module Sequel module Plugins # The prepared_statements plugin modifies the model to use prepared statements for # instance level deletes and saves, as well as class level lookups by # primary key. # # Note that this plugin is unsafe in some circumstances, as it can allow up to # 2^N prepared statements to be created for each type of insert and update query, where # N is the number of colums in the table. It is recommended that you use the # +prepared_statements_safe+ plugin in addition to this plugin to reduce the number # of prepared statements that can be created, unless you tightly control how your # model instances are saved. # # This plugin probably does not work correctly with the instance filters plugin. # # Usage: # # # Make all model subclasses use prepared statements (called before loading subclasses) # Sequel::Model.plugin :prepared_statements # # # Make the Album class use prepared statements # Album.plugin :prepared_statements module PreparedStatements # Synchronize access to the integer sequence so that no two calls get the same integer. MUTEX = i = 0 # This plugin names prepared statements uniquely using an integer sequence, this # lambda returns the next integer to use. NEXT = lambda{MUTEX.synchronize{i += 1}} # Setup the datastructure used to hold the prepared statements in the model. def self.apply(model) model.instance_variable_set(:@prepared_statements, :insert=>{}, :insert_select=>{}, :update=>{}, :lookup_sql=>{}) end module ClassMethods # Setup the datastructure used to hold the prepared statements in the subclass. def inherited(subclass) super subclass.instance_variable_set(:@prepared_statements, :insert=>{}, :insert_select=>{}, :update=>{}, :lookup_sql=>{}) end private # Create a prepared statement based on the given dataset with a unique name for the given # type of query and values. def prepare_statement(ds, type, vals={}) ds.prepare(type, :"smpsp_#{}", vals) end # Return a sorted array of columns for use as a hash key. def prepared_columns(cols) RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' ? cols.sort : cols.sort_by{|c| c.to_s} end # Return a prepared statement that can be used to delete a row from this model's dataset. def prepared_delete @prepared_statements[:delete] ||= prepare_statement(filter(prepared_statement_key_array(primary_key)), :delete) end # Return a prepared statement that can be used to insert a row using the given columns. def prepared_insert(cols) @prepared_statements[:insert][prepared_columns(cols)] ||= prepare_statement(dataset, :insert, prepared_statement_key_hash(cols)) end # Return a prepared statement that can be used to insert a row using the given columns # and return that column values for the row created. def prepared_insert_select(cols) if dataset.supports_insert_select? @prepared_statements[:insert_select][prepared_columns(cols)] ||= prepare_statement(naked.clone(:server=>dataset.opts.fetch(:server, :default)), :insert_select, prepared_statement_key_hash(cols)) end end # Return a prepared statement that can be used to lookup a row solely based on the primary key. def prepared_lookup @prepared_statements[:lookup] ||= prepare_statement(filter(prepared_statement_key_array(primary_key)), :first) end # Return a prepared statement that can be used to refresh a row to get new column values after insertion. def prepared_refresh @prepared_statements[:refresh] ||= prepare_statement(naked.clone(:server=>dataset.opts.fetch(:server, :default)).filter(prepared_statement_key_array(primary_key)), :first) end # Return an array of two element arrays with the column symbol as the first entry and the # placeholder symbol as the second entry. def prepared_statement_key_array(keys) if dataset.requires_placeholder_type_specifiers? sch = db_schema Array(keys).map do |k| if (s = sch[k]) && (t = s[:type]) [k, :"$#{k}__#{t}"] else [k, :"$#{k}"] end end else Array(keys).map{|k| [k, :"$#{k}"]} end end # Return a hash mapping column symbols to placeholder symbols. def prepared_statement_key_hash(keys) Hash[*(prepared_statement_key_array(keys).flatten)] end # Return a prepared statement that can be used to update row using the given columns. def prepared_update(cols) @prepared_statements[:update][prepared_columns(cols)] ||= prepare_statement(filter(prepared_statement_key_array(primary_key)), :update, prepared_statement_key_hash(cols)) end # Use a prepared statement to query the database for the row matching the given primary key. def primary_key_lookup(pk) end end module InstanceMethods private # Use a prepared statement to delete the row. def _delete_without_checking model.send(:prepared_delete).call(pk_hash) end # Use a prepared statement to insert the values into the model's dataset. def _insert_raw(ds) model.send(:prepared_insert, @values.keys).call(@values) end # Use a prepared statement to insert the values into the model's dataset # and return the new column values. def _insert_select_raw(ds) if ps = model.send(:prepared_insert_select, @values.keys) end end # Use a prepared statement to refresh this model's column values. def _refresh_get(ds) model.send(:prepared_refresh).call(pk_hash) end # Use a prepared statement to update this model's columns in the database. def _update_without_checking(columns) model.send(:prepared_update, columns.keys).call(columns.merge(pk_hash)) end end end end end