Feature: Manage <%= plural_name %> In order to keep track of <%= plural_name %> A <%= singular_name %> mechanic Should be able to manage several <%= plural_name %> Scenario: Register new <%= singular_name %> Given I am on the new <%= singular_name %> page <% keyword = 'When' -%> <% args.each do |arg| -%> <%= keyword %> I fill in "<%= arg.humanize %>" with "My <%= singular_name %> <%= arg %>" <% keyword = 'And' -%> <% end -%> And I press "Create" <% keyword = 'Then' -%> <% args.each do |arg| -%> <%= keyword %> I should see "My <%= singular_name %> <%= arg %>" <% keyword = 'And' -%> <% end -%> Scenario: Delete <%= singular_name %> Given there are 4 <%= plural_name %> When I delete the first <%= singular_name %> Then there should be 3 <%= plural_name %> left More Examples: | initial | after | | 100 | 99 | | 1 | 0 |