# Map Call Number Classification pieces to User Friendly Description displayRawIfMissing = true # note: need more specific call numbers first so first matching is most specific AC = AC - Collections Works AE = AE - Encyclopedias AG = AG - General Reference Works AI = AI - Indexes AM = AM - Museums AN = AN - Newspapers AP = AP - Periodicals AS = AS - Academies & Learned Societies AY = AY - Yearbooks, Almanacs, Directories AZ = AZ - History of Scholarship & Learning A = A - General Works BC = BC - Logic BD = BD - Speculative Philosophy BF = BF - Psychology BH = BH - Aesthetics BJ = BJ - Ethics BL = BL - Religions (General) BM = BM - Judaism BP = BP - Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy, etc. BQ = BQ - Buddhism BR = BR - Christianity BS = BS - The Bible BT = BT - Doctrinal Theology BV = BV - Practical Theology BX = BX - Christian Denominations B = B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion CB = CB - History of Civilization CC = CC - Archaeology CD = CD - Diplomatics CE = CE - Technical Chronology CJ = CJ - Numismatics CN = CN - Inscriptions CR = CR - Heraldry CS = CS - Genealogy CT = CT - Biography C = C - Historical Sciences (Archaeology, Genealogy) DA = DA - Great Britain (History) DB = DB - Austria, Liechtenstein, Czech Rep., Hungary, Slovakia (History) DC = DC - France (History) DD = DD - Germany (History) DE = DE - Greco-Roman World (History) DF = DF - Greece (History) DG = DG - Italy (History) DH = DH - Low Countries (History) DJK = DJK - Eastern Europe (History) DJ = DJ - Netherlands (History) DK = DK - Russia. Former Soviet Republics. Poland (History) DL = DL - Scandinavia (History) DP = DP - Spain. Portugal (History) DQ = DQ - Switzerland (History) DR = DR - Balkan Peninsula (History) DS = DS - Asia (History) DT = DT - Africa (History) DU = DU - Oceanía (History) DX = DX - Gypsies (History) D = D - World History E = E - History of the Americas (General) F = F - History of the Americas (Local) GA = GA - Mathematical Geography, Cartography GB = GB - Physical Geography GC = GC - Oceanography GE = GE - Environmental Sciences GF = GF - Human Ecology, Anthropogeography GN = GN - Anthropology GR = GR - Folklore GT = GT - Manners & Customs GV = GV - Recreation. Leisure G = G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation HA = HA - Statistics HB = HB - Economic Theory, Demography HC = HC - Economic History & Conditions HD = HD - Industries, Land use, Labor HE = HE - Transportation & Communications HF = HF - Commerce HG = HG - Finance HJ = HJ - Public Finance HM = HM - Sociology HN = HN - Social History & Conditions HQ = HQ - The Family, Marriage, Woman HS = HS - Societies HT = HT - Communities, Classes, Races HV = HV - Social Pathology, Social & Public Welfare, Criminology HX = HX - Socialism, Communism, Anarchism H = H - Social Sciences JA = JA - Political Science JC = JC - Political Theory JF = JF - Political Institutions JK = JK - Political Institutions (U.S.) JL = JL - Political Institutions (Canada, Latin America) JN = JN - Political Institutions (Europe) JQ = JQ - Political Institutions (Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific Area) JS = JS - Local Government JV = JV - Colonies & Colonization, Emigration & Immigration JX = JX - International Law JZ = JZ - International Relations J = J - Political Science KBM = KBM - Jewish Law KBP = KBP - Islamic Law KBR = KBR - Canon Law KBU = KBU - Law of Roman Catholic Church KB = KB - Religious Law (General) KDC = KDC - Law of Scotland KDE = KDE - Law of Northern Ireland KDG = KDG - Law of Isle of Man, Channel Islands KDK = KDK - Law of Ireland (EIRE) KDZ = KDZ - Law of America, North America KD = KD - Law of England & Wales KE = KE - Law of Canada KF = KF - Law of the U.S. KG = KG - Law of Latin America, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Caribbean KH = KH - South America KJA = KJA - Roman Law KJC = KJC - Regional Comparative & Uniform Law KJE = KJE - Regional Organization & Integration KJG = KJG - Law of Albania KJH = KJH - Law of Andorra KJJ = KJJ - Law of Austria KJK = KJK - Law of Belgium, Bosnia & Hercegovina (Republic) KJM = KJM - Law of Bulgaria, Croatia KJN = KJN - Law of Cyprus KJP = KJP - Law of Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic KJQ = KJQ - Law of Slovakia KJR = KJR - Law of Denmark KJS = KJS - Law of Estonia KJT = KJT - Law of Finland KJV = KJV - Law of France KJW = KJW - Law of French Regions, Provinces, Departments KJ = KJ - Law of Europe KKE = KKE - Law of Greece KKF = KKF - Law of Hungary KKG = KKG - Law of