$:.unshift "." require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe "Namespace" do subject { Namespace.new("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", "foaf") } describe "method_missing" do it "should create URIRef" do subject.knows.to_s.should == "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows" end it "should create URIRef for frag" do foaf_frag = Namespace.new("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", "foaf") foaf_frag.knows.to_s.should == "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows" end end it "should have a URI" do lambda do test = Namespace.new(prefix='foaf') end.should raise_error end it "should have equality with URIRefs" do foaf_name = URIRef.new("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name") subject.name.should == foaf_name end it "should have an XML and N3-friendly prefix" do lambda do test = Namespace.new('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/', '*~{') end.should raise_error end it "should be able to attach to the graph for substitution" do # rdflib does this using graph.bind('prefix', namespace) g = Graph.new subject.bind(g) #puts g.nsbinding.inspect should == g.nsbinding["foaf"] end it "should not allow you to attach to non-graphs" do lambda do subject.bind("cheese") end.should raise_error end it "should construct URI" do subject.foo.class.should == URIRef subject.foo.should == "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/foo" end describe "no URI normalization" do specify {Namespace.new("http://foo", "foo").uri.should == "http://foo"} specify {Namespace.new("http://foo#", "foo").uri.should == "http://foo#"} specify {Namespace.new("http://foo/", "foo").uri.should == "http://foo/"} specify {Namespace.new("xyz:foo", "foo").uri.should == "xyz:foo"} end it "should not normalize URI" do end describe "serialization" do specify {subject.to_s.should == "foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"} end describe '#+' do it "should construct URI with +" do (subject + "foo").class.should == URIRef (subject + "foo").should == "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/foo" end it "should strip trailing _ (used to work around reserved method names)" do (subject + "type_").should == "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/type" end it "will cause method conflict" do (subject + "class").should == "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/class" subject.class.should == Namespace end end describe "normalization" do { %w(http://foo ) => "http://foo", %w(http://foo a) => "http://fooa", %w(http://foo/ ) => "http://foo/", %w(http://foo/ a) => "http://foo/a", %w(http://foo# ) => "http://foo#", %w(http://foo# a) => "http://foo#a", %w(http://foo/bar ) => "http://foo/bar", %w(http://foo/bar a) => "http://foo/bara", %w(http://foo/bar/ ) => "http://foo/bar/", %w(http://foo/bar/ a) => "http://foo/bar/a", %w(http://foo/bar# ) => "http://foo/bar#", %w(http://foo/bar# a) => "http://foo/bar#a", }.each_pair do |input, result| it "should create <#{result}> from <#{input[0]}> and '#{input[1]}'" do (Namespace.new(input[0], "test") + input[1].to_s).should == result end end end it "should be be equivalent" do Namespace.new("http://a", "aa").should == Namespace.new("http://a", "aa") end end