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Use `konstructor` keyword to declare constructors additional to the defaul one: ```ruby class SomeClass konstructor def create(val) @val = val end attr_reader :val end obj0 = SomeClass.new obj0.val # nil obj1 = SomeClass.create(3) obj1.val # 3 ``` It's similar to having overloaded constructors in other languages. ## Installation Via Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'konstructor' ``` and then execute `bundle`. You can also install it without Bundler: $ gem install konstructor If you are a gem author or just wish to manually include `konstructor` keyword in your classes only when you need it, see [Manual include](https://github.com/snovity/konstructor/wiki/Manual-include) page. ## Usage In its simplest form `konstructor` declaration creates a constructor from the next method. ```ruby konstructor def create end konstructor def recreate end ``` When method names are given, it creates constructors from those methods without affecting the next method. ```ruby konstructor :create, :recreate def not_a_constructor end def create end def recreate end ``` Declaration with method names can be placed anywhere in class definition. ```ruby def create end konstructor :create konstructor def recreate end ``` Several declarations may be used, all declarations add up without overwriting each other. ```ruby def create end konstructor :recreate konstructor :create def recreate end ``` In all above cases `SomeClass` will have the default constructor and two additional ones. ```ruby obj0 = SomeClass.new obj1 = SomeClass.create obj2 = SomeClass.recreate ``` If you decide to remove the default Ruby constructor for some reason, you can achieve the effect by marking it private with Ruby method `private_class_method`: ```ruby class SomeClass private_class_method :new end ``` #### Same as default constructor Additional constructors work exactly the same way as the default one. You can pass blocks to them. ```ruby konstructor def create(val) @val = yield val end #... obj = SomeClass.create(3) { |v| v*3 } obj.val # 9 ``` You can override them in subclasses and call `super`. ```ruby class SomeClass konstructor def create(val) @val = val end attr_reader :val end class SomeSubclass < SomeClass def create(val1, val2) super(val1 * val2) end end obj = SomeSubclass.create(2, 3) obj.val # 6 ``` Once method is declared as `konstructor` in hierarchy, it is always a constructor. There are certain limitations to what can be declared as `konstructor`, see [Limitations page](https://github.com/snovity/konstructor/wiki/Limitations) for details. #### Reusing default constructor Sometimes you don't want to completely replace the default constructor, instead you just want to add additional processing before/after it. ```ruby class Person def initialize(name) @name = name @word_count = name.split(' ').size end konstructor def from_two_names(first_name, second_name) initialize(first_name + ' ' + second_name) @name_count = 2 end attr_reader :name, :word_count, :name_count end Person.new('John Doe') Person.from_two_names('John', 'Doe') ``` #### Using with other gems Konstructor doesn't affect other gems depending on metaprogramming, such as [rake](https://github.com/ruby/rake), [thor](https://github.com/erikhuda/thor), [contracts](https://github.com/egonSchiele/contracts.ruby), etc. For instnace, this is how Konstructor works with Contracts: ```ruby class SomeClass konstructor Contract Num => SomeClass def create(some_number) @number = some_number end end obj0 = SomeClass.create(3) obj1 = SomeClass.create("three") # raises contract exception ``` If you stumble upon a metaprogramming gem that conflicts with Konstructor, please [open an issue](https://github.com/snovity/konstructor/issues/new). ## Details The default Ruby constructor is a pair consisting of public class method `new` and a private instance method `initialize`. To create an additional one `konstructor` marks given instance method as private and defines a corresponding public class method with the same name. #### Performance Using `konstructor` declaration has no runtime perfomance penalty, since all work is done during class definition and then it's just standard Ruby instance creation. Cost of `konstructor` declaration at initial load time is roughly the same as declaring 3 properties with `attr_accessor`. ```ruby attr_accessor :one, :two, :three # following declaration takes the same time as above declaration konstructor def create end ``` See [Benchmarks page](https://github.com/snovity/konstructor/wiki/Benchmarks) for details. #### Dependencies and requirements Konstructor doesn't depend on other gems. Requires Ruby `1.9.3` or higher. #### Thread safety Konstructor is thread safe. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/snovity/konstructor. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).