class SparkleFormation class Translation # Translation for Heat (HOT) class Heat < Translation # Translate stack definition # # @return [TrueClass] # @note this is an override to return in proper HOT format # @todo still needs replacements of functions and pseudo-params def translate! super cache = MultiJson.load(MultiJson.dump(translated)) # top level cache.each do |k, v| translated.delete(k) translated[snake(k).to_s] = v end # params cache.fetch('Parameters', {}).each do |k, v| translated['parameters'][k] = Hash[ do |key, value| if(key == 'Type') [snake(key).to_s, value.downcase] elsif(key == 'AllowedValues') # @todo fix this up to properly build constraints ['constraints', [{'allowed_values' => value}]] else [snake(key).to_s, value] end end ] end # resources cache.fetch('Resources', {}).each do |r_name, r_value| translated['resources'][r_name] = Hash[ do |k, v| [snake(k).to_s, v] end ] end # outputs cache.fetch('Outputs', {}).each do |o_name, o_value| translated['outputs'][o_name] = Hash[ do |k, v| [snake(k).to_s, v] end ] end translated.delete('awstemplate_format_version') translated['heat_template_version'] = '2013-05-23' # no HOT support for mappings, so remove and clean pseudo # params in refs if(translated['resources']) translated['resources'] = dereference_processor(translated['resources'], ['Fn::FindInMap', 'Ref']) translated['resources'] = rename_processor(translated['resources']) end if(translated['outputs']) translated['outputs'] = dereference_processor(translated['outputs'], ['Fn::FindInMap', 'Ref']) translated['outputs'] = rename_processor(translated['outputs']) end translated.delete('mappings') complete_launch_config_lb_setups true end # Finalizer for the neutron load balancer resource. This # finalizer may generate new resources if the load balancer has # multiple listeners defined (neutron lb implementation defines # multiple isolated resources sharing a common virtual IP) # # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [Object] # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def neutron_loadbalancer_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) listeners = new_resource['Properties'].delete('listeners') || [] healthcheck = new_resource['Properties'].delete('health_check') subnet = (new_resource['Properties'].delete('subnets') || []).first # if health check is provided, create resource and apply to # all pools generated if(healthcheck) healthcheck_name = "#{resource_name}HealthCheck" check = { healthcheck_name => { 'Type' => 'OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor', 'Properties' => {}.tap{ |properties| {'Timeout' => 'timeout', 'Interval' => 'delay', 'HealthyThreshold' => 'max_retries'}.each do |aws, hot| if(healthcheck[aws]) properties[hot] = healthcheck[aws] end end type, port, path = healthcheck['Target'].split(%r{(:|/.*)}).find_all{|x| x != ':'} properties['type'] = type if(path) properties['url_path'] = path end } } } translated['Resources'].merge!(check) end base_listener = listeners.shift base_pool_name = "#{resource_name}Pool" base_pool = { base_pool_name => { 'Type' => 'OS::Neutron::Pool', 'Properties' => { 'lb_method' => 'ROUND_ROBIN', 'monitors' => [ {'get_resource' => healthcheck_name} ], 'protocol' => base_listener['Protocol'], 'vip' => { 'protocol_port' => base_listener['LoadBalancerPort'] }, 'subnet' => subnet } } } if(healthcheck) base_pool[base_pool_name]['Properties'].merge( 'monitors' => [ {'get_resource' => healthcheck_name} ] ) end translated['Resources'].merge!(base_pool) new_resource['Properties']['pool_id'] = {'get_resource' => base_pool_name} new_resource['Properties']['protocol_port'] = base_listener['InstancePort'] listeners.each_with_index do |listener, count| pool_name = "#{resource_name}PoolVip#{count}" pool = { pool_name => { 'Type' => 'OS::Neutron::Pool', 'Properties' => { 'lb_method' => 'ROUND_ROBIN', 'protocol' => listener['Protocol'], 'subnet' => subnet, 'vip' => { 'protocol_port' => listener['LoadBalancerPort'] } } } } if(healthcheck) pool[pool_name]['Properties'].merge( 'monitors' => [ {'get_resource' => healthcheck_name} ] ) end lb_name = "#{resource_name}Vip#{count}" lb = {lb_name => MultiJson.load(MultiJson.dump(new_resource))} lb[lb_name]['Properties']['pool_id'] = {'get_resource' => pool_name} lb[lb_name]['Properties']['protocol_port'] = listener['InstancePort'] translated['Resources'].merge!(pool) translated['Resources'].merge!