use crate::prelude::*; pub type clock_t = u32; pub type sa_family_t = u8; pub type speed_t = c_uint; pub type tcflag_t = c_uint; pub type clockid_t = c_int; pub type timer_t = c_int; pub type key_t = c_uint; pub type id_t = c_int; pub type useconds_t = u32; pub type dev_t = u32; pub type socklen_t = u32; pub type mode_t = u32; pub type rlim64_t = u64; pub type mqd_t = c_int; pub type nfds_t = c_uint; pub type idtype_t = c_uint; pub type errno_t = c_int; pub type rsize_t = c_ulong; pub type Elf32_Half = u16; pub type Elf32_Word = u32; pub type Elf32_Off = u32; pub type Elf32_Addr = u32; pub type Elf32_Lword = u64; pub type Elf32_Sword = i32; pub type Elf64_Half = u16; pub type Elf64_Word = u32; pub type Elf64_Off = u64; pub type Elf64_Addr = u64; pub type Elf64_Xword = u64; pub type Elf64_Sxword = i64; pub type Elf64_Lword = u64; pub type Elf64_Sword = i32; pub type Elf32_Section = u16; pub type Elf64_Section = u16; pub type _Time32t = u32; pub type pthread_t = c_int; pub type regoff_t = ssize_t; pub type nlink_t = u32; pub type blksize_t = u32; pub type suseconds_t = i32; pub type ino_t = u64; pub type off_t = i64; pub type blkcnt_t = u64; pub type msgqnum_t = u64; pub type msglen_t = u64; pub type fsblkcnt_t = u64; pub type fsfilcnt_t = u64; pub type rlim_t = u64; pub type posix_spawn_file_actions_t = *mut c_void; pub type posix_spawnattr_t = crate::uintptr_t; pub type pthread_mutex_t = crate::sync_t; pub type pthread_mutexattr_t = crate::_sync_attr; pub type pthread_cond_t = crate::sync_t; pub type pthread_condattr_t = crate::_sync_attr; pub type pthread_rwlockattr_t = crate::_sync_attr; pub type pthread_key_t = c_int; pub type pthread_spinlock_t = sync_t; pub type pthread_barrierattr_t = _sync_attr; pub type sem_t = sync_t; pub type nl_item = c_int; #[cfg_attr(feature = "extra_traits", derive(Debug))] pub enum timezone {} impl Copy for timezone {} impl Clone for timezone { fn clone(&self) -> timezone { *self } } s! { pub struct dirent_extra { pub d_datalen: u16, pub d_type: u16, pub d_reserved: u32, } pub struct stat { pub st_ino: crate::ino_t, pub st_size: off_t, pub st_dev: crate::dev_t, pub st_rdev: crate::dev_t, pub st_uid: crate::uid_t, pub st_gid: crate::gid_t, pub __old_st_mtime: crate::_Time32t, pub __old_st_atime: crate::_Time32t, pub __old_st_ctime: crate::_Time32t, pub st_mode: crate::mode_t, pub st_nlink: crate::nlink_t, pub st_blocksize: crate::blksize_t, pub st_nblocks: i32, pub st_blksize: crate::blksize_t, pub st_blocks: crate::blkcnt_t, pub st_mtim: crate::timespec, pub st_atim: crate::timespec, pub st_ctim: crate::timespec, } pub struct ip_mreq { pub imr_multiaddr: in_addr, pub imr_interface: in_addr, } #[repr(packed)] pub struct in_addr { pub s_addr: crate::in_addr_t, } pub struct sockaddr { pub sa_len: u8, pub sa_family: sa_family_t, pub sa_data: [c_char; 14], } pub struct sockaddr_in { pub sin_len: u8, pub sin_family: sa_family_t, pub sin_port: crate::in_port_t, pub sin_addr: crate::in_addr, pub sin_zero: [i8; 8], } pub struct sockaddr_in6 { pub sin6_len: u8, pub sin6_family: sa_family_t, pub sin6_port: crate::in_port_t, pub sin6_flowinfo: u32, pub sin6_addr: crate::in6_addr, pub sin6_scope_id: u32, } // The order of the `ai_addr` field in this struct is crucial // for converting between the Rust and C types. pub struct addrinfo { pub ai_flags: c_int, pub ai_family: c_int, pub ai_socktype: c_int, pub ai_protocol: c_int, pub ai_addrlen: socklen_t, pub ai_canonname: *mut c_char, pub ai_addr: *mut crate::sockaddr, pub ai_next: *mut addrinfo, } pub struct fd_set { fds_bits: [c_uint; 2 * FD_SETSIZE as usize / ULONG_SIZE], } pub struct tm { pub tm_sec: c_int, pub tm_min: c_int, pub tm_hour: c_int, pub tm_mday: c_int, pub tm_mon: c_int, pub tm_year: c_int, pub tm_wday: c_int, pub tm_yday: c_int, pub tm_isdst: c_int, pub tm_gmtoff: c_long, pub tm_zone: *const c_char, } #[repr(align(8))] pub struct sched_param { pub sched_priority: c_int, pub sched_curpriority: c_int, pub reserved: [c_int; 10], } #[repr(align(8))] pub struct __sched_param { pub __sched_priority: c_int, pub __sched_curpriority: c_int, pub reserved: [c_int; 10], } pub struct Dl_info { pub dli_fname: *const c_char, pub dli_fbase: *mut c_void, pub dli_sname: *const c_char, pub dli_saddr: *mut c_void, } pub struct lconv { pub currency_symbol: *mut c_char, pub int_curr_symbol: *mut c_char, pub mon_decimal_point: *mut c_char, pub mon_grouping: *mut c_char, pub mon_thousands_sep: *mut c_char, pub negative_sign: *mut c_char, pub positive_sign: *mut c_char, pub frac_digits: c_char, pub int_frac_digits: c_char, pub n_cs_precedes: c_char, pub n_sep_by_space: c_char, pub n_sign_posn: c_char, pub p_cs_precedes: c_char, pub p_sep_by_space: c_char, pub p_sign_posn: c_char, pub int_n_cs_precedes: c_char, pub int_n_sep_by_space: c_char, pub int_n_sign_posn: c_char, pub int_p_cs_precedes: c_char, pub int_p_sep_by_space: c_char, pub int_p_sign_posn: c_char, pub decimal_point: *mut c_char, pub grouping: *mut c_char, pub thousands_sep: *mut c_char, pub _Frac_grouping: *mut c_char, pub _Frac_sep: *mut c_char, pub _False: *mut c_char, pub _True: *mut c_char, pub _No: *mut c_char, pub _Yes: *mut c_char, pub _Nostr: *mut c_char, pub _Yesstr: *mut c_char, pub _Reserved: [*mut c_char; 8], } pub struct in_pktinfo { pub ipi_addr: crate::in_addr, pub ipi_ifindex: c_uint, } pub struct ifaddrs { pub ifa_next: *mut ifaddrs, pub ifa_name: *mut c_char, pub ifa_flags: c_uint, pub ifa_addr: *mut crate::sockaddr, pub ifa_netmask: *mut crate::sockaddr, pub ifa_dstaddr: *mut crate::sockaddr, pub ifa_data: *mut c_void, } pub struct arpreq { pub arp_pa: crate::sockaddr, pub arp_ha: crate::sockaddr, pub arp_flags: c_int, } #[repr(packed)] pub struct arphdr { pub ar_hrd: u16, pub ar_pro: u16, pub ar_hln: u8, pub ar_pln: u8, pub ar_op: u16, } pub struct mmsghdr { pub msg_hdr: crate::msghdr, pub msg_len: c_uint, } #[repr(align(8))] pub struct siginfo_t { pub si_signo: c_int, pub si_code: c_int, pub si_errno: c_int, __data: [u8; 36], // union } pub struct sigaction { pub sa_sigaction: crate::sighandler_t, pub sa_flags: c_int, pub sa_mask: crate::sigset_t, } pub struct _sync { _union: c_uint, __owner: c_uint, } pub struct rlimit64 { pub rlim_cur: rlim64_t, pub rlim_max: rlim64_t, } pub struct glob_t { pub gl_pathc: size_t, pub gl_matchc: c_int, pub gl_pathv: *mut *mut c_char, pub gl_offs: size_t, pub gl_flags: c_int, pub gl_errfunc: extern "C" fn(*const c_char, c_int) -> c_int, __unused1: *mut c_void, __unused2: *mut c_void, __unused3: *mut c_void, __unused4: *mut c_void, __unused5: *mut c_void, } pub struct passwd { pub pw_name: *mut c_char, pub pw_passwd: *mut c_char, pub pw_uid: crate::uid_t, pub pw_gid: crate::gid_t, pub pw_age: *mut c_char, pub pw_comment: *mut c_char, pub pw_gecos: *mut c_char, pub pw_dir: *mut c_char, pub pw_shell: *mut c_char, } pub struct if_nameindex { pub if_index: c_uint, pub if_name: *mut c_char, } pub struct sembuf { pub sem_num: c_ushort, pub sem_op: c_short, pub sem_flg: c_short, } pub struct Elf32_Ehdr { pub e_ident: [c_uchar; 16], pub e_type: Elf32_Half, pub e_machine: Elf32_Half, pub e_version: Elf32_Word, pub e_entry: Elf32_Addr, pub e_phoff: Elf32_Off, pub e_shoff: Elf32_Off, pub e_flags: Elf32_Word, pub e_ehsize: Elf32_Half, pub e_phentsize: Elf32_Half, pub e_phnum: Elf32_Half, pub e_shentsize: Elf32_Half, pub e_shnum: Elf32_Half, pub e_shstrndx: Elf32_Half, } pub struct Elf64_Ehdr { pub e_ident: [c_uchar; 16], pub e_type: Elf64_Half, pub e_machine: Elf64_Half, pub e_version: Elf64_Word, pub e_entry: Elf64_Addr, pub e_phoff: Elf64_Off, pub e_shoff: Elf64_Off, pub e_flags: Elf64_Word, pub e_ehsize: Elf64_Half, pub e_phentsize: Elf64_Half, pub e_phnum: Elf64_Half, pub e_shentsize: Elf64_Half, pub e_shnum: Elf64_Half, pub e_shstrndx: Elf64_Half, } pub struct Elf32_Sym { pub st_name: Elf32_Word, pub st_value: Elf32_Addr, pub st_size: Elf32_Word, pub st_info: c_uchar, pub st_other: c_uchar, pub st_shndx: Elf32_Section, } pub struct Elf64_Sym { pub st_name: Elf64_Word, pub st_info: c_uchar, pub st_other: c_uchar, pub st_shndx: Elf64_Section, pub st_value: Elf64_Addr, pub st_size: Elf64_Xword, } pub struct Elf32_Phdr { pub p_type: Elf32_Word, pub p_offset: Elf32_Off, pub p_vaddr: Elf32_Addr, pub p_paddr: Elf32_Addr, pub p_filesz: Elf32_Word, pub p_memsz: Elf32_Word, pub p_flags: Elf32_Word, pub p_align: Elf32_Word, } pub struct Elf64_Phdr { pub p_type: Elf64_Word, pub p_flags: Elf64_Word, pub p_offset: Elf64_Off, pub p_vaddr: Elf64_Addr, pub p_paddr: Elf64_Addr, pub p_filesz: Elf64_Xword, pub p_memsz: Elf64_Xword, pub p_align: Elf64_Xword, } pub struct Elf32_Shdr { pub sh_name: Elf32_Word, pub sh_type: Elf32_Word, pub sh_flags: Elf32_Word, pub sh_addr: Elf32_Addr, pub sh_offset: Elf32_Off, pub sh_size: Elf32_Word, pub sh_link: Elf32_Word, pub sh_info: Elf32_Word, pub sh_addralign: Elf32_Word, pub sh_entsize: Elf32_Word, } pub struct Elf64_Shdr { pub sh_name: Elf64_Word, pub sh_type: Elf64_Word, pub sh_flags: Elf64_Xword, pub sh_addr: Elf64_Addr, pub sh_offset: Elf64_Off, pub sh_size: Elf64_Xword, pub sh_link: Elf64_Word, pub sh_info: Elf64_Word, pub sh_addralign: Elf64_Xword, pub sh_entsize: Elf64_Xword, } pub struct in6_pktinfo { pub ipi6_addr: crate::in6_addr, pub ipi6_ifindex: c_uint, } pub struct inotify_event { pub wd: c_int, pub mask: u32, pub cookie: u32, pub len: u32, } pub struct regmatch_t { pub rm_so: regoff_t, pub rm_eo: regoff_t, } pub struct msghdr { pub msg_name: *mut c_void, pub msg_namelen: crate::socklen_t, pub msg_iov: *mut crate::iovec, pub msg_iovlen: c_int, pub msg_control: *mut c_void, pub msg_controllen: crate::socklen_t, pub msg_flags: c_int, } pub struct cmsghdr { pub cmsg_len: crate::socklen_t, pub cmsg_level: c_int, pub cmsg_type: c_int, } pub struct termios { pub c_iflag: crate::tcflag_t, pub c_oflag: crate::tcflag_t, pub c_cflag: crate::tcflag_t, pub c_lflag: crate::tcflag_t, pub c_cc: [crate::cc_t; crate::NCCS], __reserved: [c_uint; 3], pub c_ispeed: crate::speed_t, pub c_ospeed: crate::speed_t, } pub struct mallinfo { pub arena: c_int, pub ordblks: c_int, pub smblks: c_int, pub hblks: c_int, pub hblkhd: c_int, pub usmblks: c_int, pub fsmblks: c_int, pub uordblks: c_int, pub fordblks: c_int, pub keepcost: c_int, } pub struct flock { pub l_type: i16, pub l_whence: i16, pub l_zero1: i32, pub l_start: off_t, pub l_len: off_t, pub l_pid: crate::pid_t, pub l_sysid: u32, } pub struct statvfs { pub f_bsize: c_ulong, pub f_frsize: c_ulong, pub f_blocks: