require 'json' require 'timeout' require 'thread' require 'mini_profiler/page_timer_struct' require 'mini_profiler/sql_timer_struct' require 'mini_profiler/client_timer_struct' require 'mini_profiler/request_timer_struct' require 'mini_profiler/body_add_proxy' require 'mini_profiler/storage/abstract_store' require 'mini_profiler/storage/memory_store' require 'mini_profiler/storage/redis_store' require 'mini_profiler/storage/file_store' require 'mini_profiler/config' require 'mini_profiler/profiling_methods' require 'mini_profiler/context' module Rack class MiniProfiler VERSION = '104'.freeze class << self include Rack::MiniProfiler::ProfilingMethods def generate_id rand(36**20).to_s(36) end def reset_config @config = Config.default end # So we can change the configuration if we want def config @config ||= Config.default end def share_template return @share_template unless @share_template.nil? @share_template ="../html/share.html", ::File.dirname(__FILE__))) end def current Thread.current[:mini_profiler_private] end def current=(c) # we use TLS cause we need access to this from sql blocks and code blocks that have no access to env Thread.current[:mini_profiler_private]= c end # discard existing results, don't track this request def discard_results self.current.discard = true if current end # user has the mini profiler cookie, only used when config.authorization_mode == :whitelist def has_profiling_cookie?(env) env['HTTP_COOKIE'] && env['HTTP_COOKIE'].include?("__profilin=stylin") end # remove the mini profiler cookie, only used when config.authorization_mode == :whitelist def remove_profiling_cookie(headers) Rack::Utils.delete_cookie_header!(headers, '__profilin') end def set_profiling_cookie(headers) Rack::Utils.set_cookie_header!(headers, '__profilin', 'stylin') end def create_current(env={}, options={}) # profiling the request self.current = self.current.inject_js = config.auto_inject && (!env['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'].eql? 'XMLHttpRequest') self.current.page_struct = self.current.current_timer = current.page_struct['Root'] end def authorize_request Thread.current[:mp_authorized] = true end def deauthorize_request Thread.current[:mp_authorized] = nil end def request_authorized? Thread.current[:mp_authorized] end end # # options: # :auto_inject - should script be automatically injected on every html page (not xhr) def initialize(app, config = nil) MiniProfiler.config.merge!(config) @config = MiniProfiler.config @app = app @config.base_url_path << "/" unless @config.base_url_path.end_with? "/" unless @config.storage_instance @storage = @config.storage_instance = end end def user(env) end def serve_results(env) request = id = request['id'] page_struct = @storage.load(id) unless page_struct @storage.set_viewed(user(env), id) return [404, {}, ["Request not found: #{request['id']} - user #{user(env)}"]] end unless page_struct['HasUserViewed'] page_struct['ClientTimings'].init_from_form_data(env, page_struct) page_struct['HasUserViewed'] = true @storage.set_viewed(user(env), id) end result_json = page_struct.to_json # If we're an XMLHttpRequest, serve up the contents as JSON if request.xhr? [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, [result_json]] else # Otherwise give the HTML back html = MiniProfiler.share_template.dup html.gsub!(/\{path\}/, @config.base_url_path) html.gsub!(/\{version\}/, MiniProfiler::VERSION) html.gsub!(/\{json\}/, result_json) html.gsub!(/\{includes\}/, get_profile_script(env)) html.gsub!(/\{name\}/, page_struct['Name']) html.gsub!(/\{duration\}/, page_struct.duration_ms.round(1).to_s) [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, [html]] end end def serve_html(env) file_name = env['PATH_INFO'][(@config.base_url_path.length)..1000] return serve_results(env) if file_name.eql?('results') full_path = ::File.expand_path("../html/#{file_name}", ::File.dirname(__FILE__)) return [404, {}, ["Not found"]] unless ::File.exists? full_path f = nil f.path = full_path f.cache_control = "max-age:86400" f.serving env end def current MiniProfiler.current end def current=(c) MiniProfiler.current=c end def config @config end def call(env) status = headers = body = nil path = env['PATH_INFO'] skip_it = (@config.pre_authorize_cb && ! || (@config.skip_paths && @config.skip_paths.any?{ |p| path[0,p.length] == p}) || env["QUERY_STRING"] =~ /pp=skip/ has_profiling_cookie = MiniProfiler.has_profiling_cookie?