require 'spec_helper' describe(JekyllFeed) do let(:overrides) { } let(:config) do Jekyll.configuration(Jekyll::Utils.deep_merge_hashes({ "full_rebuild" => true, "source" => source_dir, "destination" => dest_dir, "show_drafts" => true, "url" => "", "name" => "My awesome site", "author" => { "name" => "Dr. Jekyll" }, "collections" => { "my_collection" => { "output" => true }, "other_things" => { "output" => false } } }, overrides)) end let(:site) { } let(:contents) {"feed.xml")) } let(:context) { make_context(site: site) } let(:feed_meta) { Liquid::Template.parse("{% feed_meta %}").render!(context, {}) } before(:each) do site.process end it "has no layout" do expect(contents).not_to match(/\ATHIS IS MY LAYOUT/) end it "creates a feed.xml file" do expect("feed.xml"))).to exist end it "doesn't have multiple new lines or trailing whitespace" do expect(contents).to_not match /\s+\n/ expect(contents).to_not match /\n{2,}/ end it "puts all the posts in the feed.xml file" do expect(contents).to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/2014\/03\/04\/march-the-fourth\.html/ expect(contents).to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/2014\/03\/02\/march-the-second\.html/ expect(contents).to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/2013\/12\/12\/dec-the-second\.html/ expect(contents).to match "" expect(contents).to_not match /http:\/\/example\.org\/2016\/02\/09\/a-draft\.html/ end it "does not include assets or any static files that aren't .html" do expect(contents).not_to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/images\/hubot\.png/ expect(contents).not_to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/feeds\/atom\.xml/ end it "preserves linebreaks in preformatted text in posts" do expect(contents).to match /Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3/ end it "supports post author name as an object" do expect(contents).to match /\s*Ben<\/name>\s*<\/email>\s*http:\/\/<\/uri>\s*<\/author>/ end it "supports post author name as a string" do expect(contents).to match /\s*Pat<\/name>\s*<\/author>/ end it "does not output author tag no author is provided" do expect(contents).not_to match /\s*<\/name>\s*<\/author>/ end it "does use author reference with data from _data/authors.yml" do expect(contents).to match /\s*Garth<\/name>\s*<\/email>\s*http:\/\/<\/uri>\s*<\/author>/ end it "converts markdown posts to HTML" do expect(contents).to match /<p>March the second!<\/p>/ end it "uses last_modified_at where available" do expect(contents).to match /2015-05-12T13:27:59\+00:00<\/updated>/ end it "replaces newlines in posts to spaces" do expect(contents).to match %r!The plugin will properly strip newlines.! end it "renders Liquid inside posts" do expect(contents).to match /Liquid is rendered\./ expect(contents).not_to match /Liquid is not rendered\./ end it "includes the item image" do expect(contents).to include('') expect(contents).to include('') expect(contents).to include('') end context "parsing" do let(:feed) { RSS::Parser.parse(contents) } it "outputs an RSS feed" do expect(feed.feed_type).to eql("atom") expect(feed.feed_version).to eql("1.0") expect(feed.encoding).to eql("UTF-8") end it "outputs the link" do expect( eql("") end it "outputs the generator" do expect(feed.generator.content).to eql("Jekyll") expect(feed.generator.version).to eql(Jekyll::VERSION) end it "includes the items" do expect(feed.items.count).to eql(10) end it "includes item contents" do post = feed.items.last expect(post.title.content).to eql("Dec The Second") expect( eql("") expect(post.published.content).to eql(Time.parse("2013-12-12")) end it "includes the item's excerpt" do post = feed.items.last expect(post.summary.content).to eql("Foo") end it "doesn't include the item's excerpt if blank" do post = feed.items.first expect(post.summary).to be_nil end context "with site.title set" do let(:site_title) { "My Site Title" } let(:overrides) { {"title" => site_title} } it "uses site.title for the title" do expect(feed.title.content).to eql(site_title) end end context "with set" do let(:site_name) { "My Site Name" } let(:overrides) { {"name" => site_name} } it "uses for the title" do expect(feed.title.content).to eql(site_name) end end context "with and site.title set" do let(:site_title) { "My Site Title" } let(:site_name) { "My Site Name" } let(:overrides) { {"title" => site_title, "name" => site_name} } it "uses site.title for the title, dropping" do expect(feed.title.content).to eql(site_title) end end end context "smartify" do let(:site_title) { "Pat's Site" } let(:overrides) { { "title" => site_title } } let(:feed) { RSS::Parser.parse(contents) } it "processes site title with SmartyPants" do expect(feed.title.content).to eql("Pat’s Site") end end context "validation" do it "validates" do # See url = "" response =, body: { rawdata: contents }, accept_encoding: "gzip") pending "Something went wrong with the W3 validator" unless response.success? result = Nokogiri::XML(response.body) result.remove_namespaces! result.css("warning").each do |warning| # Quiet a warning that results from us passing the feed as a string next if warning.css("text").text =~ /Self reference doesn't match document location/ # Quiet expected warning that results from blank summary test case next if warning.css("text").text =~ /(content|summary) should not be blank/ # Quiet expected warning about multiple posts with same updated time next if warning.css("text").text =~ /Two entries with the same value for atom:updated/ warn "Validation warning: #{warning.css("text").text} on line #{warning.css("line").text} column #{warning.css("column").text}" end errors = result.css("error").map do |error| "Validation error: #{error.css("text").text} on line #{error.css("line").text} column #{error.css("column").text}" end expect(result.css("validity").text).to eql("true"), errors.join("\n") end end context "with a baseurl" do let(:overrides) do { "baseurl" => "/bass" } end it "correctly adds the baseurl to the posts" do expect(contents).to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/bass\/2014\/03\/04\/march-the-fourth\.html/ expect(contents).to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/bass\/2014\/03\/02\/march-the-second\.html/ expect(contents).to match /http:\/\/example\.org\/bass\/2013\/12\/12\/dec-the-second\.html/ end it "renders the feed meta" do expected = 'href=""' expect(feed_meta).to include(expected) end end context "feed meta" do it "renders the feed meta" do expected = '' expect(feed_meta).to eql(expected) end context "with a blank site name" do let(:config) do Jekyll.configuration({ "source" => source_dir, "destination" => dest_dir, "url" => "" }) end it "does not output blank title" do expect(feed_meta).not_to include('title=') end end end context "changing the feed path" do let(:overrides) do { "feed" => { "path" => "atom.xml" } } end it "should write to atom.xml" do expect("atom.xml"))).to exist end it "renders the feed meta with custom feed path" do expected = 'href=""' expect(feed_meta).to include(expected) end end context "feed stylesheet" do it "includes the stylesheet" do expect(contents).to include('') end end context "with site.lang set" do let(:overrides) { { "lang" => "en-US" } } it "should set the language" do expect(contents).to match %r{type="text/html" hreflang="en-US" />} end end context "with post.lang set"do it "should set the language for that entry" do expect(contents).to match %r{} expect(contents).to match %r{} end end end