crate::fsblkcnt_t, pub f_bfree: crate::fsblkcnt_t, pub f_bavail: crate::fsblkcnt_t, pub f_files: crate::fsfilcnt_t, pub f_ffree: crate::fsfilcnt_t, pub f_favail: crate::fsfilcnt_t, pub f_fsid: c_ulong, pub f_basetype: [c_char; 16], pub f_flag: c_ulong, pub f_namemax: c_ulong, f_filler: [c_uint; 21], } pub struct aiocb { pub aio_fildes: c_int, pub aio_reqprio: c_int, pub aio_offset: off_t, pub aio_buf: *mut c_void, pub aio_nbytes: size_t, pub aio_sigevent: crate::sigevent, pub aio_lio_opcode: c_int, pub _aio_lio_state: *mut c_void, _aio_pad: [c_int; 3], pub _aio_next: *mut crate::aiocb, pub _aio_flag: c_uint, pub _aio_iotype: c_uint, pub _aio_result: ssize_t, pub _aio_error: c_uint, pub _aio_suspend: *mut c_void, pub _aio_plist: *mut c_void, pub _aio_policy: c_int, pub _aio_param: crate::__sched_param, } pub struct pthread_attr_t { __data1: c_long, __data2: [u8; 96], } pub struct ipc_perm { pub uid: crate::uid_t, pub gid: crate::gid_t, pub cuid: crate::uid_t, pub cgid: crate::gid_t, pub mode: crate::mode_t, pub seq: c_uint, pub key: crate::key_t, _reserved: [c_int; 4], } pub struct regex_t { re_magic: c_int, re_nsub: size_t, re_endp: *const c_char, re_g: *mut c_void, } pub struct _thread_attr { pub __flags: c_int, pub __stacksize: size_t, pub __stackaddr: *mut c_void, pub __exitfunc: Option, pub __policy: c_int, pub __param: crate::__sched_param, pub __guardsize: c_uint, pub __prealloc: c_uint, __spare: [c_int; 2], } pub struct _sync_attr { pub __protocol: c_int, pub __flags: c_int, pub __prioceiling: c_int, pub __clockid: c_int, pub __count: c_int, __reserved: [c_int; 3], } pub struct sockcred { pub sc_uid: crate::uid_t, pub sc_euid: crate::uid_t, pub sc_gid: crate::gid_t, pub sc_egid: crate::gid_t, pub sc_ngroups: c_int, pub sc_groups: [crate::gid_t; 1], } pub struct bpf_program { pub bf_len: c_uint, pub bf_insns: *mut crate::bpf_insn, } pub struct bpf_stat { pub bs_recv: u64, pub bs_drop: u64, pub bs_capt: u64, bs_padding: [u64; 13], } pub struct bpf_version { pub bv_major: c_ushort, pub bv_minor: c_ushort, } pub struct bpf_hdr { pub bh_tstamp: crate::timeval, pub bh_caplen: u32, pub bh_datalen: u32, pub bh_hdrlen: u16, } pub struct bpf_insn { pub code: u16, pub jt: c_uchar, pub jf: c_uchar, pub k: u32, } pub struct bpf_dltlist { pub bfl_len: c_uint, pub bfl_list: *mut c_uint, } pub struct unpcbid { pub unp_pid: crate::pid_t, pub unp_euid: crate::uid_t, pub unp_egid: crate::gid_t, } pub struct dl_phdr_info { pub dlpi_addr: crate::Elf64_Addr, pub dlpi_name: *const c_char, pub dlpi_phdr: *const crate::Elf64_Phdr, pub dlpi_phnum: crate::Elf64_Half, } #[repr(align(8))] pub struct ucontext_t { pub uc_link: *mut ucontext_t, pub uc_sigmask: crate::sigset_t, pub uc_stack: stack_t, pub uc_mcontext: mcontext_t, } } s_no_extra_traits! { pub struct sockaddr_un { pub sun_len: u8, pub sun_family: sa_family_t, pub sun_path: [c_char; 104], } pub struct sockaddr_storage { pub ss_len: u8, pub ss_family: sa_family_t, __ss_pad1: [c_char; 6], __ss_align: i64, __ss_pad2: [c_char; 112], } pub struct utsname { pub sysname: [c_char; _SYSNAME_SIZE], pub nodename: [c_char; _SYSNAME_SIZE], pub release: [c_char; _SYSNAME_SIZE], pub version: [c_char; _SYSNAME_SIZE], pub machine: [c_char; _SYSNAME_SIZE], } pub struct sigevent { pub sigev_notify: c_int, pub __padding1: c_int, pub sigev_signo: c_int, // union pub __padding2: c_int, pub sigev_value: crate::sigval, __sigev_un2: usize, // union } pub struct dirent { pub d_ino: crate::ino_t, pub d_offset: off_t, pub d_reclen: c_short, pub d_namelen: c_short, pub d_name: [c_char; 1], // flex array } pub struct sigset_t { __val: [u32; 2], } pub struct mq_attr { pub mq_maxmsg: c_long, pub mq_msgsize: c_long, pub mq_flags: c_long, pub mq_curmsgs: c_long, pub mq_sendwait: c_long, pub mq_recvwait: c_long, } pub struct msg { pub msg_next: *mut crate::msg, pub msg_type: c_long, pub msg_ts: c_ushort, pub msg_spot: c_short, _pad: [u8; 4], } pub struct msqid_ds { pub msg_perm: crate::ipc_perm, pub msg_first: *mut crate::msg, pub msg_last: *mut crate::msg, pub msg_cbytes: crate::msglen_t, pub msg_qnum: crate::msgqnum_t, pub msg_qbytes: crate::msglen_t, pub msg_lspid: crate::pid_t, pub msg_lrpid: crate::pid_t, pub msg_stime: crate::time_t, msg_pad1: c_long, pub msg_rtime: crate::time_t, msg_pad2: c_long, pub msg_ctime: crate::time_t, msg_pad3: c_long, msg_pad4: [c_long; 4], } pub struct sockaddr_dl { pub sdl_len: c_uchar, pub sdl_family: crate::sa_family_t, pub sdl_index: u16, pub sdl_type: c_uchar, pub sdl_nlen: c_uchar, pub sdl_alen: c_uchar, pub sdl_slen: c_uchar, pub sdl_data: [c_char; 12], } pub struct sync_t { __u: c_uint, // union pub __owner: c_uint, } #[repr(align(4))] pub struct pthread_barrier_t { // union __pad: [u8; 28], // union } pub struct pthread_rwlock_t { pub __active: c_int, pub __blockedwriters: c_int, pub __blockedreaders: c_int, pub __heavy: c_int, pub __lock: crate::pthread_mutex_t, // union pub __rcond: crate::pthread_cond_t, // union pub __wcond: crate::pthread_cond_t, // union pub __owner: c_uint, pub __spare: c_uint, } } cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "extra_traits")] { // sigevent impl PartialEq for sigevent { fn eq(&self, other: &sigevent) -> bool { self.sigev_notify == other.sigev_notify && self.sigev_signo == other.sigev_signo && self.sigev_value == other.sigev_value && self.__sigev_un2 == other.__sigev_un2 } } impl Eq for sigevent {} impl fmt::Debug for sigevent { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("sigevent") .field("sigev_notify", &self.sigev_notify) .field("sigev_signo", &self.sigev_signo) .field("sigev_value", &self.sigev_value) .field("__sigev_un2", &self.__sigev_un2) .finish() } } impl hash::Hash for sigevent { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.sigev_notify.hash(state); self.sigev_signo.hash(state); self.sigev_value.hash(state); self.__sigev_un2.hash(state); } } impl PartialEq for sockaddr_un { fn eq(&self, other: &sockaddr_un) -> bool { self.sun_len == other.sun_len && self.sun_family == other.sun_family && self .sun_path .iter() .zip(other.sun_path.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) } } impl Eq for sockaddr_un {} impl fmt::Debug for sockaddr_un { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("sockaddr_un") .field("sun_len", &self.sun_len) .field("sun_family", &self.sun_family) // FIXME: .field("sun_path", &self.sun_path) .finish() } } impl hash::Hash for sockaddr_un { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.sun_len.hash(state); self.sun_family.hash(state); self.sun_path.hash(state); } } // sigset_t impl PartialEq for sigset_t { fn eq(&self, other: &sigset_t) -> bool { self.__val == other.__val } } impl Eq for sigset_t {} impl fmt::Debug for sigset_t { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("sigset_t") .field("__val", &self.__val) .finish() } } impl hash::Hash for sigset_t { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.__val.hash(state); } } // msg impl fmt::Debug for msg { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("msg") .field("msg_next", &self.msg_next) .field("msg_type", &self.msg_type) .field("msg_ts", &self.msg_ts) .field("msg_spot", &self.msg_spot) .finish() } } // msqid_ds impl fmt::Debug for msqid_ds { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("msqid_ds") .field("msg_perm", &self.msg_perm) .field("msg_first", &self.msg_first) .field("msg_cbytes", &self.msg_cbytes) .field("msg_qnum", &self.msg_qnum) .field("msg_qbytes", &self.msg_qbytes) .field("msg_lspid", &self.msg_lspid) .field("msg_lrpid", &self.msg_lrpid) .field("msg_stime", &self.msg_stime) .field("msg_rtime", &self.msg_rtime) .field("msg_ctime", &self.msg_ctime) .finish() } } // sockaddr_dl impl fmt::Debug for sockaddr_dl { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("sockaddr_dl") .field("sdl_len", &self.sdl_len) .field("sdl_family", &self.sdl_family) .field("sdl_index", &self.sdl_index) .field("sdl_type", &self.sdl_type) .field("sdl_nlen", &self.sdl_nlen) .field("sdl_alen", &self.sdl_alen) .field("sdl_slen", &self.sdl_slen) .field("sdl_data", &self.sdl_data) .finish() } } impl PartialEq for sockaddr_dl { fn eq(&self, other: &sockaddr_dl) -> bool { self.sdl_len == other.sdl_len && self.sdl_family == other.sdl_family && self.sdl_index == other.sdl_index && self.sdl_type == other.sdl_type && self.sdl_nlen == other.sdl_nlen && self.sdl_alen == other.sdl_alen && self.sdl_slen == other.sdl_slen && self .sdl_data .iter() .zip(other.sdl_data.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) } } impl Eq for sockaddr_dl {} impl hash::Hash for sockaddr_dl { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.sdl_len.hash(state); self.sdl_family.hash(state); self.sdl_index.hash(state); self.sdl_type.hash(state); self.sdl_nlen.hash(state); self.sdl_alen.hash(state); self.sdl_slen.hash(state); self.sdl_data.hash(state); } } // sync_t impl fmt::Debug for sync_t { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("sync_t") .field("__owner", &self.__owner) .field("__u", &self.__u) .finish() } } // pthread_barrier_t impl fmt::Debug for pthread_barrier_t { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("pthread_barrier_t") .field("__pad", &self.__pad) .finish() } } // pthread_rwlock_t impl fmt::Debug for pthread_rwlock_t { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("pthread_rwlock_t") .field("__active", &self.__active) .field("__blockedwriters", &self.__blockedwriters) .field("__blockedreaders", &self.__blockedreaders) .field("__heavy", &self.__heavy) .field("__lock", &self.__lock) .field("__rcond", &self.__rcond) .field("__wcond", &self.__wcond) .field("__owner", &self.__owner) .field("__spare", &self.__spare) .finish() } } // syspage_entry impl fmt::Debug for syspage_entry { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("syspage_entry") .field("size", &self.size) .field("total_size", &self.total_size) .field("type_", &self.type_) .field("num_cpu", &self.num_cpu) .field("system_private", &self.system_private) .field("old_asinfo", &self.old_asinfo) .field("hwinfo", &self.hwinfo) .field("old_cpuinfo", &self.old_cpuinfo) .field("old_cacheattr", &self.old_cacheattr) .field("qtime", &self.qtime) .field("callout", &self.callout) .field("callin", &self.callin) .field("typed_strings", &self.typed_strings) .field("strings", &self.strings) .field("old_intrinfo", &self.old_intrinfo) .field("smp", &self.smp) .field("pminfo", &self.pminfo) .field("old_mdriver", &self.old_mdriver) .field("new_asinfo", &self.new_asinfo) .field("new_cpuinfo", &self.new_cpuinfo) .field("new_cacheattr", &self.new_cacheattr) .field("new_intrinfo", &self.new_intrinfo) .field("new_mdriver", &self.new_mdriver) .finish() } } impl PartialEq for utsname { fn eq(&self, other: &utsname) -> bool { self.sysname .iter() .zip(other.sysname.