(lb) end end # Update any launch configuration which define load balancers to # ensure they are attached to the correct resources when # multiple listeners (ports) have been defined resulting in # multiple isolated LB resources def complete_launch_config_lb_setups translated['resources'].find_all do |resource_name, resource| resource['type'] == 'OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup' end.each do |name, value| if(lbs = value['properties'].delete('load_balancers')) lbs.each do |lb_ref| lb_name = resource_name(lb_ref) lb_resource = translated['resources'][lb_name] vip_resources = translated['resources'].find_all do |k, v| k.match(/#{lb_name}Vip\d+/) && v['type'] == 'OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer' end value['properties']['load_balancers'] = do |vip_name| {'get_resource' => vip_name} end end end end true end # Custom mapping for block device # # @param value [Object] original property value # @param args [Hash] # @option args [Hash] :new_resource # @option args [Hash] :new_properties # @option args [Hash] :original_resource # @return [Array] name and new value # @todo implement def nova_server_block_device_mapping(value, args={}) ['block_device_mapping', value] end # Custom mapping for server user data # # @param value [Object] original property value # @param args [Hash] # @option args [Hash] :new_resource # @option args [Hash] :new_properties # @option args [Hash] :original_resource # @return [Array] name and new value def nova_server_user_data(value, args={}) args[:new_properties][:user_data_format] = 'RAW' args[:new_properties][:config_drive] = 'true' [:user_data, Hash[value.values.first]] end # Finalizer for the nova server resource. Fixes bug with remotes # in metadata # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [Object] def nova_server_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) if(old_resource['Metadata']) new_resource['Metadata'] = old_resource['Metadata'] proceed = new_resource['Metadata'] && new_resource['Metadata']['AWS::CloudFormation::Init'] && config = new_resource['Metadata']['AWS::CloudFormation::Init']['config'] if(proceed) # NOTE: This is a stupid hack since HOT gives the URL to # wget directly and if special characters exist, it fails if(files = config['files']) files.each do |key, args| if(args['source']) if(args['source'].is_a?(String)) args['source'].replace("\"#{args['source']}\"") else args['source'] = { 'Fn::Join' => [ '', [ "\"", args['source'], "\"" ] ] } end end end end end end end # Finalizer for the neutron subnet resource. Creates a stub # network to attach subnet if availability zones are defined # (aws classic) # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [TrueClass] def neutron_subnet_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) azs = new_resource['Properties'].delete('availability_zone') if(azs) network_name = "NetworkFor#{resource_name}" translated['Resources'][network_name] = { 'type' => 'OS::Neutron::Network' } new_resource['Properties']['network'] = {'get_resource' => network_name} end true end # Finalizer for the neutron net resource. Scrub properties. # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [TrueClass] def neutron_net_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) new_resource['Properties'].clear true end # Finalizer applied to all new resources # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [TrueClass] def resource_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) %w(DependsOn Metadata).each do |key| if(old_resource[key] && !new_resource[key]) new_resource[key] = old_resource[key] end end true end # Custom mapping for ASG launch configuration # # @param value [Object] original property value # @param args [Hash] # @option args [Hash] :new_resource # @option args [Hash] :new_properties # @option args [Hash] :original_resource # @return [Array] name and new value # @todo implement def autoscaling_group_launchconfig(value, args={}) ['resource', value] end # Default keys to snake cased format (underscore) # # @param key [String, Symbol] # @return [String] def default_key_format(key) snake(key) end # Heat translation mapping MAP = { :resources => { 'AWS::EC2::Instance' => { :name => 'OS::Nova::Server', :finalizer => :nova_server_finalizer, :properties => { 'AvailabilityZone' => 'availability_zone', 'BlockDeviceMappings' => :nova_server_block_device_mapping, 'ImageId' => 'image', 'InstanceType' => 'flavor', 'KeyName' => 'key_name', 'NetworkInterfaces' => 'networks', 'SecurityGroups' => 'security_groups', 'SecurityGroupIds' => 'security_groups', 'Tags' => 'metadata', 'UserData' => :nova_server_user_data } }, 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup' => { :name => 'OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup', :properties => { 'Cooldown' => 'cooldown', 'DesiredCapacity' => 'desired_capacity', 'MaxSize' => 'max_size', 'MinSize' => 'min_size', 'LaunchConfigurationName' => :autoscaling_group_launchconfig } }, 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration' => :delete, 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer' => { :name => 'OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer', :finalizer => :neutron_loadbalancer_finalizer, :properties => { 'Instances' => 'members', 'Listeners' => 'listeners', 'HealthCheck' => 'health_check', 'Subnets' => 'subnets' } }, 'AWS::EC2::VPC' => { :name => 'OS::Neutron::Net', :finalizer => :neutron_net_finalizer, :properties => { 'CidrBlock' => 'cidr' } }, 'AWS::EC2::Subnet' => { :name => 'OS::Neutron::Subnet', :finalizer => :neutron_subnet_finalizer, :properties => { 'CidrBlock' => 'cidr', 'VpcId' => 'network', 'AvailabilityZone' => 'availability_zone' } } } } REF_MAPPING = { 'AWS::StackName' => 'OS::stack_name', 'AWS::StackId' => 'OS::stack_id', 'AWS::Region' => 'OS::stack_id' # @todo i see it set in source, but no function. wat } FN_MAPPING = { 'Fn::GetAtt' => 'get_attr', 'Fn::Join' => 'list_join' } end end end