require 'spec_helper' describe Mixpal::Tracker do subject { } let(:identity) { 'nick' } let(:subject_with_identity) { identity) } describe '#initialize' do it 'creates an empty set of events' do expect( eq [] end it 'creates an empty set of user_updates' do expect(subject.user_updates).to eq [] end context 'with an :identity arg' do subject { subject_with_identity } it 'sets the identity' do expect(subject.identity).to eq 'nick' end end end describe '#register_user' do it 'sets the alias_user flag so we render the alias call' do subject.register_user(name: 'Nick') expect(subject.alias_user).to be_true end it 'delegates to #update_user for tracking user properties' do properties = { name: 'Nick' } subject.should_receive(:update_user).with(properties) subject.register_user(properties) end end describe '#update_user' do it 'instantiates a new User object with properties' do properties = { name: 'Nick' } Mixpal::User.should_receive(:new).with(properties) subject.update_user(properties) end it 'adds the User to user_updates for rendering later' do expect do subject.update_user(name: 'Nick') change(subject.user_updates, :size).by(1) subject.user_updates.first.should be_an_instance_of(Mixpal::User) end end describe '#track' do it 'instantiates a new Event object with properties' do name = 'Clicked Button' properties = { color: 'Green' } Mixpal::Event.should_receive(:new).with(name, properties) subject.track(name, properties) end it 'adds the Event to events for rendering later' do expect do subject.track('Clicked Button', color: 'Green') change(, :size).by(1) be_an_instance_of(Mixpal::Event) end end describe '#render' do it 'outputs script tag' do expect(subject.render).to have_tag('script') end it 'outputs an html safe string' do expect(subject.render).to be_html_safe end context 'with an identity' do subject { subject_with_identity } it 'outputs call to identify' do expect(subject.render).to include "mixpanel.identify(\"#{identity}\");" end context 'when user is being registered' do before { subject.register_user(name: 'Nick Giancola') } it 'outputs call to alias by identity' do expect(subject.render).to include "mixpanel.alias(\"#{identity}\");" end end end context 'with no registered user' do it 'does not output call to alias' do expect(subject.render).not_to include 'mixpanel.alias' end end context 'without an identity' do it 'does not output call to identify' do expect(subject.render).not_to include 'mixpanel.indentify' end end context 'with tracked events' do before do subject.track('Event 1', color: 'Green') subject.track('Event 2', title: 'Something Awesome') end it 'delegates render to the events' do { |event| event.should_receive :render } subject.render end it 'joins each rendered event' do joined =[0].render +[1].render expect(subject.render).to include joined end end context 'with user properties' do before do subject.update_user(name: 'Hank') subject.update_user(location: 'Los Angeles') end it 'delegates render to the users' do subject.user_updates.each { |user| user.should_receive :render } subject.render end it 'joins each rendered user' do joined = subject.user_updates[0].render + subject.user_updates[1].render expect(subject.render).to include joined end end end describe '#store!' do let(:session) { {} } def storage_should_include(hash_fragment) expect(session[described_class::STORAGE_KEY]).to include hash_fragment end it 'stores the alias_user property' do subject.register_user({})!(session) storage_should_include('alias_user' => true) end it 'stores the identity' do!(session) storage_should_include('identity' => identity) end context 'when events have been tracked' do before do subject.track('Event 1', color: 'Green') subject.track('Event 2', title: 'Something Awesome') end it 'delegates composition to the events' do { |event| event.should_receive :to_store }!(session) end it 'stores the events composed hashes in an array' do!(session) storage_should_include( 'events' => [[0].to_store,[1].to_store] ) end end context 'when user properties have been updated' do before do subject.update_user(name: 'Hank') subject.update_user(location: 'Los Angeles') end it 'delegates composition to the users' do subject.user_updates.each { |user| user.should_receive :to_store }!(session) end it 'stores the users composed hashes in an array' do!(session) storage_should_include( 'user_updates' => [ subject.user_updates[0].to_store, subject.user_updates[1].to_store ] ) end end end describe '#restore!' do let(:old_tracker) { identity) } let(:session) { {} } before do old_tracker.track 'Event 1' old_tracker.register_user name: 'Nick Giancola'!(session) end it 'restores the alias_user property' do subject.restore!(session) expect(subject.alias_user).to eq true end it 'restores the events' do subject.restore!(session) expect( eq 1 end it 'delegates event restoration to the Event class' do Mixpal::Event.should_receive(:from_store) .with( subject.restore!(session) end it 'restores the events' do subject.restore!(session) expect( eq 1 end context 'with a different identity (e.g. after login)' do subject { "#{identity}-2") } it 'does not override identity with value in storage' do subject.restore!(session) expect(subject.identity).to eq "#{identity}-2" end end context 'with no identity (e.g. after logout)' do subject { nil) } it 'overrides identity with value in storage' do subject.restore!(session) expect(subject.identity).to eq identity end end end end