/** * Load necessary polyfills. */ $.webshims.polyfill('forms'); /** * Simple, small jQuery extensions for convenience. */ (function ($) { /** * Disable an element. * * Sets `disabled` property to `true` and adds `disabled` class. */ $.fn.disable = function () { return this.prop('disabled', true).addClass('disabled'); }; /** * Enable an element. * * Sets `disabled` property to `false` and removes `disabled` class * if present. */ $.fn.enable = function () { return this.prop('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled'); }; /** * Check an element. * * Sets `checked` property to `true`. */ $.fn.check = function () { return this.prop('checked', true); }; /** * Un-check an element. * * Sets `checked` property to `false`. */ $.fn.uncheck = function () { return this.prop('checked', false); }; /** * Initialise Bootstrap tooltip on an element with presets. Takes title. */ $.fn._tooltip = $.fn.tooltip; $.fn.tooltip = function (options) { return this ._tooltip('destroy') ._tooltip($.extend({ container: 'body', placement: 'left' }, options)); }; /** * Returns true / false if any modal is active. */ $.modalActive = function () { var active = false; $('.modal').each(function () { var modal = $(this).data('bs.modal'); if (modal) { active = modal.isShown; return !active; } }); return active; }; /** * Wiggle an element. * * Used for wiggling BLAST button. */ $.fn.wiggle = function () { this.finish().effect("bounce", { direction: 'left', distance: 24, times: 4, }, 250); }; /** * Check's every 100 ms if an element's value has changed. Triggers * `change` event on the element if it has. */ $.fn.poll = function () { var that = this; var val = null; var newval; (function ping () { newval = that.val(); if (newval != val){ val = newval; that.change(); } setTimeout(ping, 100); }()); return this; }; }(jQuery)); /* SS - SequenceServer's JavaScript module Define a global SS (acronym for SequenceServer) object containing the following methods: main(): Initializes SequenceServer's various modules. */ //define global SS object var SS; if (!SS) { SS = {}; } //SS module (function () { // Starts with >. SS.FASTA_FORMAT = /^>/; SS.decorate = function (name) { return name.match(/(.?)(blast)(.?)/).slice(1).map(function (token, _) { if (token) { if (token !== 'blast'){ return '' + token + ''; } else { return token; } } }).join(''); }; /** * Pre-check the only active database checkbox. */ SS.onedb = function () { var database_checkboxes = $(".databases input:checkbox"); if (database_checkboxes.length === 1) { database_checkboxes.check(); } }; SS.generateGraphicalOverview = function () { $("[data-graphit='overview']").each(function () { var $this = $(this); var $graphDiv = $('
').addClass('graphical-overview'); $this.children().eq(1).children().eq(0).before($graphDiv); $.graphIt($this, $graphDiv, 0, 20); }); }; SS.updateDownloadFastaOfAllLink = function () { var num_hits = $('.hitn').length; var $a = $('.download-fasta-of-all'); if (num_hits >= 1 && num_hits <= 30) { var sequence_ids = $('.hitn :checkbox').map(function() { return this.value; }).get(); $a .enable() .attr('href', SS.generateURI(sequence_ids, $a.data().databases)) .tooltip({ title: num_hits + " hit(s)." }); return; } if (num_hits === 0) { $a.tooltip({ title: "No hit to download." }); } if (num_hits > 30) { $a.tooltip({ title: "Can't download more than 30 hits." }); } $a .disable() .removeAttr('href'); }; /* Update the FASTA downloader button's state appropriately. * * When more than 30 hits are obtained, the link is disabled. * When no hits are obtained, the link is not present at all. */ SS.updateDownloadFastaOfSelectedLink = function () { var num_checked = $('.hitn :checkbox:checked').length; var $a = $('.download-fasta-of-selected'); var $n = $a.find('span'); if (num_checked >= 1 && num_checked <= 30) { var sequence_ids = $('.hitn :checkbox:checked').map(function () { return this.value; }).get(); $a .enable() .attr('href', SS.generateURI(sequence_ids, $a.data().databases)) .tooltip({ title: num_checked + " hit(s) selected." }) .find('span').html(num_checked); return; } if (num_checked === 0) { $n.empty(); $a.tooltip({ title: "No hit selected." }); } if (num_checked > 30) { $a.tooltip({ title: "Can't download more than 30 hits." }); } $a .disable() .removeAttr('href'); }; SS.updateSequenceViewerLinks = function () { var MAX_LENGTH = 10000; $('.view-sequence').