Iceland KKH = KKH - Law of Italy KKI = KKI - Law of Latvia KKJ = KKJ - Law of Lithuania, Liechtenstein KKK = KKK - Law of Luxemburg, Malta KKL = KKL - Law of Monaco KKM = KKM - Law of the Netherlands KKN = KKN - Law of Norway KKP = KKP - Law of Poland KKQ = KKQ - Law of Portugal KKR = KKR - Law of Romania KKT = KKT - Law of Spain KKV = KKV - Law of Sweden KKW = KKW - Law of Switzerland KKX = KKX - Law of Turkey KKY = KKY - Law of Ukraine KKZ = KKZ - Law of Yugoslavia KK = KK - Law of Germany KLA = KLA - Law of Russia, Soviet Union KLB = KLB - Law of Russia (Federation) KLD = KLD - Law of Armenia (Republic) KLE = KLE - Law of Azerbaijan KLF = KLF - Law of Belarus KLH = KLH - Law of Georgia KLM = KLM - Law of Moldova KLP = KLP - Law of Ukraine KLR = KLR - Law of Kazakhstan KLS = KLS - Law of Kyrgyzstan KLT = KLT - Law of Tajikistan KLV = KLV - Law of Turkmenistan KLW = KLW - Law of Uzbekistan KL = KL - History of Law, The Ancient Orient KMC = KMC - Law of the Middle East, Southwest Asia KMH = KMH - Law of Iran KMJ = KMJ - Law of Iraq KMK = KMK - Law of Israel KML = KML - Law of Jerusalem KMM = KMM - Law of Jordan KMN = KMN - Law of Kuwait KMP = KMP - Law of Lebanon KMT = KMT - Law of Saudi Arabia KMU = KMU - Law of Syria KMX = KMX - Law of Yemen KM = KM - Law of Asia KNC = KNC - Law of South Asia KNN = KNN - Law of China KNP = KNP - Law of Taiwan KNR = KNR - Law of Hong Kong KNS = KNS - Law of India KNW = KNW - Law of Indonesia KNX = KNX - Law of Japan KPA = KPA - Law of Korea, South Korea KPC = KPC - Law of Korea, North Korea KQ = KQ - Law of Africa KU = KU - Law of the Pacific Area, Australia, New Zealand KWX = KWX - Law of Antarctica KZ = KZ - Law of Nations K = K - Law LA = LA - History of Education LB = LB - Theory & Practice of Education LC = LC - Special Aspects of Education LD = LD - Individual Educational Institutions (U.S.) LE = LE - Individual Educational Institutions: America (except U.S.) LF = LF - Individual Educational Institutions: Europe LG = LG - Individual Educational Institutions: Asia, Africa, Oceania LH = LH - College & School Magazines & Papers LT = LT - Textbooks L = L - Education MLCME = Unknown MLCSN = Unknown ML = ML - Literature on Music MT = MT - Musical Instruction & Study M = M - Music NA = NA - Architecture NB = NB - Sculpture NC = NC - Drawing, Design, Illustration ND = ND - Painting NE = NE - Print Media NK = NK - Decorative Arts NX = NX - Arts in General N = N - Fine Arts PA = PA - Greek & Latin Language & Literature PB = PB - Modern Language, Celtic Languages PC = PC - Romanic Languages PD = PD - Germanic Languages PE = PE - English Languages PF = PF - West Germanic Languages PG = PG - Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages, Russian Language & Literature PH = PH - Uralic & Basque Languages PJ = PJ - Oriental Languages & Literature PK = PK - Indo-Iranian Languages & Literature PL = PL - Languages & Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania PM = PM - Hyperborean, Indian & Artificial Languages PN = PN - Literature (General) PQ = PQ - French, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese Literature PR = PR - English Literature PS = PS - American Literature PT = PT - Germanic & Scandinavian Literatures PZ = PZ - Children’s Literature P = P - Language & Literature QA = QA - Mathematics QB = QB - Astronomy QC = QC - Physics QD = QD - Chemistry QE = QE - Geology QH = QH - Natural History, Biology QK = QK - Botany QL = QL - Zoology QM = QM - Human Anatomy QP = QP - Physiology QR = QR - Microbiology Q = Q - Science RA = RA - Public Aspects of Medicine RB = RB - Pathology RC = RC - Internal Medicine RD = RD - Surgery RE = RE - Ophthalmology RF = RF - Otorhinolaryngology RG = RG - Gynecology & Obstetrics RJ = RJ - Pediatrics RK = RK - Dentistry RL = RL - Dermatology RM = RM - Therapeutics, Pharmacology RS = RS - Pharmacy & Materia Medica RT = RT - Nursing RV = RV - Botanic, Thomsonian, & Eclectic Medicine RX = RX - Homeopathy RZ = RZ - Other Systems of Medicine R = R - Medicine SB = SB - Plant Culture SD = SD - Forestry SF = SF - Animal Culture SH = SH - Aquaculture SK = SK - Hunting Sports S = S - Agriculture TA = TA - Engineering, Civil Engineering TC = TC - Hydraulic Engineering TD = TD - Environmental Technology TE = TE - Highway Engineering TF = TF - Railroad Engineering & Operation TG = TG - Bridge Engineering TH = TH - Building Construction TJ = TJ - Mechanical Engineering & Machinery TK = TK - Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering TL = TL - Motor Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics