location.href = '/#!' + window.location.pathname #-- Process the route application.logger.info('Processing path', path) for route in @routes #-- See if the currently evaluated route matches the current path params = path.match route.pattern #-- If there is a match, extract the path values and match them to their variable names for context if ( params ) paramKeys = route.path.match /:(\w*)/g,"(\\w*)" j = 1 while j <= route.paramCount context[paramKeys[j - 1].replace(/:/g, '')] = params[j] j++ if @current_route #-- Don't dispatch the route we are already on if ( @current_route.path == route.path && @current_route.search == search) return false #-- Dispatch the exit event for the route we are leaving if ( @current_route.exitEventName ) application.logger.info('Exiting', @current_route.path, 'with', context || {}) #-- Execute the callback if 'function' == typeof @current_route.exitEventName @current_route.exitEventName context || {} else #-- Run the publish event @publishEvent(@current_route.exitEventName, context || {}) #-- Update the current route @last_route = @current_route @current_route = route #-- Update the current route search string @current_route.search = search @current_route.last_contextualized_path = path #-- Dispatch return @dispatch route, context #-- No route has been found, hence, nothing dispatched application.logger.warn 'No route dispatched' location: (href, process = true) -> # TODO load router depending of history api if history window.history.pushState null, null, href else # TODO parse href and extract path! window.location.hash = '!' + href process and @process() # TODO unify router api router = new Lennon # TODO implement logger api for lennon or change lennon library # logger: application.logger publishEvent: lennon_extensions.publishEvent application.core.router = core.util.extend router, lennon_extensions location = Object.create null, # TODO cache query parsing query: get: -> # TODO move routers implementation outside this file if history query.parse window.location.search.substring(1) else query.parse window.location.hash.split('?')[1] toString: -> window.location version: '0.2.1' initialize: (application) -> {logger} = application application.sandbox.location = location