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) && self .nodename .iter() .zip(other.nodename.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) && self .release .iter() .zip(other.release.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) && self .version .iter() .zip(other.version.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) && self .machine .iter() .zip(other.machine.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) } } impl Eq for utsname {} impl fmt::Debug for utsname { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("utsname") // FIXME: .field("sysname", &self.sysname) // FIXME: .field("nodename", &self.nodename) // FIXME: .field("release", &self.release) // FIXME: .field("version", &self.version) // FIXME: .field("machine", &self.machine) .finish() } } impl hash::Hash for utsname { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.sysname.hash(state); self.nodename.hash(state); self.release.hash(state); self.version.hash(state); self.machine.hash(state); } } impl PartialEq for mq_attr { fn eq(&self, other: &mq_attr) -> bool { self.mq_maxmsg == other.mq_maxmsg && self.mq_msgsize == other.mq_msgsize && self.mq_flags == other.mq_flags && self.mq_curmsgs == other.mq_curmsgs && self.mq_msgsize == other.mq_msgsize && self.mq_sendwait == other.mq_sendwait && self.mq_recvwait == other.mq_recvwait } } impl Eq for mq_attr {} impl fmt::Debug for mq_attr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("mq_attr") .field("mq_maxmsg", &self.mq_maxmsg) .field("mq_msgsize", &self.mq_msgsize) .field("mq_flags", &self.mq_flags) .field("mq_curmsgs", &self.mq_curmsgs) .field("mq_msgsize", &self.mq_msgsize) .field("mq_sendwait", &self.mq_sendwait) .field("mq_recvwait", &self.mq_recvwait) .finish() } } impl hash::Hash for mq_attr { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.mq_maxmsg.hash(state); self.mq_msgsize.hash(state); self.mq_flags.hash(state); self.mq_curmsgs.hash(state); self.mq_sendwait.hash(state); self.mq_recvwait.hash(state); } } impl PartialEq for sockaddr_storage { fn eq(&self, other: &sockaddr_storage) -> bool { self.ss_len == other.ss_len && self.ss_family == other.ss_family && self.__ss_pad1 == other.__ss_pad1 && self.__ss_align == other.__ss_align && self .__ss_pad2 .iter() .zip(other.__ss_pad2.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) } } impl Eq for sockaddr_storage {} impl fmt::Debug for sockaddr_storage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("sockaddr_storage") .field("ss_len", &self.ss_len) .field("ss_family", &self.ss_family) .field("__ss_pad1", &self.__ss_pad1) .field("__ss_align", &self.__ss_align) // FIXME: .field("__ss_pad2", &self.__ss_pad2) .finish() } } impl hash::Hash for sockaddr_storage { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.ss_len.hash(state); self.ss_family.hash(state); self.__ss_pad1.hash(state); self.__ss_align.hash(state); self.__ss_pad2.hash(state); } } impl PartialEq for dirent { fn eq(&self, other: &dirent) -> bool { self.d_ino == other.d_ino && self.d_offset == other.d_offset && self.d_reclen == other.d_reclen && self.d_namelen == other.d_namelen && self.d_name[..self.d_namelen as _] .iter() .zip(other.d_name.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a == b) } } impl Eq for dirent {} impl fmt::Debug for dirent { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("dirent") .field("d_ino", &self.d_ino) .field("d_offset", &self.d_offset) .field("d_reclen", &self.d_reclen) .field("d_namelen", &self.d_namelen) .field("d_name", &&self.d_name[..self.d_namelen as _]) .finish() } } impl hash::Hash for dirent { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.d_ino.hash(state); self.d_offset.hash(state); self.d_reclen.hash(state); self.d_namelen.hash(state); self.d_name[..self.d_namelen as _].hash(state); } } } } pub const _SYSNAME_SIZE: usize = 256 + 1; pub const RLIM_INFINITY: crate::rlim_t = 0xfffffffffffffffd; pub const O_LARGEFILE: c_int = 0o0100000; // intentionally not public, only used for fd_set cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] { const ULONG_SIZE: usize = 32; } else if #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] { const ULONG_SIZE: usize = 64; } else { // Unknown target_pointer_width } } pub const EXIT_FAILURE: c_int = 1; pub const EXIT_SUCCESS: c_int = 0; pub const RAND_MAX: c_int = 32767; pub const EOF: c_int = -1; pub const SEEK_SET: c_int = 0; pub const SEEK_CUR: c_int = 1; pub const SEEK_END: c_int = 2; pub const _IOFBF: c_int = 0; pub const _IONBF: c_int = 2; pub const _IOLBF: c_int = 1; pub const F_DUPFD: c_int = 0; pub const F_GETFD: c_int = 1; pub const F_SETFD: c_int = 2; pub const F_GETFL: c_int = 3; pub const F_SETFL: c_int = 4; pub const F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC: c_int = 5; pub const SIGTRAP: c_int = 5; pub const CLOCK_REALTIME: crate::clockid_t = 0; pub const CLOCK_MONOTONIC: crate::clockid_t = 2; pub const CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: crate::clockid_t = 3; pub const CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: crate::clockid_t = 4; pub const TIMER_ABSTIME: c_uint = 0x80000000; pub const RUSAGE_SELF: c_int = 0; pub const F_OK: c_int = 0; pub const X_OK: c_int = 1; pub const W_OK: c_int = 2; pub const R_OK: c_int = 4; pub const STDIN_FILENO: c_int = 0; pub const STDOUT_FILENO: c_int = 1; pub const STDERR_FILENO: c_int = 2; pub const SIGHUP: c_int = 1; pub const SIGINT: c_int = 2; pub const SIGQUIT: c_int = 3; pub const SIGILL: c_int = 4; pub const SIGABRT: c_int = 6; pub const SIGFPE: c_int = 8; pub const SIGKILL: c_int = 9; pub const SIGSEGV: c_int = 11; pub const SIGPIPE: c_int = 13; pub const SIGALRM: c_int = 14; pub const SIGTERM: c_int = 15; pub const PROT_NONE: c_int = 0x00000000; pub const PROT_READ: c_int = 0x00000100; pub const PROT_WRITE: c_int = 0x00000200; pub const PROT_EXEC: c_int = 0x00000400; pub const MAP_FILE: c_int = 0; pub const MAP_SHARED: c_int = 1; pub const MAP_PRIVATE: c_int = 2; pub const MAP_FIXED: c_int = 0x10; pub const MAP_FAILED: *mut c_void = !0 as *mut c_void; pub const MS_ASYNC: c_int = 1; pub const MS_INVALIDATE: c_int = 4; pub const MS_SYNC: c_int = 2; pub const SCM_RIGHTS: c_int = 0x01; pub const SCM_TIMESTAMP: c_int = 0x02; pub const SCM_CREDS: c_int = 0x04; pub const MAP_TYPE: c_int = 0x3; pub const IFF_UP: c_int = 0x00000001; pub const IFF_BROADCAST: c_int = 0x00000002; pub const IFF_DEBUG: c_int = 0x00000004; pub const IFF_LOOPBACK: c_int = 0x00000008; pub const IFF_POINTOPOINT: c_int = 0x00000010; pub const IFF_NOTRAILERS: c_int = 0x00000020; pub const IFF_RUNNING: c_int = 0x00000040; pub const IFF_NOARP: c_int = 0x00000080; pub const IFF_PROMISC: c_int = 0x00000100; pub const IFF_ALLMULTI: c_int = 0x00000200; pub const IFF_MULTICAST: c_int = 0x00008000; pub const AF_UNSPEC: c_int = 0; pub const AF_UNIX: c_int = AF_LOCAL; pub const AF_LOCAL: c_int = 1; pub const AF_INET: c_int = 2; pub const AF_IPX: c_int = 23; pub const AF_APPLETALK: c_int = 16; pub const AF_INET6: c_int = 24; pub const AF_ROUTE: c_int = 17; pub const AF_SNA: c_int = 11; pub const AF_BLUETOOTH: c_int = 31; pub const AF_ISDN: c_int = 26; pub const PF_UNSPEC: c_int = AF_UNSPEC; pub const PF_UNIX: c_int = PF_LOCAL; pub const PF_LOCAL: c_int = AF_LOCAL; pub const PF_INET: c_int = AF_INET; pub const PF_IPX: c_int = AF_IPX; pub const PF_APPLETALK: c_int = AF_APPLETALK; pub const PF_INET6: c_int = AF_INET6; pub const pseudo_AF_KEY: c_int = 29; pub const PF_KEY: c_int = pseudo_AF_KEY; pub const PF_ROUTE: c_int = AF_ROUTE; pub const PF_SNA: c_int = AF_SNA; pub const PF_BLUETOOTH: c_int = AF_BLUETOOTH; pub const PF_ISDN: c_int = AF_ISDN; pub const SOMAXCONN: c_int = 128; pub const MSG_OOB: c_int = 0x0001; pub const MSG_PEEK: c_int = 0x0002; pub const MSG_DONTROUTE: c_int = 0x0004; pub const MSG_CTRUNC: c_int = 0x0020; pub const MSG_TRUNC: c_int = 0x0010; pub const MSG_DONTWAIT: c_int = 0x0080; pub const MSG_EOR: c_int = 0x0008; pub const MSG_WAITALL: c_int = 0x0040; pub const MSG_NOSIGNAL: c_int = 0x0800; pub const MSG_WAITFORONE: c_int = 0x2000; pub const IP_TOS: c_int = 3; pub const IP_TTL: c_int = 4; pub const IP_HDRINCL: c_int = 2; pub const IP_OPTIONS: c_int = 1; pub const IP_RECVOPTS: c_int = 5; pub const IP_RETOPTS: c_int = 8; pub const IP_PKTINFO: c_int = 25; pub const IP_IPSEC_POLICY_COMPAT: c_int = 22; pub const IP_MULTICAST_IF: c_int = 9; pub const IP_MULTICAST_TTL: c_int = 10; pub const IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: c_int = 11; pub const IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: c_int = 12; pub const IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: c_int = 13; pub const IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL: c_int = 1; pub const IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP: c_int = 1; pub const IPPROTO_HOPOPTS: c_int = 0; pub const IPPROTO_IGMP: c_int = 2; pub const IPPROTO_IPIP: c_int = 4; pub const IPPROTO_EGP: c_int = 8; pub const IPPROTO_PUP: c_int = 12; pub const IPPROTO_IDP: c_int = 22; pub const IPPROTO_TP: c_int = 29; pub const IPPROTO_ROUTING: c_int = 43; pub const IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: c_int = 44; pub const IPPROTO_RSVP: c_int = 46; pub const IPPROTO_GRE: c_int = 47; pub const IPPROTO_ESP: c_int = 50; pub const IPPROTO_AH: c_int = 51; pub const IPPROTO_NONE: c_int = 59; pub const IPPROTO_DSTOPTS: c_int = 60; pub const IPPROTO_ENCAP: c_int = 98; pub const IPPROTO_PIM: c_int = 103; pub const IPPROTO_SCTP: c_int = 132; pub const IPPROTO_RAW: c_int = 255; pub const IPPROTO_MAX: c_int = 256; pub const IPPROTO_CARP: c_int = 112; pub const IPPROTO_DIVERT: c_int = 259; pub const IPPROTO_DONE: c_int = 257; pub const IPPROTO_EON: c_int = 80; pub const IPPROTO_ETHERIP: c_int = 97; pub const IPPROTO_GGP: c_int = 3; pub const IPPROTO_IPCOMP: c_int = 108; pub const IPPROTO_MOBILE: c_int = 55; pub const IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE: c_int = 0; pub const IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT: c_int = 1; pub const IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS: c_int = 4; pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_IF: c_int = 9; pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS: c_int = 10; pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP: c_int = 11; pub const IPV6_JOIN_GROUP: c_int = 12; pub const IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP: c_int = 13; pub const IPV6_CHECKSUM: c_int = 26; pub const IPV6_V6ONLY: c_int = 27; pub const IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY_COMPAT: c_int = 28; pub const IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS: c_int = 35; pub const IPV6_RECVPKTINFO: c_int = 36; pub const IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT: c_int = 37; pub const IPV6_RECVRTHDR: c_int = 38; pub const IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS: c_int = 39; pub const IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS: c_int = 40; pub const IPV6_RECVPATHMTU: c_int = 43; pub const IPV6_PATHMTU: c_int = 44; pub const IPV6_PKTINFO: c_int = 46; pub const IPV6_HOPLIMIT: c_int = 47; pub const IPV6_NEXTHOP: c_int = 48; pub const IPV6_HOPOPTS: c_int = 49; pub const IPV6_DSTOPTS: c_int = 50; pub const IPV6_RECVTCLASS: c_int = 57; pub const IPV6_TCLASS: c_int = 61; pub const IPV6_DONTFRAG: c_int = 62; pub const TCP_NODELAY: c_int = 0x01; pub const TCP_MAXSEG: c_int = 0x02; pub const TCP_MD5SIG: c_int = 0x10; pub const TCP_KEEPALIVE: c_int = 0x04; pub const SHUT_RD: c_int = 0; pub const SHUT_WR: c_int = 1; pub const SHUT_RDWR: c_int = 2; pub const LOCK_SH: c_int = 0x1; pub const LOCK_EX: c_int = 0x2; pub const LOCK_NB: c_int = 0x4; pub const LOCK_UN: c_int = 0x8; pub const SS_ONSTACK: c_int = 1; pub const SS_DISABLE: c_int = 2; pub const PATH_MAX: c_int = 1024; pub const UIO_MAXIOV: c_int = 1024; pub const FD_SETSIZE: usize = 256; pub const TCIOFF: c_int = 0x0002; pub const TCION: c_int = 0x0003; pub const TCOOFF: c_int = 0x0000; pub const TCOON: c_int = 0x0001; pub const TCIFLUSH: c_int = 0; pub const TCOFLUSH: c_int = 1; pub const TCIOFLUSH: c_int = 2; pub const NL0: crate::tcflag_t = 0x000; pub const NL1: crate::tcflag_t = 0x100; pub const TAB0: crate::tcflag_t = 0x0000; pub const CR0: crate::tcflag_t = 0x000; pub const FF0: crate::tcflag_t = 0x0000; pub const BS0: crate::tcflag_t = 0x0000; pub const VT0: crate::tcflag_t = 0x0000; pub const VERASE: usize = 2; pub const VKILL: usize = 3; pub const VINTR: usize = 0; pub const VQUIT: usize = 1; pub const VLNEXT: usize = 15; pub const IGNBRK: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000001; pub const BRKINT: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000002; pub const IGNPAR: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000004; pub const PARMRK: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000008; pub const INPCK: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000010; pub const ISTRIP: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000020; pub const INLCR: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000040; pub const IGNCR: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000080; pub const ICRNL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000100; pub const IXANY: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000800; pub const IMAXBEL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00002000; pub const OPOST: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000001; pub const CS5: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00; pub const ECHO: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000008; pub const OCRNL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000008; pub const ONOCR: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000010; pub const ONLRET: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000020; pub const OFILL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000040; pub const OFDEL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000080; pub const WNOHANG: c_int = 0x0040; pub const WUNTRACED: c_int = 0x0004; pub const WSTOPPED: c_int = WUNTRACED; pub const WEXITED: c_int = 0x0001; pub const WCONTINUED: c_int = 0x0008; pub const WNOWAIT: c_int = 0x0080; pub const WTRAPPED: c_int = 0x0002; pub const RTLD_LOCAL: c_int = 0x0200; pub const RTLD_LAZY: c_int = 0x0001; pub const POSIX_FADV_NORMAL: c_int = 0; pub const POSIX_FADV_RANDOM: c_int = 2; pub const POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL: c_int = 1; pub const POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED: c_int = 3; pub const AT_FDCWD: c_int = -100; pub const AT_EACCESS: c_int = 0x0001; pub const AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW: c_int = 0x0002; pub const AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW: c_int = 0x0004; pub const AT_REMOVEDIR: c_int = 0x0008; pub const LOG_CRON: c_int = 9 << 3; pub const LOG_AUTHPRIV: c_int = 10 << 3; pub const LOG_FTP: c_int = 11 << 3; pub const LOG_PERROR: c_int = 0x20; pub const PIPE_BUF: usize = 5120; pub const CLD_EXITED: c_int = 1; pub const CLD_KILLED: c_int = 2; pub const CLD_DUMPED: c_int = 3; pub const CLD_TRAPPED: c_int = 4; pub const CLD_STOPPED: c_int = 5; pub const CLD_CONTINUED: c_int = 6; pub const UTIME_OMIT: c_long = 0x40000002; pub const UTIME_NOW: c_long = 0x40000001; pub const POLLIN: c_short = POLLRDNORM | POLLRDBAND; pub const POLLPRI: c_short = 0x0008; pub const POLLOUT: c_short = 0x0002; pub const POLLERR: c_short = 0x0020; pub const POLLHUP: c_short = 0x0040; pub const POLLNVAL: c_short = 0x1000; pub const POLLRDNORM: c_short = 0x0001; pub const POLLRDBAND: c_short = 0x0004; pub const IPTOS_LOWDELAY: u8 = 0x10; pub const IPTOS_THROUGHPUT: u8 = 0x08; pub const IPTOS_RELIABILITY: u8 = 0x04; pub const IPTOS_MINCOST: u8 = 0x02; pub const IPTOS_PREC_NETCONTROL: u8 = 0xe0; pub const IPTOS_PREC_INTERNETCONTROL: u8 = 0xc0; pub const IPTOS_PREC_CRITIC_ECP: u8 = 0xa0; pub const IPTOS_PREC_FLASHOVERRIDE: u8 = 0x80; pub const IPTOS_PREC_FLASH: u8 = 0x60; pub const IPTOS_PREC_IMMEDIATE: u8 = 0x40; pub const IPTOS_PREC_PRIORITY: u8 = 0x20; pub const IPTOS_PREC_ROUTINE: u8 = 0x00; pub const IPTOS_ECN_MASK: u8 = 0x03; pub const IPTOS_ECN_ECT1: u8 = 0x01; pub const IPTOS_ECN_ECT0: u8 = 0x02; pub const IPTOS_ECN_CE: u8 = 0x03; pub const IPOPT_CONTROL: u8 = 0x00; pub const IPOPT_RESERVED1: u8 = 0x20; pub const IPOPT_RESERVED2: u8 = 0x60; pub const IPOPT_LSRR: u8 = 131; pub const IPOPT_RR: u8 = 7; pub const IPOPT_SSRR: u8 = 137; pub const IPDEFTTL: u8 = 64; pub const IPOPT_OPTVAL: u8 = 0; pub const IPOPT_OLEN: u8 = 1; pub const IPOPT_OFFSET: u8 = 2; pub const IPOPT_MINOFF: u8 = 4; pub const IPOPT_NOP: u8 = 1; pub const IPOPT_EOL: u8 = 0; pub const IPOPT_TS: u8 = 68; pub const IPOPT_TS_TSONLY: u8 = 0; pub const IPOPT_TS_TSANDADDR: u8 = 1; pub const IPOPT_TS_PRESPEC: u8 = 3; pub const MAX_IPOPTLEN: u8 = 40; pub const IPVERSION: u8 = 4; pub const MAXTTL: u8 = 255; pub const ARPHRD_ETHER: u16 = 1; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE802: u16 = 6; pub const ARPHRD_ARCNET: u16 = 7; pub const ARPHRD_IEEE1394: u16 = 24; pub const SOL_SOCKET: c_int = 0xffff; pub const SO_DEBUG: c_int = 0x0001; pub const SO_REUSEADDR: c_int = 0x0004; pub const SO_TYPE: c_int = 0x1008; pub const SO_ERROR: c_int = 0x1007; pub const SO_DONTROUTE: c_int = 0x0010; pub const SO_BROADCAST: c_int = 0x0020; pub const SO_SNDBUF: c_int = 0x1001; pub const SO_RCVBUF: c_int = 0x1002; pub const SO_KEEPALIVE: c_int = 0x0008; pub const SO_OOBINLINE: c_int = 0x0100; pub const SO_LINGER: c_int = 0x0080; pub const SO_REUSEPORT: c_int = 0x0200; pub const SO_RCVLOWAT: c_int = 0x1004; pub const SO_SNDLOWAT: c_int = 0x1003; pub const SO_RCVTIMEO: c_int = 0x1006; pub const SO_SNDTIMEO: c_int = 0x1005; pub const SO_BINDTODEVICE: c_int = 0x0800; pub const SO_TIMESTAMP: c_int = 0x0400; pub const SO_ACCEPTCONN: c_int = 0x0002; pub const TIOCM_LE: c_int = 0x0100; pub const TIOCM_DTR: c_int = 0x0001; pub const TIOCM_RTS: c_int = 0x0002; pub const TIOCM_ST: c_int = 0x0200; pub const TIOCM_SR: c_int = 0x0400; pub const TIOCM_CTS: c_int = 0x1000; pub const TIOCM_CAR: c_int = TIOCM_CD; pub const TIOCM_CD: c_int = 0x8000; pub const TIOCM_RNG: c_int = TIOCM_RI; pub const TIOCM_RI: c_int = 0x4000; pub const TIOCM_DSR: c_int = 0x2000; pub const SCHED_OTHER: c_int = 3; pub const SCHED_FIFO: c_int = 1; pub const SCHED_RR: c_int = 2; pub const IPC_PRIVATE: crate::key_t = 0; pub const IPC_CREAT: c_int = 0o001000; pub const IPC_EXCL: c_int = 0o002000; pub const IPC_NOWAIT: c_int = 0o004000; pub const IPC_RMID: c_int = 0; pub const IPC_SET: c_int = 1; pub const IPC_STAT: c_int = 2; pub const MSG_NOERROR: c_int = 0o010000; pub const LOG_NFACILITIES: c_int = 24; pub const SEM_FAILED: *mut crate::sem_t = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF as *mut sem_t; pub const AI_PASSIVE: c_int = 0x00000001; pub const AI_CANONNAME: c_int = 0x00000002; pub const AI_NUMERICHOST: c_int = 0x00000004; pub const AI_NUMERICSERV: c_int = 0x00000008; pub const EAI_BADFLAGS: c_int = 3; pub const EAI_NONAME: c_int = 8; pub const EAI_AGAIN: c_int = 2; pub const EAI_FAIL: c_int = 4; pub const EAI_NODATA: c_int = 7; pub const EAI_FAMILY: c_int = 5; pub const EAI_SOCKTYPE: c_int = 10; pub const EAI_SERVICE: c_int = 9; pub const EAI_MEMORY: c_int = 6; pub const EAI_SYSTEM: c_int = 11; pub const EAI_OVERFLOW: c_int = 14; pub const NI_NUMERICHOST: c_int = 0x00000002; pub const NI_NUMERICSERV: c_int = 0x00000008; pub const NI_NOFQDN: c_int = 0x00000001; pub const NI_NAMEREQD: c_int = 0x00000004; pub const NI_DGRAM: c_int = 0x00000010; pub const AIO_CANCELED: c_int = 0; pub const AIO_NOTCANCELED: c_int = 2; pub const AIO_ALLDONE: c_int = 1; pub const LIO_READ: c_int = 1; pub const LIO_WRITE: c_int = 2; pub const LIO_NOP: c_int = 0; pub const LIO_WAIT: c_int = 1; pub const LIO_NOWAIT: c_int = 0; pub const ITIMER_REAL: c_int = 0; pub const ITIMER_VIRTUAL: c_int = 1; pub const ITIMER_PROF: c_int = 2; // DIFF(main): changed to `c_short` in f62eb023ab pub const POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS: c_int = 0x00000010; pub const POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP: c_int = 0x00000001; pub const POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF: c_int = 0x00000004; pub const POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK: c_int = 0x00000002; pub const POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDPARAM: c_int = 0x00000400; pub const POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDULER: c_int = 0x00000040; pub const IPTOS_ECN_NOT_ECT: u8 = 0x00; pub const