TN = TN - Mining Engineering TP = TP - Chemical Technology TR = TR - Photography TS = TS - Manufactures TT = TT - Handicrafts TX = TX - Home Economics T = T - Technology UA = UA - Armies UB = UB - Military Administration UC = UC - Maintenance & Transportation UD = UD - Infantry UE = UE - Cavalry, Armor UF = UF - Artillery UG = UG - Military Engineering, Air Forces, Military Astronautics UH = UH - Other Military Services U = U - Military Science VA = VA - Navies VB = VB - Naval Administration VC = VC - Naval Maintenance VD = VD - Naval Seamen VE = VE - Marines VF = VF - Naval Ordnance VG = VG - Minor Services of Navies VK = VK - Navigation, Merchant Marine VM = VM - Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering V = V - Naval Science ZA = ZA - Information Science Z = Z - Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources 000 = 000s - Computer Science, Information & General Works 010 = 010s - Bibliography 020 = 020s - Library & Information Sciences 030 = 030s - General Encyclopedic Works 050 = 050s - General Serials & their Indexes 060 = 060s - General Organization & Museology 070 = 070s - News Media, Journalism, Publishing 080 = 080s - General Collections 090 = 090s - Manuscripts & Rare Books 100 = 100s - Philosophy & Psychology 110 = 110s - Metaphysics 120 = 120s - Epistemology, Causation, Humankind 130 = 130s - Paranormal Phenomena 140 = 140s - Specific Philosophical Schools 150 = 150s - Psychology 160 = 160s - Logic 170 = 170s - Ethics (Moral Philosophy) 180 = 180s - Ancient, Medieval, Oriental Philosophy 190 = 190s - Modern Western Philosophy 200 = 200s - Religion 210 = 210s - Natural Theology 220 = 220s - Bible 230 = 230s - Christian Theology 240 = 240s - Christian Moral & Devotional Theology 250 = 250s - Christian Orders & Local Church 260 = 260s - Christian Social Theology 270 = 270s - Christian Church History 280 = 280s - Christian Denominations & Sects 290 = 290s - Other & Comparative Religions 300 = 300s - Social Sciences 310 = 310s - General Statistics 320 = 320s - Political Science 330 = 330s - Economics 340 = 340s - Law 350 = 350s - Public Administration 360 = 360s - Social Services; Association 370 = 370s - Education 380 = 380s - Commerce, Communications, Transport 390 = 390s - Customs, Etiquette, Folklore 400 = 400s - Language 410 = 410s - Linguistics 420 = 420s - English & Old English 430 = 430s - Germanic Languages German 440 = 440s - Romance Languages French 450 = 450s - Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romantic 460 = 460s - Spanish & Portugese Languages 470 = 470s - Italic Latin 480 = 480s - Hellenic Languages Classical Greek 490 = 490s - Other Languages 500 = 500s - Science 510 = 510s - Mathematics 520 = 520s - Astronomy & Allied Sciences 530 = 530s - Physics 540 = 540s - Chemistry & Allied Sciences 550 = 550s - Earth Sciences 560 = 560s - Paleontology Paleozoology 570 = 570s - Life Sciences 580 = 580s - Botanical Sciences 590 = 590s - Zoological Sciences 600 = 600s - Technology 610 = 610s - Medical Sciences Medicine 620 = 620s - Engineering & Allied Operations 630 = 630s - Agriculture 640 = 640s - Home economics & Family Living 650 = 650s - Management & Auxiliary Services 660 = 660s - Chemical Engineering 670 = 670s - Manufacturing 680 = 680s - Manufacture for Specific Uses 690 = 690s - Buildings 700 = 700s - Arts & Recreation 710 = 710s - Civic & Landscape Art 720 = 720s - Architecture 730 = 730s - Plastic Arts Sculpture 740 = 740s - Drawing & Decorative Arts 750 = 750s - Painting & Paintings 760 = 760s - Graphic Arts Printmaking & Prints 770 = 770s - Photography & Photographs 780 = 780s - Music 790 = 790s - Recreational & Performing Arts 800 = 800s - Literature 810 = 810s - American Literature in English 820 = 820s - English & Old English Literatures 830 = 830s - Literatures of Germanic Languages 840 = 840s - Literatures of Romance Languages 850 = 850s - Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic 860 = 860s - Spanish & Portuguese Literatures 870 = 870s - Italic Literatures Latin 880 = 880s - Hellenic Literatures Classical Greek 890 = 890s - Literatures of Other Languages 900 = 900s - History & Geography 910 = 910s - Geography & Travel 920 = 920s - Biography, Genealogy, Insignia 930 = 930s - History of Ancient World 940 = 940s - General History of Europe 950 = 950s - General History of Asia Far East 960 = 960s - General History of Africa 970 = 970s - General History of North America 980 = 980s - General History of South America 990 = 990s - General History of Other Areas