Feature: flapjack-populator command line
  As a systems administrator
  I should be able to use flapjack-populator
  From the command line

    Given a file named "flapjack-populator.yaml" with:
    db: 14
    driver: ruby
    And  a file named "flapjack-populator-contacts.json" with:
    "id": "21",
    "first_name": "Ada",
    "last_name": "Lovelace",
    "email": "ada@example.com",
    "media": {
      "sms": {
        "address": "+61412345678",
        "interval": "3600",
        "rollup_threshold": "5"
      "email": {
        "address": "ada@example.com",
        "interval": "7200",
        "rollup_threshold": null
    "tags": [
      "first computer programmer"
    And  a file named "flapjack-populator-entities.json" with:
    "id": "10001",
    "name": "clientx-app-01",
    "contacts": [
    "tags": [

  Scenario: Running with --help shows usage information
    When I run `bundle exec bin/flapjack import --help`
    Then the exit status should be 0
    And  the output should contain "Bulk import data from an external source"
    And  the output should contain "import contacts"
    And  the output should contain "import entities"
    And  the output should contain "[-f arg|--from arg]"

  Scenario: Running flapjack-populator with no arguments exits uncleanly and shows usage
    When I run `bundle exec bin/flapjack import`
    Then the exit status should not be 0
    And  the output should contain "Bulk import data from an external source"

  Scenario: Importing contacts
    When I run `bundle exec bin/flapjack -n test --config tmp/cucumber_cli/flapjack-populator.yaml import contacts --from tmp/cucumber_cli/flapjack-populator-contacts.json`
    Then the exit status should be 0

  Scenario: Importing entities
    When I run `bundle exec bin/flapjack -n test --config tmp/cucumber_cli/flapjack-populator.yaml import entities --from tmp/cucumber_cli/flapjack-populator-entities.json`
    Then the exit status should be 0

  Scenario Outline: Running an flapjack-populator import command with a missing '--from' exits uncleanly and shows usage
    When I run `bundle exec bin/flapjack -n test --config tmp/cucumber_cli/flapjack-populator.yaml import <Type> example.json`
    Then the exit status should not be 0
    And  the output should contain "error: f is required"
    And  the output should contain "Bulk import data from an external source"
      | Type     |
      | entities |
      | contacts |