require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'test_helper')) require 'new_relic/agent/database' class NewRelic::Agent::DatabaseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def teardown NewRelic::Agent::Database::Obfuscator.instance.reset end def test_process_resultset resultset = [["column"]] assert_equal([nil, [["column"]]], NewRelic::Agent::Database.process_resultset(resultset)) end def test_explain_sql_select_with_mysql_connection config = {:adapter => 'mysql'} config.default('val') sql = 'SELECT foo' connection = mock('connection') plan = { "select_type"=>"SIMPLE", "key_len"=>nil, "table"=>"blogs", "id"=>"1", "possible_keys"=>nil, "type"=>"ALL", "Extra"=>"", "rows"=>"2", "ref"=>nil, "key"=>nil } result = mock('explain plan') result.expects(:each_hash).yields(plan) # two rows, two columns connection.expects(:execute).with('EXPLAIN SELECT foo').returns(result) NewRelic::Agent::Database.expects(:get_connection).with(config).returns(connection) result = NewRelic::Agent::Database.explain_sql(sql, config) assert_equal(plan.keys.sort, result[0].sort) assert_equal(plan.values.compact.sort, result[1][0].compact.sort) end def test_explain_sql_one_select_with_pg_connection config = {:adapter => 'postgresql'} config.default('val') sql = 'select count(id) from blogs limit 1' connection = mock('connection') plan = [{"QUERY PLAN"=>"Limit (cost=11.75..11.76 rows=1 width=4)"}, {"QUERY PLAN"=>" -> Aggregate (cost=11.75..11.76 rows=1 width=4)"}, {"QUERY PLAN"=>" -> Seq Scan on blogs (cost=0.00..11.40 rows=140 width=4)"}] connection.expects(:execute).returns(plan) NewRelic::Agent::Database.expects(:get_connection).with(config).returns(connection) assert_equal([['QUERY PLAN'], [["Limit (cost=11.75..11.76 rows=1 width=4)"], [" -> Aggregate (cost=11.75..11.76 rows=1 width=4)"], [" -> Seq Scan on blogs (cost=0.00..11.40 rows=140 width=4)"]]], NewRelic::Agent::Database.explain_sql(sql, config)) end def test_explain_sql_no_sql assert_equal(nil, NewRelic::Agent::Database.explain_sql(nil, nil)) end def test_explain_sql_no_connection_config assert_equal(nil, NewRelic::Agent::Database.explain_sql('select foo', nil)) end def test_explain_sql_non_select assert_equal([], NewRelic::Agent::Database.explain_sql('foo', mock('config'))) end def test_explain_sql_one_select_no_connection # NB this test raises an error in the log, much as it might if a # user supplied a config that was not valid. This is generally # expected behavior - the get_connection method shouldn't allow # errors to percolate up. config = mock('config') config.stubs(:[]).returns(nil) assert_equal([], NewRelic::Agent::Database.explain_sql('SELECT', config)) end def test_handle_exception_in_explain fake_error ='a message') NewRelic::Control.instance.log.expects(:error).with('Error getting query plan: a message') # backtrace can be basically any string, just should get logged NewRelic::Control.instance.log.expects(:debug).with(instance_of(String)) NewRelic::Agent::Database.handle_exception_in_explain do raise(fake_error) end end def test_sql_normalization # basic statement assert_equal "INSERT INTO X values(?,?, ? , ?)", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql("INSERT INTO X values('test',0, 1 , 2)") # escaped literals assert_equal "INSERT INTO X values(?, ?,?, ? , ?)", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql("INSERT INTO X values('', 'jim''s ssn',0, 1 , 'jim''s son''s son')") # multiple string literals assert_equal "INSERT INTO X values(?,?,?, ? , ?)", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql("INSERT INTO X values('jim''s ssn','x',0, 1 , 2)") # empty string literal # NOTE: the empty string literal resolves to empty string, which for our purposes is acceptable assert_equal "INSERT INTO X values(?,?,?, ? , ?)", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql("INSERT INTO X values('','x',0, 1 , 2)") # try a select statement assert_equal "select * from table where name=? and ssn=?", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql("select * from table where name='jim gochee' and ssn=0012211223") # number literals embedded in sql - oh well assert_equal "select * from table_? where name=? and ssn=?", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql("select * from table_007 where name='jim gochee' and ssn=0012211223") end def test_sql_normalization__single_quotes assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql("INSERT 'this isn''t a real value' into table") assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(%q[INSERT '"' into table]) assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(%q[INSERT ' "some text" \" ' into table]) # could not get this one licked. no biggie # assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", # @agent.send(:default_sql_obfuscator, %q[INSERT '\'' into table]) assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(%q[INSERT ''' ' into table]) end def test_sql_normalization__double_quotes assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(%q[INSERT "this isn't a real value" into table]) assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(%q[INSERT "'" into table]) assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(%q[INSERT " \" " into table]) assert_equal "INSERT ? into table", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(%q[INSERT " 'some text' " into table]) end def test_sql_obfuscation_filters NewRelic::Agent::Database.set_sql_obfuscator(:replace) do |string| "1" + string end sql = "SELECT * FROM TABLE 123 'jim'" assert_equal "1" + sql, NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(sql) NewRelic::Agent::Database.set_sql_obfuscator(:before) do |string| "2" + string end assert_equal "12" + sql, NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(sql) NewRelic::Agent::Database.set_sql_obfuscator(:after) do |string| string + "3" end assert_equal "12" + sql + "3", NewRelic::Agent::Database.obfuscate_sql(sql) end end