# frozen_string_literal: true module Heartml class Fragment def initialize(fragment, component) @fragment = fragment @component = component @attribute_bindings = component.class.attribute_bindings.each do |attr_def| attr_def.method = component.method(attr_def.method_name) end end # NOTE: for some reason, the traverse method yields node children first, then the # parent node. That doesn't work for our case. We want to go strictly in source order. # So this is our own implementation of that. def traverse(node, &block) yield(node) node.children.each { |child| traverse(child, &block) } end def process(fragment = @fragment) # rubocop:disable Metrics traverse(fragment) do |node| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength component = Heartml.registered_elements.find { _1.tag_name == node.name } if component attrs = node.attributes.dup new_attrs = {} attrs.each do |k, attr| unless k == "server-args" new_attrs[k] = attr.value next end v = attr.value params = v.split(";").map(&:strip) params.each do |param| new_key, v2 = param.split(":").map(&:strip) new_attrs[new_key] = @component.evaluate_attribute_expression(attr, v2) end attrs.delete(k) end attrs.merge!(new_attrs) attrs.reject! { |k| k.start_with?("server-") || k.start_with?("iso-") || k.start_with?("host-") } attrs.transform_keys!(&:to_sym) obj = component.new(**attrs) render_output = if obj.respond_to?(:render_in) obj.render_in(@component.view_context, rendering_mode: :node) { node.children } else obj.render_element(content: node.children) end node.replace(render_output) end process_attribute_bindings(node) end end def process_attribute_bindings(node) # rubocop:todo Metrics node.attributes.each do |name, attr_node| @attribute_bindings.each do |attribute_binding| next if attribute_binding.only_for_tag && node.name != attribute_binding.only_for_tag.to_s next unless attribute_binding.matcher.match?(name) next if attribute_binding.method.receiver._check_stack(node) break unless attribute_binding.method.(attribute: attr_node, node: node) end rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException line_segments = [@component.class.heart_module, @component.class.line_number_of_node(attr_node)] puts "here we go!" raise e.class, e.message.lines.first, [line_segments.join(":"), *e.backtrace] end end end end