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var $hitn = $this.closest('.hitn'); if ($hitn.data().hitLen > MAX_LENGTH) { $this .disable() .removeAttr('href') .tooltip({ title: 'Sequence too long to show. Please view it ' + 'locally after download.' }); } }); }; SS.setupTooltips = function () { $('.pos-label').each(function () { $(this).tooltip({ placement: 'right' }); }); $('.downloads a').each(function () { $(this).tooltip(); }); }; SS.setupDownloadLinks = function () { $('.download').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (event.target.disabled) return; var url = this.href; $.get(url) .done(function (data) { window.location.href = url; }) .fail(function (jqXHR, status, error) { SS.showErrorModal(jqXHR, function () {}); }); }); }; SS.generateURI = function (sequence_ids, database_ids) { // Encode URIs against strange characters in sequence ids. sequence_ids = encodeURIComponent(sequence_ids.join(' ')); database_ids = encodeURIComponent(database_ids); var url = "get_sequence/?sequence_ids=" + sequence_ids + "&database_ids=" + database_ids + '&download=fasta'; return url; }; SS.showErrorModal = function (jqXHR, beforeShow) { setTimeout(function () { beforeShow(); if (jqXHR.responseText) { $("#error").html(jqXHR.responseText).modal(); } else { $("#error-no-response").modal(); } }, 500); }; SS.init = function () { this.$sequence = $('#sequence'); this.$sequenceFile = $('#sequence-file'); this.$sequenceControls = $('.sequence-controls'); SS.blast.init(); }; }()); //end SS module /** * Highlight hit div corresponding to given checkbox and update bulk download * link. */ SS.selectHit = function (checkbox) { if (!checkbox || !checkbox.value) return; var $hitn = $($(checkbox).data('target')); // Highlight selected hit and sync checkboxes if sequence viewer is open. if(checkbox.checked) { $hitn .addClass('glow') .find(":checkbox").not(checkbox).check(); } else { $hitn .removeClass('glow') .find(":checkbox").not(checkbox).uncheck(); } this.updateDownloadFastaOfSelectedLink(); }; SS.showSequenceViewer = (function () { var $viewer = $('#sequence-viewer'); var $spinner = $('.spinner', $viewer); var $viewerBody = $('.modal-body', $viewer); var $viewerFooter = $('.modal-footer', $viewer); var widgetClass = 'biojs-vis-sequence'; var initViewer = function ($clicked) { $viewerBody.empty(); $viewerFooter.empty(); initFooter($clicked); $spinner.show(); $viewer.modal('show'); }; var initFooter = function ($clicked) { // Generate links in the footer. var links = $clicked.parent().clone(); var viewSequenceLink = links.find('.view-sequence'); var nextSeparator = $(viewSequenceLink[0].nextSibling); viewSequenceLink.remove(); nextSeparator.remove(); $viewerFooter.empty().append(links); }; var showSequences = function (error_msgs, sequences) { error_msgs.forEach(renderErrorMsg); sequences.forEach(renderSequence); }; var renderSequence = function (sequence) { // generate html template var header = sequence.id + " " + sequence.title + ""; var widgetId = widgetClass + (new Date().getUTCMilliseconds()); $viewerBody .append( $('
') .addClass('fastan') .append( $('
') .addClass('page-header') .append( $('

') .html(header) ), $('
') .attr('id', widgetId) .addClass(widgetClass) .addClass('page-content') ) ); // attach BioJS sequence viewer var widget = new Sequence({ sequence: sequence.value, target: widgetId, format: 'PRIDE', columns: { size: 40, spacedEach: 5 }, formatOptions: { title: false, footer: false } }); widget.hideFormatSelector(); }; var renderErrorMsg = function (error_msg) { $viewerBody .append( $('
') .addClass('page-header') .append( $('

') .html(error_msg[0]) ), $('
') .addClass('page-content') .append( $('
') ); }; return function (clicked) { var $clicked = $(clicked); initViewer($clicked); var url = $clicked.attr('href'); $.getJSON(url) .done(function (response) { showSequences(response.error_msgs, response.sequences); $spinner.hide(); }) .fail(function (jqXHR, status, error) { SS.showErrorModal(jqXHR, function () { $viewer.modal('hide'); }); }); }; }()); $(document).ready(function(){ SS.init(); var notification_timeout; // drag-and-drop code var tgtMarker = $('.dnd-overlay'); var $sequence = $('#sequence'); var dndError = function (id) { $('.dnd-error').hide(); $('#' + id + '-notification').show(); tgtMarker.effect('fade', 2500); }; $(document) .on('dragenter', function (evt) { // Do not activate DnD if a modal is active. if ($.modalActive()) return; // Based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/8494918/1205465. // Contrary to what the above link says, the snippet below can't // distinguish directories from files. We handle that on drop. var dt = evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer; var isFile = dt.types && ((dt.types.indexOf && // Chrome and Safari dt.types.indexOf('Files') != -1) || (dt.types.contains && // Firefox