# Openstack OpenStack is a free and open-source software platform for cloud computing. [Their Site](http://www.openstack.org/). Considered **EXPERIMENTAL**, may break without notice. # Getting Started ### Requirements Get openstack Access & Security credentials: - "openstack_api_key" - "openstack_auth_url" - "openstack_username" - "openstack_tenant" - "openstack_network" - "openstack_keyname" If you are using [OpenStack Dashboard "Horizon"] (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Horizon) you can find these keys in next places: 1. login to "Horizon dashboard" -> "project" -> "Compute" -> "Access & Security" -> tab "API Access" -> "Download OpenStack RC File": * "openstack_auth_url" == OS_AUTH_URL + "/tokens" * "openstack_username" == OS_USERNAME * "openstack_tenant" == OS_TENANT_NAME 2. "openstack_network": in "project" -> "Networks" 3. "openstack_keyname": in "project" -> "Compute" -> "Access & Security" -> tab "Key Pairs" 4. "openstack_api_key": Your user Password ### Setup a Openstack Hosts File An Openstack hosts file looks like a typical hosts file, except that there are a number of required properties that need to be added to every host in order for the Openstack hypervisor to provision hosts properly. **Basic Openstack hosts file** HOSTS: centos-6-master: roles: - master - agent - database - dashboard platform: el-6-x86_64 hypervisor: openstack image: centos-6-x86_64-nocm flavor: m1.large CONFIG: nfs_server: none consoleport: 443 openstack_api_key: Pas$w0rd openstack_username: user openstack_auth_url: openstack_tenant: testing openstack_network : testing openstack_keyname : nopass The `image` - image name. The `flavor` - templates for VMs, defining sizes for RAM, disk, number of cores, and so on. # Openstack-Specific Hosts File Settings ### user-data "user data" - a blob of data that the user can specify when they launch an instance. The instance can access this data through the metadata service or config drive with one of the next requests: - curl - curl Examples of `user_data` you can find here: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html Also if you plan use `user-data` make sure that 'cloud-init' package installed in your VM `image` and 'cloud-init' service is running. **Example Openstack hosts file with user_data** HOSTS: centos-6-master: roles: - master - agent - database - dashboard platform: el-6-x86_64 image: centos-6-x86_64-nocm flavor: m1.large hypervisor: openstack user_data: | #cloud-config bootcmd: - echo 123 > /tmp/test.txt CONFIG: nfs_server: none consoleport: 443 openstack_api_key: P1as$w0rd openstack_username: user openstack_auth_url: openstack_tenant: testing openstack_network : testing openstack_keyname : nopass ### Security groups A security group is a set of rules for incoming and outgoing traffic to an instance. You can associate a host with one or many security groups in the `CONFIG` section of your hosts file: security_group: ['my_sg', 'default'] This is an optional config parameter.