RTF_UP: c_ushort = 0x0001; pub const RTF_GATEWAY: c_ushort = 0x0002; pub const RTF_HOST: c_ushort = 0x0004; pub const RTF_DYNAMIC: c_ushort = 0x0010; pub const RTF_MODIFIED: c_ushort = 0x0020; pub const RTF_REJECT: c_ushort = 0x0008; pub const RTF_STATIC: c_ushort = 0x0800; pub const RTF_XRESOLVE: c_ushort = 0x0200; pub const RTF_BROADCAST: u32 = 0x80000; pub const RTM_NEWADDR: u16 = 0xc; pub const RTM_DELADDR: u16 = 0xd; pub const RTA_DST: c_ushort = 0x1; pub const RTA_GATEWAY: c_ushort = 0x2; pub const UDP_ENCAP: c_int = 100; pub const IN_ACCESS: u32 = 0x00000001; pub const IN_MODIFY: u32 = 0x00000002; pub const IN_ATTRIB: u32 = 0x00000004; pub const IN_CLOSE_WRITE: u32 = 0x00000008; pub const IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE: u32 = 0x00000010; pub const IN_CLOSE: u32 = IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE; pub const IN_OPEN: u32 = 0x00000020; pub const IN_MOVED_FROM: u32 = 0x00000040; pub const IN_MOVED_TO: u32 = 0x00000080; pub const IN_MOVE: u32 = IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO; pub const IN_CREATE: u32 = 0x00000100; pub const IN_DELETE: u32 = 0x00000200; pub const IN_DELETE_SELF: u32 = 0x00000400; pub const IN_MOVE_SELF: u32 = 0x00000800; pub const IN_UNMOUNT: u32 = 0x00002000; pub const IN_Q_OVERFLOW: u32 = 0x00004000; pub const IN_IGNORED: u32 = 0x00008000; pub const IN_ONLYDIR: u32 = 0x01000000; pub const IN_DONT_FOLLOW: u32 = 0x02000000; pub const IN_ISDIR: u32 = 0x40000000; pub const IN_ONESHOT: u32 = 0x80000000; pub const REG_EXTENDED: c_int = 0o0001; pub const REG_ICASE: c_int = 0o0002; pub const REG_NEWLINE: c_int = 0o0010; pub const REG_NOSUB: c_int = 0o0004; pub const REG_NOTBOL: c_int = 0o00001; pub const REG_NOTEOL: c_int = 0o00002; pub const REG_ENOSYS: c_int = 17; pub const REG_NOMATCH: c_int = 1; pub const REG_BADPAT: c_int = 2; pub const REG_ECOLLATE: c_int = 3; pub const REG_ECTYPE: c_int = 4; pub const REG_EESCAPE: c_int = 5; pub const REG_ESUBREG: c_int = 6; pub const REG_EBRACK: c_int = 7; pub const REG_EPAREN: c_int = 8; pub const REG_EBRACE: c_int = 9; pub const REG_BADBR: c_int = 10; pub const REG_ERANGE: c_int = 11; pub const REG_ESPACE: c_int = 12; pub const REG_BADRPT: c_int = 13; // errno.h pub const EOK: c_int = 0; pub const EWOULDBLOCK: c_int = EAGAIN; pub const EPERM: c_int = 1; pub const ENOENT: c_int = 2; pub const ESRCH: c_int = 3; pub const EINTR: c_int = 4; pub const EIO: c_int = 5; pub const ENXIO: c_int = 6; pub const E2BIG: c_int = 7; pub const ENOEXEC: c_int = 8; pub const EBADF: c_int = 9; pub const ECHILD: c_int = 10; pub const EAGAIN: c_int = 11; pub const ENOMEM: c_int = 12; pub const EACCES: c_int = 13; pub const EFAULT: c_int = 14; pub const ENOTBLK: c_int = 15; pub const EBUSY: c_int = 16; pub const EEXIST: c_int = 17; pub const EXDEV: c_int = 18; pub const ENODEV: c_int = 19; pub const ENOTDIR: c_int = 20; pub const EISDIR: c_int = 21; pub const EINVAL: c_int = 22; pub const ENFILE: c_int = 23; pub const EMFILE: c_int = 24; pub const ENOTTY: c_int = 25; pub const ETXTBSY: c_int = 26; pub const EFBIG: c_int = 27; pub const ENOSPC: c_int = 28; pub const ESPIPE: c_int = 29; pub const EROFS: c_int = 30; pub const EMLINK: c_int = 31; pub const EPIPE: c_int = 32; pub const EDOM: c_int = 33; pub const ERANGE: c_int = 34; pub const ENOMSG: c_int = 35; pub const EIDRM: c_int = 36; pub const ECHRNG: c_int = 37; pub const EL2NSYNC: c_int = 38; pub const EL3HLT: c_int = 39; pub const EL3RST: c_int = 40; pub const ELNRNG: c_int = 41; pub const EUNATCH: c_int = 42; pub const ENOCSI: c_int = 43; pub const EL2HLT: c_int = 44; pub const EDEADLK: c_int = 45; pub const ENOLCK: c_int = 46; pub const ECANCELED: c_int = 47; pub const EDQUOT: c_int = 49; pub const EBADE: c_int = 50; pub const EBADR: c_int = 51; pub const EXFULL: c_int = 52; pub const ENOANO: c_int = 53; pub const EBADRQC: c_int = 54; pub const EBADSLT: c_int = 55; pub const EDEADLOCK: c_int = 56; pub const EBFONT: c_int = 57; pub const EOWNERDEAD: c_int = 58; pub const ENOSTR: c_int = 60; pub const ENODATA: c_int = 61; pub const ETIME: c_int = 62; pub const ENOSR: c_int = 63; pub const ENONET: c_int = 64; pub const ENOPKG: c_int = 65; pub const EREMOTE: c_int = 66; pub const ENOLINK: c_int = 67; pub const EADV: c_int = 68; pub const ESRMNT: c_int = 69; pub const ECOMM: c_int = 70; pub const EPROTO: c_int = 71; pub const EMULTIHOP: c_int = 74; pub const EBADMSG: c_int = 77; pub const ENAMETOOLONG: c_int = 78; pub const EOVERFLOW: c_int = 79; pub const ENOTUNIQ: c_int = 80; pub const EBADFD: c_int = 81; pub const EREMCHG: c_int = 82; pub const ELIBACC: c_int = 83; pub const ELIBBAD: c_int = 84; pub const ELIBSCN: c_int = 85; pub const ELIBMAX: c_int = 86; pub const ELIBEXEC: c_int = 87; pub const EILSEQ: c_int = 88; pub const ENOSYS: c_int = 89; pub const ELOOP: c_int = 90; pub const ERESTART: c_int = 91; pub const ESTRPIPE: c_int = 92; pub const ENOTEMPTY: c_int = 93; pub const EUSERS: c_int = 94; pub const ENOTRECOVERABLE: c_int = 95; pub const EOPNOTSUPP: c_int = 103; pub const EFPOS: c_int = 110; pub const ESTALE: c_int = 122; pub const EINPROGRESS: c_int = 236; pub const EALREADY: c_int = 237; pub const ENOTSOCK: c_int = 238; pub const EDESTADDRREQ: c_int = 239; pub const EMSGSIZE: c_int = 240; pub const EPROTOTYPE: c_int = 241; pub const ENOPROTOOPT: c_int = 242; pub const EPROTONOSUPPORT: c_int = 243; pub const ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: c_int = 244; pub const EPFNOSUPPORT: c_int = 246; pub const EAFNOSUPPORT: c_int = 247; pub const EADDRINUSE: c_int = 248; pub const EADDRNOTAVAIL: c_int = 249; pub const ENETDOWN: c_int = 250; pub const ENETUNREACH: c_int = 251; pub const ENETRESET: c_int = 252; pub const ECONNABORTED: c_int = 253; pub const ECONNRESET: c_int = 254; pub const ENOBUFS: c_int = 255; pub const EISCONN: c_int = 256; pub const ENOTCONN: c_int = 257; pub const ESHUTDOWN: c_int = 258; pub const ETOOMANYREFS: c_int = 259; pub const ETIMEDOUT: c_int = 260; pub const ECONNREFUSED: c_int = 261; pub const EHOSTDOWN: c_int = 264; pub const EHOSTUNREACH: c_int = 265; pub const EBADRPC: c_int = 272; pub const ERPCMISMATCH: c_int = 273; pub const EPROGUNAVAIL: c_int = 274; pub const EPROGMISMATCH: c_int = 275; pub const EPROCUNAVAIL: c_int = 276; pub const ENOREMOTE: c_int = 300; pub const ENONDP: c_int = 301; pub const EBADFSYS: c_int = 302; pub const EMORE: c_int = 309; pub const ECTRLTERM: c_int = 310; pub const ENOLIC: c_int = 311; pub const ESRVRFAULT: c_int = 312; pub const EENDIAN: c_int = 313; pub const ESECTYPEINVAL: c_int = 314; pub const RUSAGE_CHILDREN: c_int = -1; pub const L_tmpnam: c_uint = 255; pub const _PC_LINK_MAX: c_int = 1; pub const _PC_MAX_CANON: c_int = 2; pub const _PC_MAX_INPUT: c_int = 3; pub const _PC_NAME_MAX: c_int = 4; pub const _PC_PATH_MAX: c_int = 5; pub const _PC_PIPE_BUF: c_int = 6; pub const _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED: c_int = 9; pub const _PC_NO_TRUNC: c_int = 7; pub const _PC_VDISABLE: c_int = 8; pub const _PC_SYNC_IO: c_int = 14; pub const _PC_ASYNC_IO: c_int = 12; pub const _PC_PRIO_IO: c_int = 13; pub const _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF: c_int = 15; pub const _PC_FILESIZEBITS: c_int = 16; pub const _PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE: c_int = 22; pub const _PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE: c_int = 23; pub const _PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE: c_int = 24; pub const _PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN: c_int = 25; pub const _PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN: c_int = 21; pub const _PC_SYMLINK_MAX: c_int = 17; pub const _PC_2_SYMLINKS: c_int = 20; pub const _SC_PAGE_SIZE: c_int = _SC_PAGESIZE; pub const _SC_ARG_MAX: c_int = 1; pub const _SC_CHILD_MAX: c_int = 2; pub const _SC_CLK_TCK: c_int = 3; pub const _SC_NGROUPS_MAX: c_int = 4; pub const _SC_OPEN_MAX: c_int = 5; pub const _SC_JOB_CONTROL: c_int = 6; pub const _SC_SAVED_IDS: c_int = 7; pub const _SC_VERSION: c_int = 8; pub const _SC_PASS_MAX: c_int = 9; pub const _SC_PAGESIZE: c_int = 11; pub const _SC_XOPEN_VERSION: c_int = 12; pub const _SC_STREAM_MAX: c_int = 13; pub const _SC_TZNAME_MAX: c_int = 14; pub const _SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX: c_int = 15; pub const _SC_AIO_MAX: c_int = 16; pub const _SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX: c_int = 17; pub const _SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX: c_int = 18; pub const _SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX: c_int = 19; pub const _SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX: c_int = 20; pub const _SC_RTSIG_MAX: c_int = 21; pub const _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX: c_int = 22; pub const _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX: c_int = 23; pub const _SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX: c_int = 24; pub const _SC_TIMER_MAX: c_int = 25; pub const _SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO: c_int = 26; pub const _SC_FSYNC: c_int = 27; pub const _SC_MAPPED_FILES: c_int = 28; pub const _SC_MEMLOCK: c_int = 29; pub const _SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE: c_int = 30; pub const _SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION: c_int = 31; pub const _SC_MESSAGE_PASSING: c_int = 32; pub const _SC_PRIORITIZED_IO: c_int = 33; pub const _SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING: c_int = 34; pub const _SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS: c_int = 35; pub const _SC_SEMAPHORES: c_int = 36; pub const _SC_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS: c_int = 37; pub const _SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO: c_int = 38; pub const _SC_TIMERS: c_int = 39; pub const _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX: c_int = 40; pub const _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX: c_int = 41; pub const _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX: c_int = 42; pub const _SC_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS: c_int = 43; pub const _SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX: c_int = 44; pub const _SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN: c_int = 45; pub const _SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX: c_int = 46; pub const _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX: c_int = 47; pub const _SC_THREADS: c_int = 48; pub const _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR: c_int = 49; pub const _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE: c_int = 50; pub const _SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING: c_int = 51; pub const _SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT: c_int = 52; pub const _SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT: c_int = 53; pub const _SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED: c_int = 54; pub const _SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS: c_int = 55; pub const _SC_2_CHAR_TERM: c_int = 56; pub const _SC_2_C_BIND: c_int = 57; pub const _SC_2_C_DEV: c_int = 58; pub const _SC_2_C_VERSION: c_int = 59; pub const _SC_2_FORT_DEV: c_int = 60; pub const _SC_2_FORT_RUN: c_int = 61; pub const _SC_2_LOCALEDEF: c_int = 62; pub const _SC_2_SW_DEV: c_int = 63; pub const _SC_2_UPE: c_int = 64; pub const _SC_2_VERSION: c_int = 65; pub const _SC_ATEXIT_MAX: c_int = 66; pub const _SC_AVPHYS_PAGES: c_int = 67; pub const _SC_BC_BASE_MAX: c_int = 68; pub const _SC_BC_DIM_MAX: c_int = 69; pub const _SC_BC_SCALE_MAX: c_int = 70; pub const _SC_BC_STRING_MAX: c_int = 71; pub const _SC_CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX: c_int = 72; pub const _SC_CHAR_BIT: c_int = 73; pub const _SC_CHAR_MAX: c_int = 74; pub const _SC_CHAR_MIN: c_int = 75; pub const _SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX: c_int = 76; pub const _SC_EQUIV_CLASS_MAX: c_int = 77; pub const _SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX: c_int = 78; pub const _SC_INT_MAX: c_int = 79; pub const _SC_INT_MIN: c_int = 80; pub const _SC_LINE_MAX: c_int = 81; pub const _SC_LONG_BIT: c_int = 82; pub const _SC_MB_LEN_MAX: c_int = 83; pub const _SC_NL_ARGMAX: c_int = 84; pub const _SC_NL_LANGMAX: c_int = 85; pub const _SC_NL_MSGMAX: c_int = 86; pub const _SC_NL_NMAX: c_int = 87; pub const _SC_NL_SETMAX: c_int = 88; pub const _SC_NL_TEXTMAX: c_int = 89; pub const _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF: c_int = 90; pub const _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN: c_int = 91; pub const _SC_NZERO: c_int = 92; pub const _SC_PHYS_PAGES: c_int = 93; pub const _SC_PII: c_int = 94; pub const _SC_PII_INTERNET: c_int = 95; pub const _SC_PII_INTERNET_DGRAM: c_int = 96; pub const _SC_PII_INTERNET_STREAM: c_int = 97; pub const _SC_PII_OSI: c_int = 98; pub const _SC_PII_OSI_CLTS: c_int = 99; pub const _SC_PII_OSI_COTS: c_int = 100; pub const _SC_PII_OSI_M: c_int = 101; pub const _SC_PII_SOCKET: c_int = 102; pub const _SC_PII_XTI: c_int = 103; pub const _SC_POLL: c_int = 104; pub const _SC_RE_DUP_MAX: c_int = 105; pub const _SC_SCHAR_MAX: c_int = 106; pub const _SC_SCHAR_MIN: c_int = 107; pub const _SC_SELECT: c_int = 108; pub const _SC_SHRT_MAX: c_int = 109; pub const _SC_SHRT_MIN: c_int = 110; pub const _SC_SSIZE_MAX: c_int = 111; pub const _SC_T_IOV_MAX: c_int = 112; pub const _SC_UCHAR_MAX: c_int = 113; pub const _SC_UINT_MAX: c_int = 114; pub const _SC_UIO_MAXIOV: c_int = 115; pub const _SC_ULONG_MAX: c_int = 116; pub const _SC_USHRT_MAX: c_int = 117; pub const _SC_WORD_BIT: c_int = 118; pub const _SC_XOPEN_CRYPT: c_int = 119; pub const _SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N: c_int = 120; pub const _SC_XOPEN_SHM: c_int = 121; pub const _SC_XOPEN_UNIX: c_int = 122; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION: c_int = 123; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XPG2: c_int = 124; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XPG3: c_int = 125; pub const _SC_XOPEN_XPG4: c_int = 126; pub const _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32: c_int = 127; pub const _SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG: c_int = 128; pub const _SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64: c_int = 129; pub const _SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG: c_int = 130; pub const _SC_ADVISORY_INFO: c_int = 131; pub const _SC_CPUTIME: c_int = 132; pub const _SC_SPAWN: c_int = 133; pub const _SC_SPORADIC_SERVER: c_int = 134; pub const _SC_THREAD_CPUTIME: c_int = 135; pub const _SC_THREAD_SPORADIC_SERVER: c_int = 136; pub const _SC_TIMEOUTS: c_int = 137; pub const _SC_BARRIERS: c_int = 138; pub const _SC_CLOCK_SELECTION: c_int = 139; pub const _SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK: c_int = 140; pub const _SC_READER_WRITER_LOCKS: c_int = 141; pub const _SC_SPIN_LOCKS: c_int = 142; pub const _SC_TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS: c_int = 143; pub const _SC_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER: c_int = 144; pub const _SC_TRACE: c_int = 145; pub const _SC_TRACE_INHERIT: c_int = 146; pub const _SC_TRACE_LOG: c_int = 147; pub const _SC_2_PBS: c_int = 148; pub const _SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING: c_int = 149; pub const _SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT: c_int = 150; pub const _SC_2_PBS_LOCATE: c_int = 151; pub const _SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE: c_int = 152; pub const _SC_2_PBS_TRACK: c_int = 153; pub const _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX: c_int = 154; pub const _SC_IOV_MAX: c_int = 155; pub const _SC_IPV6: c_int = 156; pub const _SC_RAW_SOCKETS: c_int = 157; pub const _SC_REGEXP: c_int = 158; pub const _SC_SHELL: c_int = 159; pub const _SC_SS_REPL_MAX: c_int = 160; pub const _SC_SYMLOOP_MAX: c_int = 161; pub const _SC_TRACE_EVENT_NAME_MAX: c_int = 162; pub const _SC_TRACE_NAME_MAX: c_int = 163; pub const _SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX: c_int = 164; pub const _SC_TRACE_USER_EVENT_MAX: c_int = 165; pub const _SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32: c_int = 166; pub const _SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG: c_int = 167; pub const _SC_V6_LP64_OFF64: c_int = 168; pub const _SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG: c_int = 169; pub const _SC_XOPEN_REALTIME: c_int = 170; pub const _SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS: c_int = 171; pub const _SC_XOPEN_LEGACY: c_int = 172; pub const _SC_XOPEN_STREAMS: c_int = 173; pub const _SC_V7_ILP32_OFF32: c_int = 176; pub const _SC_V7_ILP32_OFFBIG: c_int = 177; pub const _SC_V7_LP64_OFF64: c_int = 178; pub const _SC_V7_LPBIG_OFFBIG: c_int = 179; pub const GLOB_ERR: c_int = 0x0001; pub const GLOB_MARK: c_int = 0x0002; pub const GLOB_NOSORT: c_int = 0x0004; pub const GLOB_DOOFFS: c_int = 0x0008; pub const GLOB_NOCHECK: c_int = 0x0010; pub const GLOB_APPEND: c_int = 0x0020; pub const GLOB_NOESCAPE: c_int = 0x0040; pub const GLOB_NOSPACE: c_int = 1; pub const GLOB_ABORTED: c_int = 2; pub const GLOB_NOMATCH: c_int = 3; pub const S_IEXEC: mode_t = crate::S_IXUSR; pub const S_IWRITE: mode_t = crate::S_IWUSR; pub const S_IREAD: mode_t = crate::S_IRUSR; pub const S_IFIFO: crate::mode_t = 0o1_0000; pub const S_IFCHR: crate::mode_t = 0o2_0000; pub const S_IFDIR: crate::mode_t = 0o4_0000; pub const S_IFBLK: crate::mode_t = 0o6_0000; pub const S_IFREG: crate::mode_t = 0o10_0000; pub const S_IFLNK: crate::mode_t = 0o12_0000; pub const S_IFSOCK: crate::mode_t = 0o14_0000; pub const S_IFMT: crate::mode_t = 0o17_0000; pub const S_IXOTH: crate::mode_t = 0o0001; pub const S_IWOTH: crate::mode_t = 0o0002; pub const S_IROTH: crate::mode_t = 0o0004; pub const S_IRWXO: crate::mode_t = 0o0007; pub const S_IXGRP: crate::mode_t = 0o0010; pub const S_IWGRP: crate::mode_t = 0o0020; pub const S_IRGRP: crate::mode_t = 0o0040; pub const S_IRWXG: crate::mode_t = 0o0070; pub const S_IXUSR: crate::mode_t = 0o0100; pub const S_IWUSR: crate::mode_t = 0o0200; pub const S_IRUSR: crate::mode_t = 0o0400; pub const S_IRWXU: crate::mode_t = 0o0700; pub const F_LOCK: c_int = 1; pub const F_TEST: c_int = 3; pub const F_TLOCK: c_int = 2; pub const F_ULOCK: c_int = 0; pub const ST_RDONLY: c_ulong = 0x01; pub const ST_NOSUID: c_ulong = 0x04; pub const ST_NOEXEC: c_ulong = 0x02; pub const ST_NOATIME: c_ulong = 0x20; pub const RTLD_NEXT: *mut c_void = -3i64 as *mut c_void; pub const RTLD_DEFAULT: *mut c_void = -2i64 as *mut c_void; pub const RTLD_NODELETE: c_int = 0x1000; pub const RTLD_NOW: c_int = 0x0002; pub const EMPTY: c_short = 0; pub const RUN_LVL: c_short = 1; pub const BOOT_TIME: c_short = 2; pub const NEW_TIME: c_short = 4; pub const OLD_TIME: c_short = 3; pub const INIT_PROCESS: c_short = 5; pub const LOGIN_PROCESS: c_short = 6; pub const USER_PROCESS: c_short = 7; pub const DEAD_PROCESS: c_short = 8; pub const ACCOUNTING: c_short = 9; pub const ENOTSUP: c_int = 48; pub const BUFSIZ: c_uint = 1024; pub const TMP_MAX: c_uint = 26 * 26 * 26; pub const FOPEN_MAX: c_uint = 16; pub const FILENAME_MAX: c_uint = 255; pub const NI_MAXHOST: crate::socklen_t = 1025; pub const M_KEEP: c_int = 4; pub const REG_STARTEND: c_int = 0o00004; pub const VEOF: usize = 4; pub const RTLD_GLOBAL: c_int = 0x0100; pub const RTLD_NOLOAD: c_int = 0x0004; pub const O_RDONLY: c_int = 0o000000; pub const O_WRONLY: c_int = 0o000001; pub const O_RDWR: c_int = 0o000002; pub const O_EXEC: c_int = 0o00003; pub const O_ASYNC: c_int = 0o0200000; pub const O_NDELAY: c_int = O_NONBLOCK; pub const O_TRUNC: c_int = 0o001000; pub const O_CLOEXEC: c_int = 0o020000; pub const O_DIRECTORY: c_int = 0o4000000; pub const O_ACCMODE: c_int = 0o000007; pub const O_APPEND: c_int = 0o000010; pub const O_CREAT: c_int = 0o000400; pub const O_EXCL: c_int = 0o002000; pub const O_NOCTTY: c_int = 0o004000; pub const O_NONBLOCK: c_int = 0o000200; pub const O_SYNC: c_int = 0o000040; pub const O_RSYNC: c_int = 0o000100; pub const O_DSYNC: c_int = 0o000020; pub const O_NOFOLLOW: c_int = 0o010000; pub const POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED: c_int = 4; pub const POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE: c_int = 5; pub const SOCK_SEQPACKET: c_int = 5; pub const SOCK_STREAM: c_int = 1; pub const SOCK_DGRAM: c_int = 2; pub const SOCK_RAW: c_int = 3; pub const SOCK_RDM: c_int = 4; pub const SOCK_CLOEXEC: c_int = 0x10000000; pub const SA_SIGINFO: c_int = 0x0002; pub const SA_NOCLDWAIT: c_int = 0x0020; pub const SA_NODEFER: c_int = 0x0010; pub const SA_RESETHAND: c_int = 0x0004; pub const SA_NOCLDSTOP: c_int = 0x0001; pub const SIGTTIN: c_int = 26; pub const SIGTTOU: c_int = 27; pub const SIGXCPU: c_int = 30; pub const SIGXFSZ: c_int = 31; pub const SIGVTALRM: c_int = 28; pub const SIGPROF: c_int = 29; pub const SIGWINCH: c_int = 20; pub