dt.types.contains('application/x-moz-file'))); if (!isFile) { return; } $('.dnd-error').hide(); tgtMarker.stop(true, true); tgtMarker.show(); dt.effectAllowed = 'copy'; if ($sequence.val() === '') { $('.dnd-overlay-overwrite').hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-drop').show('drop', {direction: 'down'}, 'fast'); } else { $('.dnd-overlay-drop').hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-overwrite').show('drop', {direction: 'down'}, 'fast'); } }) .on('dragleave', '.dnd-overlay', function (evt) { tgtMarker.hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-drop').hide(); $('.dnd-overlay-overwrite').hide(); }) .on('dragover', '.dnd-overlay', function (evt) { evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; evt.preventDefault(); }) .on('drop', '.dnd-overlay', function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); var textarea = $('#sequence'); var indicator = $('#sequence-file'); textarea.focus(); var files = evt.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; if (files.length > 1) { dndError('dnd-multi'); return; } var file = files[0]; if (file.size > 10 * 1048576) { dndError('dnd-large-file'); return; } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { var content = e.target.result; if (SS.FASTA_FORMAT.test(content)) { textarea.val(content); indicator.text(file.name); tgtMarker.hide(); } else { // apparently not FASTA dndError('dnd-format'); } }; reader.onerror = function (e) { // Couldn't read. Means dropped stuff wasn't FASTA file. dndError('dnd-format'); }; reader.readAsText(file); }); // end drag-and-drop SS.$sequence.change(function () { if (SS.$sequence.val()) { // Calculation below is based on - // http://chris-spittles.co.uk/jquery-calculate-scrollbar-width/ var sequenceControlsRight = SS.$sequence[0].offsetWidth - SS.$sequence[0].clientWidth; SS.$sequenceControls.css('right', sequenceControlsRight + 17); SS.$sequenceControls.removeClass('hidden'); } else { SS.$sequenceFile.empty(); SS.$sequenceControls.addClass('hidden'); SS.$sequence.parent().removeClass('has-error'); } }); // Handle clearing query sequences(s) when x button is pressed. $('#btn-sequence-clear').click(function (e) { $('#sequence').val("").focus(); }); // Pre-select if only one database available. SS.onedb(); // Show tooltip on BLAST button. $('#methods').tooltip({ title: function () { var selected_databases = $(".databases input:checkbox:checked"); if (selected_databases.length === 0) { return "You must select one or more databases above before" + " you can run a search!"; } } }); $('#method').tooltip({ title: function () { var title = "Click to BLAST or press Ctrl+Enter."; if ($(this).siblings().length !== 0) { title += " Click dropdown button on the right for other" + " BLAST algorithms that can be used."; } return title; }, delay: { show: 1000, hide: 0 } }); // Handles the form submission when Ctrl+Enter is pressed anywhere on page $(document).bind("keydown", function (e) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 13 && !$('#method').is(':disabled')) { $('#method').trigger('submit'); } }); $('#sequence').on('sequence_type_changed', function (event, type) { clearTimeout(notification_timeout); $(this).parent().removeClass('has-error'); $('.notifications .active').hide().removeClass('active'); if (type) { $('#' + type + '-sequence-notification').show('drop', {direction: 'up'}).addClass('active'); notification_timeout = setTimeout(function () { $('.notifications .active').hide('drop', {direction: 'up'}).removeClass('active'); }, 5000); if (type === 'mixed') { $(this).parent().addClass('has-error'); } } }); $('body').click(function () { $('.notifications .active').hide('drop', {direction: 'up'}).removeClass('active'); }); $('.databases').on('database_type_changed', function (event, type) { switch (type) { case 'protein': $('.databases.nucleotide input:checkbox').disable(); $('.databases.nucleotide .checkbox').addClass('disabled'); break; case 'nucleotide': $('.databases.protein input:checkbox').disable(); $('.databases.protein .checkbox').addClass('disabled'); break; default: $('.databases input:checkbox').enable(); $('.databases .checkbox').removeClass('disabled'); break; } }); $('form').on('blast_method_changed', function (event, methods) { // reset $('#method') .disable().val('').html('blast'); $('#methods') .removeClass('input-group') .children().not('#method').remove(); // set if (methods.length > 0) { var method = methods.shift(); $('#method') .enable().val(method).html(SS.decorate(method)); if (methods.length >=1) { $('#methods') .addClass('input-group') .append ( $('
') .addClass('input-group-btn') .append ( $('