<% stylesheet 'foreman_virt_who_configure/config' %> <% javascript 'foreman_virt_who_configure/config_copy_and_paste' %> <% title(_("Virt-who Configuration %s") % @config.name) %> <%= title_actions( display_link_if_authorized(_('Edit'), hash_for_edit_foreman_virt_who_configure_config_path(@config).merge(:permission => 'edit_virt_who_config', :auth_object => @config), :class => 'btn btn-default'), display_delete_if_authorized(hash_for_foreman_virt_who_configure_config_path(@config).merge(:permission => 'destroy_virt_who_config', :auth_object => @config), :class => 'btn btn-default', :data => {:confirm => _("Delete virt-who configuration %s?") % config.name}) ) %> <%= breadcrumbs(:resource_url => foreman_virt_who_configure_api_configs_path, :items => [ { :caption => _('Virt-who Configurations'), :url => foreman_virt_who_configure_configs_path }, { :caption => @config.name } ] ) %>

<%= _('Details') %>

<%= config_attribute :status, config_report_status(@config), _('Status') %> <%= config_attribute :hypervisor_type, _(ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config::HYPERVISOR_TYPES[@config.hypervisor_type]) %> <%= config_attribute :hypervisor_server, @config.hypervisor_server %> <%= config_attribute :hypervisor_username, @config.hypervisor_username if @config.hypervisor_type != 'kubevirt' %> <%= config_attribute :interval, _(ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config::AVAILABLE_INTERVALS[@config.interval.to_s]) %> <%= config_attribute :satellite_url, @config.satellite_url, _('Satellite server FQDN')%> <%= config_attribute :hypervisor_id, @config.hypervisor_id, _('Hypervisor ID') %> <%= config_attribute :listing_mode, _(ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config::FILTERING_MODES[@config.listing_mode.to_s]), _('Filtering') %> <% if @config.listing_mode == ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config::WHITELIST %> <%= config_attribute :whitelist, @config.whitelist, _('Filter Hosts') if @config.whitelist.present? %> <%= config_attribute :filter_host_parents, @config.filter_host_parents if @config.filter_host_parents.present? %> <% end %> <% if @config.listing_mode == ForemanVirtWhoConfigure::Config::BLACKLIST %> <%= config_attribute :blacklist, @config.blacklist, _('Exclude Hosts') if @config.blacklist.present? %> <%= config_attribute :exclude_host_parents, @config.exclude_host_parents if @config.exclude_host_parents.present? %> <% end %> <%= config_attribute :debug, checked_icon(@config.debug), _('Enable debugging output?') %> <%= config_attribute :http_proxy_id, @config.http_proxy.full_url, _('HTTP Proxy') if @config.http_proxy.present? %> <%= config_attribute :no_proxy, @config.no_proxy, _('Ignore Proxy') if @config.no_proxy.present? %> <%= config_attribute :kubeconfig_path, @config.kubeconfig_path if @config.hypervisor_type == 'kubevirt' %>
<%= _("Use either hammer command or the script below to deploy this configuration. Both require root privileges. Run one of them on the target host which has access to Red Hat Satellite Tools repository and will run virt-who reporting, preferably Satellite host:") %>

<%= 'a) ' + _('Hammer command: ') %>

<%= @config.virt_who_config_command %>
<%= link_to _('Copy to clipboard'), nil, :class => 'btn btn-default', :onclick => 'virt_who_copy_configuration_to_clipboard($("#config_command").html()); return false' %>

<%= 'b) ' + _('Configuration script: ') %>

<%= _("On the target virt-who host:") %>
<%= _("1. Copy this configuration script to a safe directory.") %>
<%= _("2. Make the script executable and run it.") %>
<%= _("3. Delete the script.") %>

<%= @config.virt_who_config_script %>
<%= link_to _('Copy to clipboard'), nil, :class => 'btn btn-default', :onclick => 'virt_who_copy_configuration_to_clipboard($("#config_script").html()); return false' %> <%= link_to _('Download the script'), deploy_script_foreman_virt_who_configure_config_path(@config), :class => 'btn btn-default' %>