const SIGCHLD: c_int = 18; pub const SIGBUS: c_int = 10; pub const SIGUSR1: c_int = 16; pub const SIGUSR2: c_int = 17; pub const SIGCONT: c_int = 25; pub const SIGSTOP: c_int = 23; pub const SIGTSTP: c_int = 24; pub const SIGURG: c_int = 21; pub const SIGIO: c_int = SIGPOLL; pub const SIGSYS: c_int = 12; pub const SIGPOLL: c_int = 22; pub const SIGPWR: c_int = 19; pub const SIG_SETMASK: c_int = 2; pub const SIG_BLOCK: c_int = 0; pub const SIG_UNBLOCK: c_int = 1; pub const POLLWRNORM: c_short = crate::POLLOUT; pub const POLLWRBAND: c_short = 0x0010; pub const F_SETLK: c_int = 106; pub const F_SETLKW: c_int = 107; pub const F_ALLOCSP: c_int = 110; pub const F_FREESP: c_int = 111; pub const F_GETLK: c_int = 114; pub const F_RDLCK: c_int = 1; pub const F_WRLCK: c_int = 2; pub const F_UNLCK: c_int = 3; pub const NCCS: usize = 40; pub const MAP_ANON: c_int = MAP_ANONYMOUS; pub const MAP_ANONYMOUS: c_int = 0x00080000; pub const MCL_CURRENT: c_int = 0x000000001; pub const MCL_FUTURE: c_int = 0x000000002; pub const _TIO_CBAUD: crate::tcflag_t = 15; pub const CBAUD: crate::tcflag_t = _TIO_CBAUD; pub const TAB1: crate::tcflag_t = 0x0800; pub const TAB2: crate::tcflag_t = 0x1000; pub const TAB3: crate::tcflag_t = 0x1800; pub const CR1: crate::tcflag_t = 0x200; pub const CR2: crate::tcflag_t = 0x400; pub const CR3: crate::tcflag_t = 0x600; pub const FF1: crate::tcflag_t = 0x8000; pub const BS1: crate::tcflag_t = 0x2000; pub const VT1: crate::tcflag_t = 0x4000; pub const VWERASE: usize = 14; pub const VREPRINT: usize = 12; pub const VSUSP: usize = 10; pub const VSTART: usize = 8; pub const VSTOP: usize = 9; pub const VDISCARD: usize = 13; pub const VTIME: usize = 17; pub const IXON: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000400; pub const IXOFF: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00001000; pub const ONLCR: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000004; pub const CSIZE: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000030; pub const CS6: crate::tcflag_t = 0x10; pub const CS7: crate::tcflag_t = 0x20; pub const CS8: crate::tcflag_t = 0x30; pub const CSTOPB: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000040; pub const CREAD: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000080; pub const PARENB: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000100; pub const PARODD: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000200; pub const HUPCL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000400; pub const CLOCAL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000800; pub const ECHOKE: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000800; pub const ECHOE: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000010; pub const ECHOK: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000020; pub const ECHONL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000040; pub const ECHOCTL: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000200; pub const ISIG: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000001; pub const ICANON: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000002; pub const NOFLSH: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000080; pub const OLCUC: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000002; pub const NLDLY: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000100; pub const CRDLY: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000600; pub const TABDLY: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00001800; pub const BSDLY: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00002000; pub const FFDLY: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00008000; pub const VTDLY: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00004000; pub const XTABS: crate::tcflag_t = 0x1800; pub const B0: crate::speed_t = 0; pub const B50: crate::speed_t = 1; pub const B75: crate::speed_t = 2; pub const B110: crate::speed_t = 3; pub const B134: crate::speed_t = 4; pub const B150: crate::speed_t = 5; pub const B200: crate::speed_t = 6; pub const B300: crate::speed_t = 7; pub const B600: crate::speed_t = 8; pub const B1200: crate::speed_t = 9; pub const B1800: crate::speed_t = 10; pub const B2400: crate::speed_t = 11; pub const B4800: crate::speed_t = 12; pub const B9600: crate::speed_t = 13; pub const B19200: crate::speed_t = 14; pub const B38400: crate::speed_t = 15; pub const EXTA: crate::speed_t = 14; pub const EXTB: crate::speed_t = 15; pub const B57600: crate::speed_t = 57600; pub const B115200: crate::speed_t = 115200; pub const VEOL: usize = 5; pub const VEOL2: usize = 6; pub const VMIN: usize = 16; pub const IEXTEN: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00008000; pub const TOSTOP: crate::tcflag_t = 0x00000100; pub const TCSANOW: c_int = 0x0001; pub const TCSADRAIN: c_int = 0x0002; pub const TCSAFLUSH: c_int = 0x0004; pub const HW_MACHINE: c_int = 1; pub const HW_MODEL: c_int = 2; pub const HW_NCPU: c_int = 3; pub const HW_BYTEORDER: c_int = 4; pub const HW_PHYSMEM: c_int = 5; pub const HW_USERMEM: c_int = 6; pub const HW_PAGESIZE: c_int = 7; pub const HW_DISKNAMES: c_int = 8; pub const HW_IOSTATS: c_int = 9; pub const HW_MACHINE_ARCH: c_int = 10; pub const HW_ALIGNBYTES: c_int = 11; pub const HW_CNMAGIC: c_int = 12; pub const HW_PHYSMEM64: c_int = 13; pub const HW_USERMEM64: c_int = 14; pub const HW_IOSTATNAMES: c_int = 15; pub const HW_MAXID: c_int = 15; pub const CTL_UNSPEC: c_int = 0; pub const CTL_KERN: c_int = 1; pub const CTL_VM: c_int = 2; pub const CTL_VFS: c_int = 3; pub const CTL_NET: c_int = 4; pub const CTL_DEBUG: c_int = 5; pub const CTL_HW: c_int = 6; pub const CTL_MACHDEP: c_int = 7; pub const CTL_USER: c_int = 8; pub const CTL_QNX: c_int = 9; pub const CTL_PROC: c_int = 10; pub const CTL_VENDOR: c_int = 11; pub const CTL_EMUL: c_int = 12; pub const CTL_SECURITY: c_int = 13; pub const CTL_MAXID: c_int = 14; pub const DAY_1: crate::nl_item = 8; pub const DAY_2: crate::nl_item = 9; pub const DAY_3: crate::nl_item = 10; pub const DAY_4: crate::nl_item = 11; pub const DAY_5: crate::nl_item = 12; pub const DAY_6: crate::nl_item = 13; pub const DAY_7: crate::nl_item = 14; pub const MON_1: crate::nl_item = 22; pub const MON_2: crate::nl_item = 23; pub const MON_3: crate::nl_item = 24; pub const MON_4: crate::nl_item = 25; pub const MON_5: crate::nl_item = 26; pub const MON_6: crate::nl_item = 27; pub const MON_7: crate::nl_item = 28; pub const MON_8: crate::nl_item = 29; pub const MON_9: crate::nl_item = 30; pub const MON_10: crate::nl_item = 31; pub const MON_11: crate::nl_item = 32; pub const MON_12: crate::nl_item = 33; pub const ABDAY_1: crate::nl_item = 15; pub const ABDAY_2: crate::nl_item = 16; pub const ABDAY_3: crate::nl_item = 17; pub const ABDAY_4: crate::nl_item = 18; pub const ABDAY_5: crate::nl_item = 19; pub const ABDAY_6: crate::nl_item = 20; pub const ABDAY_7: crate::nl_item = 21; pub const ABMON_1: crate::nl_item = 34; pub const ABMON_2: crate::nl_item = 35; pub const ABMON_3: crate::nl_item = 36; pub const ABMON_4: crate::nl_item = 37; pub const ABMON_5: crate::nl_item = 38; pub const ABMON_6: crate::nl_item = 39; pub const ABMON_7: crate::nl_item = 40; pub const ABMON_8: crate::nl_item = 41; pub const ABMON_9: crate::nl_item = 42; pub const ABMON_10: crate::nl_item = 43; pub const ABMON_11: crate::nl_item = 44; pub const ABMON_12: crate::nl_item = 45; pub const AF_ARP: c_int = 28; pub const AF_CCITT: c_int = 10; pub const AF_CHAOS: c_int = 5; pub const AF_CNT: c_int = 21; pub const AF_COIP: c_int = 20; pub const AF_DATAKIT: c_int = 9; pub const AF_DECnet: c_int = 12; pub const AF_DLI: c_int = 13; pub const AF_E164: c_int = 26; pub const AF_ECMA: c_int = 8; pub const AF_HYLINK: c_int = 15; pub const AF_IEEE80211: c_int = 32; pub const AF_IMPLINK: c_int = 3; pub const AF_ISO: c_int = 7; pub const AF_LAT: c_int = 14; pub const AF_LINK: c_int = 18; pub const AF_NATM: c_int = 27; pub const AF_NS: c_int = 6; pub const AF_OSI: c_int = 7; pub const AF_PUP: c_int = 4; pub const ALT_DIGITS: crate::nl_item = 50; pub const AM_STR: crate::nl_item = 6; pub const B76800: crate::speed_t = 76800; pub const BIOCFLUSH: c_int = 17000; pub const BIOCGBLEN: c_int = 1074020966; pub const BIOCGDLT: c_int = 1074020970; pub const BIOCGDLTLIST: c_int = -1072676233; pub const BIOCGETIF: c_int = 1083196011; pub const BIOCGHDRCMPLT: c_int = 1074020980; pub const BIOCGRTIMEOUT: c_int = 1074807406; pub const BIOCGSEESENT: c_int = 1074020984; pub const BIOCGSTATS: c_int = 1082147439; pub const BIOCIMMEDIATE: c_int = -2147204496; pub const BIOCPROMISC: c_int = 17001; pub const BIOCSBLEN: c_int = -1073462682; pub const BIOCSDLT: c_int = -2147204490; pub const BIOCSETF: c_int = -2146418073; pub const BIOCSETIF: c_int = -2138029460; pub const BIOCSHDRCMPLT: c_int = -2147204491; pub const BIOCSRTIMEOUT: c_int = -2146418067; pub const BIOCSSEESENT: c_int = -2147204487; pub const BIOCVERSION: c_int = 1074020977; pub const BPF_ALIGNMENT: usize = mem::size_of::(); pub const CHAR_BIT: usize = 8; pub const CODESET: crate::nl_item = 1; pub const CRNCYSTR: crate::nl_item = 55; pub const D_FLAG_FILTER: c_int = 0x00000001; pub const D_FLAG_STAT: c_int = 0x00000002; pub const D_FLAG_STAT_FORM_MASK: c_int = 0x000000f0; pub const D_FLAG_STAT_FORM_T32_2001: c_int = 0x00000010; pub const D_FLAG_STAT_FORM_T32_2008: c_int = 0x00000020; pub const D_FLAG_STAT_FORM_T64_2008: c_int = 0x00000030; pub const D_FLAG_STAT_FORM_UNSET: c_int = 0x00000000; pub const D_FMT: crate::nl_item = 3; pub const D_GETFLAG: c_int = 1; pub const D_SETFLAG: c_int = 2; pub const D_T_FMT: crate::nl_item = 2; pub const ERA: crate::nl_item = 46; pub const ERA_D_FMT: crate::nl_item = 47; pub const ERA_D_T_FMT: crate::nl_item = 48; pub const ERA_T_FMT: crate::nl_item = 49; pub const RADIXCHAR: crate::nl_item = 51; pub const THOUSEP: crate::nl_item = 52; pub const YESEXPR: crate::nl_item = 53; pub const NOEXPR: crate::nl_item = 54; pub const F_GETOWN: c_int = 35; pub const FIONBIO: c_int = -2147195266; pub const FIOASYNC: c_int = -2147195267; pub const FIOCLEX: c_int = 26113; pub const FIOGETOWN: c_int = 1074030203; pub const FIONCLEX: c_int = 26114; pub const FIONREAD: c_int = 1074030207; pub const FIONSPACE: c_int = 1074030200; pub const FIONWRITE: c_int = 1074030201; pub const FIOSETOWN: c_int = -2147195268; pub const F_SETOWN: c_int = 36; pub const IFF_ACCEPTRTADV: c_int = 0x40000000; pub const IFF_IP6FORWARDING: c_int = 0x20000000; pub const IFF_LINK0: c_int = 