# # Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Satoru Takabayashi # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto # All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # require 'socket' $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' require 'qwik/mail' require 'qwik/util-charset' module Qwik class Sendmail def initialize(host, port, test=false) @host, @port = host, port @test = test end def send(mail) Sendmail.send(@host, @port, mail[:from], mail[:to], mail[:subject], mail[:content], @test) end # FIXME: This method is too ad hoc. def self.send(host, port, from, to, subject, body, test) efrom = QuickML::Mail.encode_field(from.to_s) eto = QuickML::Mail.encode_field(to.to_s) esubject = QuickML::Mail.encode_field(subject) body = body.set_sourcecode_charset.to_mail_charset message = "From: #{efrom} To: #{eto} Subject: #{esubject} Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-2022-JP\" #{body} " if test $smtp_sendmail = [host, port, efrom, eto, message] return message # for debug end require 'net/smtp' Net::SMTP.start(host, port) {|smtp| smtp.send_mail(message, from, to) } return nil end end end class Sendmail def self.send_mail (smtp_host, smtp_port, logger, mail) validate_mail(mail) msg = build_message(mail) result = nil begin config = Sendmail.prepare_config(smtp_host, smtp_port, true) s = Sendmail.open_socket(config) myhostname = config[:test] ? 'sender' : Socket.gethostname Sendmail.send_to_socket(config, s, myhostname, msg, mail[:mail_from], mail[:recipient]) result = s rescue => e logger.log "Error: Unable to send mail: #{e.class}: #{e.message}" end if $test $quickml_sendmail = [smtp_host, smtp_port, mail[:mail_from], mail[:recipient], msg] end return result # Only for test end private def self.validate_mail(mail) if mail[:mail_from].nil? || mail[:recipient].nil? || mail[:header].nil? || mail[:body].nil? raise "Missing mail header." end mail[:recipient] = [mail[:recipient]] if mail[:recipient].kind_of?(String) end def self.build_message(mail) return mail[:header].map {|field| key, value = field "#{key}: #{value}\n" }.join+"\n"+mail[:body] end def self.prepare_config(smtp_host, smtp_port, use_xverp = false, test = false) test = true if defined?($test) && $test config = { :smtp_port => smtp_port, :smtp_host => smtp_host, :use_xverp => use_xverp, :xverp_available => false, :test => test, } return config end def self.open_socket(c) klass = c[:test] ? MockSmtpServer : TCPSocket s = $ml_sm = klass.open(c[:smtp_host], c[:smtp_port]) # $ml_sm is for test return s end def self.send_to_socket(c, s, myhostname, message, mail_from, recipients) recipients = [recipients] if recipients.kind_of?(String) send_command(c, s, nil, 220) send_command(c, s, "EHLO #{myhostname}", 250) if c[:use_xverp] and c[:xverp_available] and (not mail_from.empty?) send_command(c, s, "MAIL FROM: <#{mail_from}> XVERP===", 250) else send_command(c, s, "MAIL FROM: <#{mail_from}>", 250) end recipients.each {|recipient| send_command(c, s, "RCPT TO: <#{recipient}>", 250) } send_command(c, s, 'DATA', 354) message.each_line {|line| line.sub!(/\r?\n/, "") line.sub!(/^\./, '..') line << "\r\n" s.print(line) } send_command(c, s, '.', 250) send_command(c, s, 'QUIT', 221) s.close end def self.send_command (c, s, command, code) s.print(command + "\r\n") if command begin line = s.gets c[:xverp_available] = true if /^250-XVERP/.match(line) end while line[3] == ?- return_code = line[0, 3].to_i if return_code == code line else raise "smtp-error: #{command} => #{line}" end end end def Sendmail(*args) Sendmail.send_mail(*args) end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'test/unit' require 'qwik/testunit' require 'qwik/mock-sendmail' require 'pp' $test = true end if defined?($test) && $test class TestSendmail < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_all sm = Qwik::Sendmail.new('', '25', true) mail = { :from => 'from@example.com', :to => 'to@example.com', :subject => 'subject', :content => 'content', } assert_equal "From: from@example.com To: to@example.com Subject: subject Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-2022-JP\" content ", sm.send(mail) mail = { :from => 'from@example.com', :to => 'to@example.com', :subject => '題名', :content => '本文', } assert_equal "From: from@example.com To: to@example.com Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQmpMPhsoQg==?= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-2022-JP\" \e$BK\\J8\e(B ", sm.send(mail) end end end if defined?($test) && $test class TestSendmail < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_all c = Sendmail # test_build_message is "\n", c.build_message(:header=>[], :body=>'') is "a: b\n\nc", c.build_message(:header=>[['a', 'b']], :body=>'c') is "a: b\n\nc", c.build_message(:header=>[[:a, 'b']], :body=>'c') # test_send mail = { :mail_from => '', :recipient => '', :header => [], :body => '', } so = Sendmail('localhost', 25, nil, mail) is "EHLO sender MAIL FROM: <> RCPT TO: <> DATA . QUIT", so.buffer.join("\n") mail = { :mail_from => 'alice@example.com', :recipient => 'bob@example.com', :header => [ ['To', 'bob@example.com'], ['From', 'alice@example.com'], ['Subject', 'test'], ], :body => 'This is a test.', } so = Sendmail('localhost', 25, false, mail) is "EHLO sender MAIL FROM: RCPT TO: DATA To: bob@example.com From: alice@example.com Subject: test This is a test. . QUIT", so.buffer.join("\n") end end end