#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt/util/simpleopt' require 'rbbt/workflow' require 'rbbt/monitor' $0 = "rbbt #{$previous_commands*""} #{ File.basename(__FILE__) }" if $previous_commands options = SOPT.setup < Specify workflow '.' and no task to examine the jobs of the current directory (usefull for web-server cache). -a--all Apply to all jobs, not only uncompleted -o--older* Clean jobs not access in some time -f--force Remove locks and files regardless of been active -q--quick Quick check -d--dirty Clean dirty jobs -h--help Print this help EOF rbbt_usage and exit 0 if options[:help] workflow, task = ARGV workflow = workflow.split "," if workflow task = task.split "," if task all = options.delete :all force = options.delete :force dirty = options.delete :dirty time = options.delete :older ENV["RBBT_DEBUG_CLEAN"] = 'false' ENV["RBBT_UPDATE"] = 'true' if dirty time = Misc.timespan time, 'd' if time puts Log.color(:magenta, "# System clean") locks = Rbbt.lock_info if locks.any? puts puts Log.color(:magenta, "Locks:") locks.each do |file,info| if force or (info[:pid] && ! Misc.pid_exists?(info[:pid])) puts " Removing #{ file }" File.unlink file end end end persists = Rbbt.persist_info if persists.any? puts puts Log.color(:magenta, "Persist:") persists.each do |file,info| if force or (info[:pid] and Misc.pid_exists? info[:pid]) puts " Removing #{ file }" File.unlink file end end end sensiblewrites = Rbbt.sensiblewrite_info if sensiblewrites.any? puts puts Log.color(:magenta, "Writes:") sensiblewrites.each do |file,info| if force or (info[:pid] and Misc.pid_exists? info[:pid]) puts " Removing #{ file }" File.unlink file end end end exit 0 if workflow.nil? workflow = nil if workflow == ["all"] puts puts Log.color(:magenta, "# Workflow clean") puts if workflow === ['.'] jobs = Rbbt.job_info ["all"], task, ['.'] else jobs = Rbbt.job_info workflow, task end workflows = {} TSV.traverse jobs do |file,i| if options[:quick] and i[:done] status = 'done' else info = begin Open.open(i[:info_file]) do |f| Step::INFO_SERIALIZER.load(f) end rescue {:status => :noinfo} end done = Open.exists?(file) && ! Open.broken_link?(file) pid = info[:pid] || (Open.exists?(file + '.pid') && Open.read(file + '.pid')) unless done status = info[:status].to_s if status != "noinfo" status = :missing if status == "done" and not done status = :nopid if status != "done" and pid.nil? status = :dead if status != "done" and pid and not Misc.pid_exists?(pid) status = :sync if status != "done" and done end status = :dirty if info[:status].to_s == "done" and dirty and Workflow.load_step(file).dirty? if info[:status] == :error begin exception = info[:exception][:class] Kernel.const_get exception status = :non_recoverable if exception.superclass === RbbtException rescue end end status = status.to_s end if time and Open.exists?(file) old = Time.now - Open.atime(file) if old > time status = 'old' end end if (force && status !~ /done/) or status =~ /\b(old|dirty|nopid|error|missing|aborted|dead|sync)$/ or (status == "noinfo" and not done) or status == "" puts " Removing #{ file } - #{status}" Step.clean(file) end end