const { parseSync } = require("./parseSync"); /* * metadata mostly pulled from linguist and rubocop: * * */ const plugin = { languages: [ { name: "Ruby", parsers: ["ruby"], extensions: [ ".arb", ".axlsx", ".builder", ".eye", ".fcgi", ".gemfile", ".gemspec", ".god", ".jb", ".jbuilder", ".mspec", ".opal", ".pluginspec", ".podspec", ".rabl", ".rake", ".rb", ".rbi", ".rbuild", ".rbw", ".rbx", ".ru", ".ruby", ".thor", ".watchr" ], filenames: [ ".irbrc", ".pryrc", ".simplecov", "Appraisals", "Berksfile", "Brewfile", "Buildfile", "Capfile", "Cheffile", "Dangerfile", "Deliverfile", "Fastfile", "Gemfile", "Guardfile", "Jarfile", "Mavenfile", "Podfile", "Puppetfile", "Rakefile", "Snapfile", "Thorfile", "Vagabondfile", "Vagrantfile", "buildfile" ], interpreters: ["jruby", "macruby", "rake", "rbx", "ruby"], linguistLanguageId: 326, vscodeLanguageIds: ["ruby"] }, { name: "RBS", parsers: ["rbs"], extensions: [".rbs"] }, { name: "HAML", parsers: ["haml"], extensions: [".haml"], vscodeLanguageIds: ["haml"] } ], parsers: { ruby: { parse(text, _parsers, opts) { return parseSync("ruby", text, opts); }, astFormat: "ruby", hasPragma(text) { return /^\s*#[^\S\n]*@(?:prettier|format)\s*?(?:\n|$)/m.test(text); }, locStart() { return 0; }, locEnd() { return 0; } }, rbs: { parse(text, _parsers, opts) { return parseSync("rbs", text, opts); }, astFormat: "rbs", hasPragma(text) { return /^\s*#[^\S\n]*@(prettier|format)\s*(\n|$)/.test(text); }, locStart() { return 0; }, locEnd() { return 0; } }, haml: { parse(text, _parsers, opts) { return parseSync("haml", text, opts); }, astFormat: "haml", hasPragma(text) { return /^\s*-#\s*@(prettier|format)/.test(text); }, locStart() { return 0; }, locEnd() { return 0; } } }, printers: { ruby: { print(path) { return path.getValue(); }, insertPragma(text) { return `# @format${text.startsWith("#") ? "\n" : "\n\n"}${text}`; } }, rbs: { print(path) { return path.getValue(); }, insertPragma(text) { return `# @format${text.startsWith("#") ? "\n" : "\n\n"}${text}`; } }, haml: { print(path) { return path.getValue(); }, insertPragma(text) { return `-# @format${text.startsWith("-#") ? "\n" : "\n\n"}${text}`; } } }, options: { rubyPlugins: { type: "string", category: "Ruby", default: "", description: "The comma-separated list of plugins to require", since: "3.1.0" } }, defaultOptions: { printWidth: 80, tabWidth: 2 } }; module.exports = plugin;