module ActiveRecord module ActsAs module HasEav def self.included(base) base.extend ActiveRecord::ActsAs::HasEav::ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Specify that the ActiveModel is an EAV model # # == Usage # # specifiy eav_attributes at instance level # has_eav :through => :some_class_with_name_and_value_attributes # def available_eav_attributes # case self.origin # when "remote" # %(remote_ip user_agent) # when "local" # %(user) # end + [ :uniq_id ] # end # # # specify some eav_attributes at class level # has_eav :through => :x_attributes do # eav_attribute :remote_ip # eav_attribute :uniq_id # end # # == Mixing class and instance defined EAV attributes # You can define EAV attributes both in class and instance context and # they will be both adhered # def has_eav opts={}, &block klass = opts.delete :through raise( "Eav Class cannot be nil. Specify a class using " + "has_eav :through => :class" ) if klass.blank? class_eval do after_save :save_eav_attributes end @eav_class = klass.to_s.camelize.constantize @eav_attributes = {} yield if block_given? send :include, ActiveRecord::ActsAs::HasEav::InstanceMethods end # Add an other attribute to the class list def eav_attribute name, type = String name = name.to_s if !name.is_a? String self.class_eav_attributes[name] = type end # class accessor - when the superclass != AR::Base asume we are in STI # mode def class_eav_attributes # :nodoc: superclass != ActiveRecord::Base ? superclass.class_eav_attributes : @eav_attributes end # class accessor - when the superclass != AR::Base asume we are in STI # mode def eav_class # :nodoc: superclass != ActiveRecord::Base ? superclass.eav_class : @eav_class end end # /ClassMethods module InstanceMethods # get to the eav class def eav_class self.class.eav_class end # get the class eav attributes def class_eav_attributes self.class.class_eav_attributes end # Override this to get some usable attributes # # Cowardly refusing to adhere to all def instance_eav_attributes [] end # override method missing, but only kick in when super fails with a # NoMethodError # def method_missing method_symbol, *args, &block super rescue NoMethodError => e method_name = method_symbol.to_s attribute_name = method_name.gsub(/[\?=]$/, '') raise e unless eav_attributes_list.include? attribute_name attribute = { |a| == attribute_name }.first if method_name =~ /\=$/ value = args[0] if attribute if !value.nil? return attribute.send(:write_attribute, "value", value) else @eav_attributes -= [ attribute ] return attribute.destroy end elsif !value.nil? @eav_attributes << :name => attribute_name, :value => "#{value}" ) return cast_eav_value(value, attribute_name) else return nil end elsif method_name =~ /\?$/ return ( attribute and attribute.value == true ) ? true : false else return nil if attribute and attribute.destroyed? return attribute ? cast_eav_value(attribute.value, attribute_name) : nil end raise e end # override respond_to? def respond_to? method_symbol, is_private=false if super == false method_name = method_symbol.to_s.gsub(/[\?=]$/, '') return true if eav_attributes_list.include? method_name false else true end end # get all the eav attribute instances available for this model instance # # eg: if you model says 'has_eav :through => :post_attribute' these are # all PostAttribute's # def eav_attributes @eav_attributes ||= eav_class.all( :conditions => { self_key => } ) end # save the list of eav_attribute back to the database def save_eav_attributes # :nodoc: { |a| a.changed? }.each do |a| if a.new_record? a.send( :write_attribute, self_key, ) end! end end # override changed - if any of the eav_attributes has changed, the # object has changed. # def changed? eav_attributes.each do |attribute| return true if ( attribute.changed? || attribute.new_record? ) end super end # get a complete list of eav_attributes (class + instance) def eav_attributes_list # :nodoc: ( self.instance_eav_attributes + self.class_eav_attributes.keys ).collect { |attribute| attribute.to_s }.uniq end # get the key to my <3 def self_key # :nodoc: klass = self.class if klass.superclass != ActiveRecord::Base klass = klass.superclass end "#{}_id".to_sym end # make sure EAV is included in as_json, to_json and to_xml # def serializable_hash options=nil hash = super eav_attributes_list.each do |attribute| hash[attribute] = self.send(attribute) end hash end # cast an eav value to it's desired class def cast_eav_value value, attribute # :nodoc: attributes = self.class_eav_attributes.stringify_keys return value unless attributes.keys.include?(attribute) return value if attributes[attribute] == String # no need for casting begin # for core types [eg: Integer '12'] eval("#{attributes[attribute]} '#{value}'") rescue begin # for BigDecimal [eg:"123.45")] eval("#{attributes[attribute]}.new('#{value}')") rescue begin # for date/time classes [eg: Date.parse("2011-03-20")] eval("#{attributes[attribute]}.parse('#{value}')") rescue value end end end end protected :save_eav_attributes, :self_key, :cast_eav_value end # /InstanceMethods end # /HasEav end # /ActsAs end # /ActiveRecord # insert the has_eav method into ActiveRecord ActiveRecord::Base.send( :include, ActiveRecord::ActsAs::HasEav )