module Milia module Base def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end # ############################################################################# # ############################################################################# module ClassMethods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # acts_as_tenant -- makes a tenanted model # Forces all references to be limited to current_tenant rows # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def acts_as_tenant() attr_protected :tenant_id belongs_to :tenant validates_presence_of :tenant_id default_scope lambda { where( "#{table_name}.tenant_id = ?", Thread.current[:tenant_id] ) } # ..........................callback enforcers............................ before_validation(:on => :create) do |obj| # force tenant_id to be correct for current_user obj.tenant_id = Thread.current[:tenant_id] true # ok to proceed end # ..........................callback enforcers............................ before_save do |obj| # force tenant_id to be correct for current_user # raise exception if updates attempted on wrong data raise ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess unless obj.tenant_id == Thread.current[:tenant_id] true # ok to proceed end # ..........................callback enforcers............................ # no longer needed because before_save invoked prior to before_update # # before_update do |obj| # force tenant_id to be correct for current_user # raise ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess unless obj.tenant_id == Thread.current[:tenant_id] # true # ok to proceed # end # ..........................callback enforcers............................ before_destroy do |obj| # force tenant_id to be correct for current_user raise ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess unless obj.tenant_id == Thread.current[:tenant_id] true # ok to proceed end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # acts_as_universal -- makes a univeral (non-tenanted) model # Forces all reference to the universal tenant (nil) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def acts_as_universal() # attr_protected :tenant_id # A/R does DB access for this, causes heroku assets:precompile to fail! belongs_to :tenant default_scope where( "#{table_name}.tenant_id IS NULL" ) # ..........................callback enforcers............................ before_save do |obj| # force tenant_id to be universal raise ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess unless obj.tenant_id.nil? true # ok to proceed end # ..........................callback enforcers............................ # before_update do |obj| # force tenant_id to be universal # no longer needed because before_save invoked prior to before_update # # raise ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess unless obj.tenant_id.nil? # true # ok to proceed # end # ..........................callback enforcers............................ before_destroy do |obj| # force tenant_id to be universal raise ::Milia::Control::InvalidTenantAccess unless obj.tenant_id.nil? true # ok to proceed end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # acts_as_universal_and_determines_tenant_reference # All the characteristics of acts_as_universal AND also does the magic # of binding a user to a tenant # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def acts_as_universal_and_determines_account() has_and_belongs_to_many :tenants acts_as_universal() # before create, tie user with current tenant # return true if ok to proceed; false if break callback chain after_create do |new_user| tenant = Tenant.find( Thread.current[:tenant_id] ) unless tenant.users.include?(new_user) tenant.users << new_user # add user to this tenant if not already there end end # before_create do before_destroy do |old_user| old_user.tenants.clear # remove all tenants for this user true end # before_destroy do end # acts_as # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def acts_as_universal_and_determines_tenant() has_and_belongs_to_many :users acts_as_universal() before_destroy do |old_tenant| old_tenant.users.clear # remove all users from this tenant true end # before_destroy do end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # current_tenant -- returns tenant obj for current tenant # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def current_tenant() return Tenant.find( Thread.current[:tenant_id] ) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # current_tenant_id -- returns tenant_id for current tenant # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def current_tenant_id() return Thread.current[:tenant_id] end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set_current_tenant -- model-level ability to set the current tenant # NOTE: *USE WITH CAUTION* normally this should *NEVER* be done from # the models ... it's only useful and safe WHEN performed at the start # of a background job (DelayedJob#perform) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def set_current_tenant( tenant ) # able to handle tenant obj or tenant_id case tenant when Tenant then tenant_id = when Integer then tenant_id = tenant else raise ArgumentError, "invalid tenant object or id" end # case Thread.current[:tenant_id] = tenant_id end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # where_restrict_tenant -- gens tenant restrictive where clause for each klass # NOTE: subordinate join tables will not get the default scope by Rails # theoretically, the default scope on the master table alone should be sufficient # in restricting answers to the current_tenant alone .. HOWEVER, it doesn't feel # right. adding an additional .where( where_restrict_tenants(klass1, klass2,...)) # for each of the subordinate models in the join seems like a nice safety issue. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def where_restrict_tenant(*args){|klass| "#{klass.table_name}.tenant_id = #{Thread.current[:tenant_id]}"}.join(" AND ") end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ end # module ClassMethods # ############################################################################# # ############################################################################# end # module Base end # module Milia