(env) if skip_it || (@config.authorization_mode == :whitelist && !has_profiling_cookie) status,headers,body = if !skip_it && @config.authorization_mode == :whitelist && !has_profiling_cookie && MiniProfiler.request_authorized? MiniProfiler.set_profiling_cookie(headers) end return [status,headers,body] end # handle all /mini-profiler requests here return serve_html(env) if env['PATH_INFO'].start_with? @config.base_url_path MiniProfiler.create_current(env, @config) MiniProfiler.deauthorize_request if @config.authorization_mode == :whitelist if env["QUERY_STRING"] =~ /pp=no-backtrace/ current.skip_backtrace = true elsif env["QUERY_STRING"] =~ /pp=full-backtrace/ current.full_backtrace = true end done_sampling = false quit_sampler = false backtraces = nil missing_stacktrace = false if env["QUERY_STRING"] =~ /pp=sample/ backtraces = [] t = Thread.current { begin require 'stacktrace' rescue nil if !t.respond_to? :stacktrace missing_stacktrace = true quit_sampler = true return end i = 10000 # for sanity never grab more than 10k samples while i > 0 break if done_sampling i -= 1 backtraces << t.stacktrace sleep 0.001 end ensure quit_sampler = true end } end status, headers, body = nil start = begin status,headers,body = ensure if backtraces done_sampling = true sleep 0.001 until quit_sampler end end skip_it = current.discard if (config.authorization_mode == :whitelist && !MiniProfiler.request_authorized?) MiniProfiler.remove_profiling_cookie(headers) skip_it = true end return [status,headers,body] if skip_it # we must do this here, otherwise current[:discard] is not being properly treated if env["QUERY_STRING"] =~ /pp=env/ body.close if body.respond_to? :close return dump_env env end if env["QUERY_STRING"] =~ /pp=help/ body.close if body.respond_to? :close return help end page_struct = current.page_struct page_struct['Root'].record_time(( - start) * 1000) if backtraces body.close if body.respond_to? :close return help(:stacktrace) if missing_stacktrace return analyze(backtraces, page_struct) end # no matter what it is, it should be unviewed, otherwise we will miss POST @storage.set_unviewed(user(env), page_struct['Id']) # inject headers, script if status == 200 # inject header if headers.is_a? Hash headers['X-MiniProfiler-Ids'] = ids_json(env) end # inject script if current.inject_js \ && headers.has_key?('Content-Type') \ && !headers['Content-Type'].match(/text\/html/).nil? then body =, self.get_profile_script(env)) end end # mini profiler is meddling with stuff, we can not cache cause we will get incorrect data # Rack::ETag has already inserted some nonesense in the chain headers.delete('ETag') headers.delete('Date') headers['Cache-Control'] = 'must-revalidate, private, max-age=0' [status, headers, body] ensure # Make sure this always happens current = nil end def dump_env(env) headers = {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'} body = "" env.each do |k,v| body << "#{k}: #{v}\n" end [200, headers, [body]] end def help(category = nil) headers = {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'} body = "Append the following to your query string: pp=help : display this screen pp=env : display the rack environment pp=skip : skip mini profiler for this request pp=no-backtrace : don't collect stack traces from all the SQL executed pp=full-backtrace : enable full backtrace for SQL executed pp=sample : sample stack traces and return a report isolating heavy usage (requires the stacktrace gem) " if (category == :stacktrace) body = "pp=stacktrace requires the stacktrace gem - add gem 'stacktrace' to your Gemfile" end [200, headers, [body]] end def analyze(traces, page_struct) headers = {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'} body = "Collected: #{traces.count} stack traces. Duration(ms): #{page_struct.duration_ms}" seen = {} fulldump = "" traces.each do |trace| fulldump << "\n\n" distinct = {} trace.each do |frame| name = "#{frame.klass} #{frame.method}" unless distinct[name] distinct[name] = true seen[name] ||= 0 seen[name] += 1 end fulldump << name << "\n" end end body << "\n\nStack Trace Analysis\n" seen.to_a.sort{|x,y| y[1] <=> x[1]}.each do |name, count| if count > traces.count / 10 body << "#{name} x #{count}\n" end end body << "\n\n\nRaw traces \n" body << fulldump [200, headers, [body]] end def ids_json(env) ids = [current.page_struct["Id"]] + (@storage.get_unviewed_ids(user(env)) || []) ::JSON.generate(ids.uniq) end # get_profile_script returns script to be injected inside current html page # By default, profile_script is appended to the end of all html requests automatically. # Calling get_profile_script cancels automatic append for the current page # Use it when: # * you have disabled auto append behaviour throught :auto_inject => false flag # * you do not want script to be automatically appended for the current page. You can also call cancel_auto_inject def get_profile_script(env) ids = ids_json(env) path = @config.base_url_path version = MiniProfiler::VERSION position = @config.position showTrivial = false showChildren = false maxTracesToShow = 10 showControls = false currentId = current.page_struct["Id"] authorized = true useExistingjQuery = false # TODO : cache this snippet script ='../html/profile_handler.js', ::File.dirname(__FILE__))) # replace the variables [:ids, :path, :version, :position, :showTrivial, :showChildren, :maxTracesToShow, :showControls, :currentId, :authorized, :useExistingjQuery].each do |v| regex ="\\{#{v.to_s}\\}") script.gsub!(regex, eval(v.to_s).to_s) end # replace the '{{' and '}}'' script.gsub!(/\{\{/, '{').gsub!(/\}\}/, '}') current.inject_js = false script end # cancels automatic injection of profile script for the current page def cancel_auto_inject(env) current.inject_js = false end end end