# builtin text filters # called before text_to_html # # use web filters for processing html/hypertext module TextFilter def comments_percent_style( content ) # remove comments # % comments # %begin multiline comment # %end multiline comment # track statistics comments_multi = 0 comments_single = 0 comments_end = 0 # remove multi-line comments content.gsub!(/^%begin.*?%end/m) do |match| comments_multi += 1 "" end # remove everyting starting w/ %end (note, can only be once in file) content.sub!(/^%end.*/m) do |match| comments_end += 1 "" end # remove single-line comments content.gsub!(/^%.*/ ) do |match| comments_single += 1 "" end puts " Removing comments (#{comments_single} %-lines, " + "#{comments_multi} %begin/%end-blocks, #{comments_end} %end-blocks)..." content end def skip_end_directive( content ) # codex-style __SKIP__, __END__ directive # ruby note: .*? is non-greedy (shortest-possible) regex match content.gsub!(/__SKIP__.*?__END__/m, '') content.sub!(/__END__.*/m, '') content end def include_helper_hack( content ) # note: include is a ruby keyword; rename to __include__ so we can use it include_counter = 0 content.gsub!( /<%=[ \t]*include/ ) do |match| include_counter += 1 '<%= __include__' end puts " Patching embedded Ruby (erb) code aliases (#{include_counter} include)..." content end # allow plugins/helpers; process source (including header) using erb def erb( content ) puts " Running embedded Ruby (erb) code/helpers..." content = ERB.new( content ).result( binding() ) content end def erb_django_style( content ) # replace expressions (support for single lines only) # {{ expr }} -> <%= expr %> # {% stmt %} -> <% stmt %> !! add in do if missing (for convenience) erb_expr = 0 erb_stmt_beg = 0 erb_stmt_end = 0 content.gsub!( /\{\{([^{}\n]+?)\}\}/ ) do |match| erb_expr += 1 "<%= #{$1} %>" end content.gsub!( /\{%[ \t]*end[ \t]*%\}/ ) do |match| erb_stmt_end += 1 "<% end %>" end content.gsub!( /\{%([^%\n]+?)%\}/ ) do |match| erb_stmt_beg += 1 if $1.include?('do') "<% #{$1} %>" else "<% #{$1} do %>" end end puts " Patching embedded Ruby (erb) code Django-style (#{erb_expr} {{-expressions," + " #{erb_stmt_beg}/#{erb_stmt_end} {%-statements)..." content end def code_block_curly_style( content ) # replace {{{ w/
    # replace }}}  w/ 
# track statistics code_begin = 0 code_end = 0 content.gsub!( "{{{{{{", "
_S9BEGIN_" )
    content.gsub!( "}}}}}}", "_S9END_
" ) content.gsub!( "{{{" ) do |match| code_begin += 1 "
    content.gsub!( "}}}" ) do |match|
      code_end += 1
" end # restore escaped {{{}}} content.gsub!( "_S9BEGIN_", "{{{" ) content.gsub!( "_S9END_", "}}}" ) puts " Patching code blocks (#{code_begin}/#{code_end} {{{/}}}-lines)..." content end end class Slideshow::Gen include TextFilter end