# Copyright (C) 2010 Rocky Bernstein require_relative 'base/cmd' # up command. Like 'down' butthe direction (set by DIRECTION) is different. # # NOTE: The down command subclasses this, so beware when changing! class Trepan::Command::UpCommand < Trepan::Command # Silence already initialized constant .. warnings old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil HELP = "u(p) [count] Move the current frame up in the stack trace (to an older frame). 0 is the most recent frame. If no count is given, move up 1. See also 'down' and 'frame'. " ALIASES = %w(u) CATEGORY = 'stack' MAX_ARGS = 1 # Need at most this many NAME = File.basename(__FILE__, '.rb') NEED_STACK = true SHORT_HELP = 'Move frame in the direction of the caller of the last-selected frame' $VERBOSE = old_verbose require_relative '../../app/frame' include Trepan::Frame def initialize(proc) super @direction = +1 # -1 for down. end # Run 'up' command. def run(args) # FIXME: move into @proc and test based on NEED_STACK. if not @proc.top_frame errmsg('No frames recorded.') return false end if args.size == 1 # Form is: "down" which means "down 1" count = 1 else stack_size = @proc.top_frame.stack_size - @proc.hide_level count_str = args[1] name_or_id = args[1] opts = { :msg_on_error => "The '#{NAME}' command argument requires a frame number. Got: %s" % count_str, :min_value => -stack_size, :max_value => stack_size-1 } count = @proc.get_an_int(count_str, opts) return false unless count end @proc.adjust_frame(@direction * count, false) end end if __FILE__ == $0 # Demo it. require 'thread_frame' require_relative '../mock' name = File.basename(__FILE__, '.rb') dbgr, cmd = MockDebugger::setup(name) def sep ; puts '=' * 40 end cmd.run [name] %w(-1 0 1 -2).each do |count| puts "#{name} #{count}" cmd.run([name, count]) sep end def foo(cmd, name) cmd.proc.frame_setup(RubyVM::ThreadFrame::current) puts "#{name}" cmd.run([name]) sep %w(-2 -1).each do |count| puts "#{name} #{count}" cmd.run([name, count]) sep end end foo(cmd, name) end