require 'tramway/error' class Tramway::Core::ApplicationDecorator include ActionView::Helpers include ActionView::Context include ::FontAwesome::Rails::IconHelper def initialize(object) @object = object end def name object.try(:name) || object.try(:title) || title end def title error = :core, method: :title, message: ("Please, implement `title` method in a #{self.class} or #{object.class}")) raise error.message end class << self def list_attributes [] end def show_attributes [] end def decorate(object_or_array) if object_or_array.class.superclass == ActiveRecord::Relation decorated_array = do |obj| new obj end decorated_array, object_or_array else new object_or_array end end def decorate_association(association_name, decorator: nil) @@decorated_associations ||= [] @@decorated_associations << association_name define_method association_name do class_name = object.class.reflect_on_association(association_name).options[:class_name] unless class_name error = :core, method: :decorate_association, message: ("Please, specify `#{association_name}` association class_name in #{object.class} model. For example: `has_many :#{association_name}, class_name: '#{association_name.to_s.singularize.camelize}'`")) raise error.message end object.send(association_name) do |association_object| decorator_class_name = decorator || "#{class_name.singularize}Decorator".constantize decorator_class_name.decorate association_object end end end end delegate :id, to: :object delegate :human_state_name, to: :object def link if object.try :file object.file.url else error = plugin: :core, method: :link, message: ("Method `link` uses `file` attribute of the decorated object. If decorated object doesn't contain `file`, you shouldn't use `link` method.")) raise error.message end end def model object end def associations(associations_type) object.class.reflect_on_all_associations(associations_type).map do |association| association unless == :audits end.compact end def attributes object.attributes.reduce({}) do |hash, attribute| value = try(attribute[0]) ? send(attribute[0]) : object.send(attribute[0]) if attribute[0] hash.merge! attribute[0] => object.send("human_#{attribute[0]}_name") elsif [ ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, DateTime, Time ] hash.merge! attribute[0] => I18n.l(attribute[1]) elsif value.class.superclass == ApplicationUploader tags = content_tag(:div) do if value.url.match(/jpg|JPG|png|PNG$/) concat image_tag value.try(:small) ? value.small.url : value.url end concat link_to(fa_icon(:download), value.url, class: 'btn btn-success') end hash.merge! attribute[0] => tags elsif value.is_a? Enumerize::Value hash.merge! attribute[0] => value.text else hash.merge! attribute[0] => value end end end protected def object @object end end