module Commands def if !options.params.empty? && Commands.respond_to?(options.params.first.to_sym) method_name = "print_#{options.params.first}_help".to_sym Commands.method(method_name).call() else print_general_help end end private def Commands.print_general_help puts <<-END.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') p4util [command] [params] Executes various commands useful when writing Perforce applications. Use `p4util help [command]` for more information on each command. List of available commands: download - Download Perforce binaries for your platform init - Seed the local p4d instance using local configuration files kill - Shutdown p4d processes using SIGTERM start - Spawn the p4d process in your working directory Additional 'commands' you can use for more information: version - Print the version string rake - Some notes on how to use the Rake tasks END end end