$:.unshift File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'i0n_rails3_generators' # Runs all tests require 'rake/testtask' Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |test| test.libs << 'lib' << 'test' test.pattern = 'test/**/test_*.rb' test.verbose = true end namespace :deploy do desc "Commits changes to local git repo and then pushes to remote" task :git do git_actions end desc "Builds gemspec and deploys gem to RubyGems.org" task :gem do rubygems_actions end end namespace :bump do desc "Bumps major version number by 1" task :major do I0nRails3Generators.bump_version_major git_actions rubygems_actions end desc "Bumps minor version number by 1" task :minor do I0nRails3Generators.bump_version_minor git_actions rubygems_actions end desc "Bumps patch version number by 1" task :patch do I0nRails3Generators.bump_version_patch git_actions rubygems_actions end end task :version do puts "\nI0nRails3Generators Version: #{I0nRails3Generators::VERSION}" end def git_actions Dir.chdir("#{I0nRails3Generators::ROOT_PATH}") system "git add ." system "git commit -v -a -m 'commit for version: #{I0nRails3Generators.version}'" system "git tag #{I0nRails3Generators.version}" system "git push" system "git push --tags" end def rubygems_actions Dir.chdir("#{I0nRails3Generators::ROOT_PATH}") system "gem build i0n_rails3_generators.gemspec" system "gem push i0n_rails3_generators-#{I0nRails3Generators.version}.gem" end