0x00001000; pub const IFF_LINK1: c_int = 0x00002000; pub const IFF_LINK2: c_int = 0x00004000; pub const IFF_OACTIVE: c_int = 0x00000400; pub const IFF_SHIM: c_int = 0x80000000; pub const IFF_SIMPLEX: c_int = 0x00000800; pub const IHFLOW: tcflag_t = 0x00000001; pub const IIDLE: tcflag_t = 0x00000008; pub const IP_RECVDSTADDR: c_int = 7; pub const IP_RECVIF: c_int = 20; pub const IPTOS_ECN_NOTECT: u8 = 0x00; pub const IUCLC: tcflag_t = 0x00000200; pub const IUTF8: tcflag_t = 0x0004000; pub const KERN_ARGMAX: c_int = 8; pub const KERN_ARND: c_int = 81; pub const KERN_BOOTTIME: c_int = 21; pub const KERN_CLOCKRATE: c_int = 12; pub const KERN_FILE: c_int = 15; pub const KERN_HOSTID: c_int = 11; pub const KERN_HOSTNAME: c_int = 10; pub const KERN_IOV_MAX: c_int = 38; pub const KERN_JOB_CONTROL: c_int = 19; pub const KERN_LOGSIGEXIT: c_int = 46; pub const KERN_MAXFILES: c_int = 7; pub const KERN_MAXID: c_int = 83; pub const KERN_MAXPROC: c_int = 6; pub const KERN_MAXVNODES: c_int = 5; pub const KERN_NGROUPS: c_int = 18; pub const KERN_OSRELEASE: c_int = 2; pub const KERN_OSREV: c_int = 3; pub const KERN_OSTYPE: c_int = 1; pub const KERN_POSIX1: c_int = 17; pub const KERN_PROC: c_int = 14; pub const KERN_PROC_ALL: c_int = 0; pub const KERN_PROC_ARGS: c_int = 48; pub const KERN_PROC_ENV: c_int = 3; pub const KERN_PROC_GID: c_int = 7; pub const KERN_PROC_PGRP: c_int = 2; pub const KERN_PROC_PID: c_int = 1; pub const KERN_PROC_RGID: c_int = 8; pub const KERN_PROC_RUID: c_int = 6; pub const KERN_PROC_SESSION: c_int = 3; pub const KERN_PROC_TTY: c_int = 4; pub const KERN_PROC_UID: c_int = 5; pub const KERN_PROF: c_int = 16; pub const KERN_SAVED_IDS: c_int = 20; pub const KERN_SECURELVL: c_int = 9; pub const KERN_VERSION: c_int = 4; pub const KERN_VNODE: c_int = 13; pub const LC_ALL: c_int = 63; pub const LC_COLLATE: c_int = 1; pub const LC_CTYPE: c_int = 2; pub const LC_MESSAGES: c_int = 32; pub const LC_MONETARY: c_int = 4; pub const LC_NUMERIC: c_int = 8; pub const LC_TIME: c_int = 16; pub const LOCAL_CONNWAIT: c_int = 0x0002; pub const LOCAL_CREDS: c_int = 0x0001; pub const LOCAL_PEEREID: c_int = 0x0003; pub const MAP_STACK: c_int = 0x00001000; pub const MNT_NOEXEC: c_int = 0x02; pub const MNT_NOSUID: c_int = 0x04; pub const MNT_RDONLY: c_int = 0x01; pub const MSG_NOTIFICATION: c_int = 0x0400; pub const NET_RT_DUMP: c_int = 1; pub const NET_RT_FLAGS: c_int = 2; pub const NET_RT_IFLIST: c_int = 4; pub const NI_NUMERICSCOPE: c_int = 0x00000040; pub const OHFLOW: tcflag_t = 0x00000002; pub const P_ALL: idtype_t = 0; pub const PARSTK: tcflag_t = 0x00000004; pub const PF_ARP: c_int = 28; pub const PF_CCITT: c_int = 10; pub const PF_CHAOS: c_int = 5; pub const PF_CNT: c_int = 21; pub const PF_COIP: c_int = 20; pub const PF_DATAKIT: c_int = 9; pub const PF_DECnet: c_int = 12; pub const PF_DLI: c_int = 13; pub const PF_ECMA: c_int = 8; pub const PF_HYLINK: c_int = 15; pub const PF_IMPLINK: c_int = 3; pub const PF_ISO: c_int = 7; pub const PF_LAT: c_int = 14; pub const PF_LINK: c_int = 18; pub const PF_NATM: c_int = 27; pub const PF_OSI: c_int = 7; pub const PF_PIP: c_int = 25; pub const PF_PUP: c_int = 4; pub const PF_RTIP: c_int = 22; pub const PF_XTP: c_int = 19; pub const PM_STR: crate::nl_item = 7; pub const POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED: c_int = 4; pub const POSIX_MADV_NORMAL: c_int = 0; pub const POSIX_MADV_RANDOM: c_int = 2; pub const POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL: c_int = 1; pub const POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED: c_int = 3; pub const _POSIX_VDISABLE: c_int = 0; pub const P_PGID: idtype_t = 2; pub const P_PID: idtype_t = 1; pub const PRIO_PGRP: c_int = 1; pub const PRIO_PROCESS: c_int = 0; pub const PRIO_USER: c_int = 2; pub const pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT: c_int = 30; pub const pseudo_AF_PIP: c_int = 25; pub const pseudo_AF_RTIP: c_int = 22; pub const pseudo_AF_XTP: c_int = 19; pub const REG_ASSERT: c_int = 15; pub const REG_ATOI: c_int = 255; pub const REG_BACKR: c_int = 0x400; pub const REG_BASIC: c_int = 0x00; pub const REG_DUMP: c_int = 0x80; pub const REG_EMPTY: c_int = 14; pub const REG_INVARG: c_int = 16; pub const REG_ITOA: c_int = 0o400; pub const REG_LARGE: c_int = 0x200; pub const REG_NOSPEC: c_int = 0x10; pub const REG_OK: c_int = 0; pub const REG_PEND: c_int = 0x20; pub const REG_TRACE: c_int = 0x100; pub const RLIMIT_AS: c_int = 6; pub const RLIMIT_CORE: c_int = 4; pub const RLIMIT_CPU: c_int = 0; pub const RLIMIT_DATA: c_int = 2; pub const RLIMIT_FSIZE: c_int = 1; pub const RLIMIT_MEMLOCK: c_int = 7; pub const RLIMIT_NOFILE: c_int = 5; pub const RLIMIT_NPROC: c_int = 8; pub const RLIMIT_RSS: c_int = 6; pub const RLIMIT_STACK: c_int = 3; pub const RLIMIT_VMEM: c_int = 6; #[deprecated(since = "0.2.64", note = "Not stable across OS versions")] pub const RLIM_NLIMITS: c_int = 14; pub const SCHED_ADJTOHEAD: c_int = 5; pub const SCHED_ADJTOTAIL: c_int = 6; pub const SCHED_MAXPOLICY: c_int = 7; pub const SCHED_SETPRIO: c_int = 7; pub const SCHED_SPORADIC: c_int = 4; pub const SHM_ANON: *mut c_char = -1isize as *mut c_char; pub const SIGCLD: c_int = SIGCHLD; pub const SIGDEADLK: c_int = 7; pub const SIGEMT: c_int = 7; pub const SIGEV_NONE: c_int = 0; pub const SIGEV_SIGNAL: c_int = 129; pub const SIGEV_THREAD: c_int = 135; pub const SIOCGIFADDR: c_int = -1064277727; pub const SO_FIB: c_int = 0x100a; pub const SO_OVERFLOWED: c_int = 0x1009; pub const SO_SETFIB: c_int = 0x100a; pub const SO_TXPRIO: c_int = 0x100b; pub const SO_USELOOPBACK: c_int = 0x0040; pub const SO_VLANPRIO: c_int = 0x100c; pub const _SS_ALIGNSIZE: usize = mem::size_of::(); pub const _SS_MAXSIZE: usize = 128; pub const _SS_PAD1SIZE: usize = _SS_ALIGNSIZE - 2; pub const _SS_PAD2SIZE: usize = _SS_MAXSIZE - 2 - _SS_PAD1SIZE - _SS_ALIGNSIZE; pub const TC_CPOSIX: tcflag_t = CLOCAL | CREAD | CSIZE | CSTOPB | HUPCL | PARENB | PARODD; pub const TCGETS: c_int = 0x404c540d; pub const TC_IPOSIX: tcflag_t = BRKINT | ICRNL | IGNBRK | IGNPAR | INLCR | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXOFF | IXON | PARMRK; pub const TC_LPOSIX: tcflag_t = ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG | NOFLSH | TOSTOP; pub const TC_OPOSIX: tcflag_t = OPOST; pub const T_FMT_AMPM: crate::nl_item = 5; pub const TIOCCBRK: c_int = 29818; pub const TIOCCDTR: c_int = 29816; pub const TIOCDRAIN: c_int = 29790; pub const TIOCEXCL: c_int = 29709; pub const TIOCFLUSH: c_int = -2147191792; pub const TIOCGETA: c_int = 1078752275; pub const TIOCGPGRP: c_int = 1074033783; pub const TIOCGWINSZ: c_int = 1074295912; pub const TIOCMBIC: c_int = -2147191701; pub const TIOCMBIS: c_int = -2147191700; pub const TIOCMGET: c_int = 1074033770; pub const TIOCMSET: c_int = -2147191699; pub const TIOCNOTTY: c_int = 29809; pub const TIOCNXCL: c_int = 29710; pub const TIOCOUTQ: c_int = 1074033779; pub const TIOCPKT: c_int = -2147191696; pub const TIOCPKT_DATA: c_int = 0x00; pub const TIOCPKT_DOSTOP: c_int = 0x20; pub const TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD: c_int = 0x01; pub const TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE: c_int = 0x02; pub const TIOCPKT_IOCTL: c_int = 0x40; pub const TIOCPKT_NOSTOP: c_int = 0x10; pub const TIOCPKT_START: c_int = 0x08; pub const TIOCPKT_STOP: c_int = 0x04; pub const TIOCSBRK: c_int = 29819; pub const TIOCSCTTY: c_int = 29793; pub const TIOCSDTR: c_int = 29817; pub const TIOCSETA: c_int = -2142473196; pub const TIOCSETAF: c_int = -2142473194; pub const TIOCSETAW: c_int = -2142473195; pub const TIOCSPGRP: c_int = -2147191690; pub const TIOCSTART: c_int = 29806; pub const TIOCSTI: c_int = -2147388302; pub const TIOCSTOP: c_int = 29807; pub const TIOCSWINSZ: c_int = -2146929561; pub const USER_CS_PATH: c_int = 1; pub const USER_BC_BASE_MAX: c_int = 2; pub const USER_BC_DIM_MAX: c_int = 3; pub const USER_BC_SCALE_MAX: c_int = 4; pub const USER_BC_STRING_MAX: c_int = 5; pub const USER_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX: c_int = 6; pub const USER_EXPR_NEST_MAX: c_int = 7; pub const USER_LINE_MAX: c_int = 8; pub const USER_RE_DUP_MAX: c_int = 9; pub const USER_POSIX2_VERSION: c_int = 10; pub const USER_POSIX2_C_BIND: c_int = 11; pub const USER_POSIX2_C_DEV: c_int = 12; pub const USER_POSIX2_CHAR_TERM: c_int = 13; pub const USER_POSIX2_FORT_DEV: c_int = 14; pub const USER_POSIX2_FORT_RUN: c_int = 15; pub const USER_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF: c_int = 16; pub const USER_POSIX2_SW_DEV: c_int = 17; pub const USER_POSIX2_UPE: c_int = 18; pub const USER_STREAM_MAX: c_int = 19; pub const USER_TZNAME_MAX: c_int = 20; pub const USER_ATEXIT_MAX: c_int = 21; pub const USER_MAXID: c_int = 22; pub const VDOWN: usize = 31; pub const VINS: usize = 32; pub const VDEL: usize = 33; pub const VRUB: usize = 34; pub const VCAN: usize = 35; pub const VHOME: usize = 36; pub const VEND: usize = 37; pub const VSPARE3: usize = 38; pub const VSPARE4: usize = 39; pub const VSWTCH: usize = 7; pub const VDSUSP: usize = 11; pub const VFWD: usize = 18; pub const VLOGIN: usize = 19; pub const VPREFIX: usize = 20; pub const VSUFFIX: usize = 24; pub const VLEFT: usize = 28; pub const VRIGHT: usize = 29; pub const VUP: usize = 30; pub const XCASE: tcflag_t = 0x00000004; pub const PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD: c_int = -1; pub const PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE: c_int = 0x00; pub const PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED: c_int = 0x01; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK: c_int = 1; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE: c_int = 2; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL: c_int = 3; pub const PTHREAD_STACK_MIN: size_t = 256; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT: c_int = 0; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED: c_int = 0x00; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST: c_int = 0x10; pub const PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE: c_int = 0x00; pub const PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED: c_int = 0x01; pub const PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX: usize = 128; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER: pthread_mutex_t = pthread_mutex_t { __u: 0x80000000, __owner: 0xffffffff, }; pub const PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER: pthread_cond_t = pthread_cond_t { __u: CLOCK_REALTIME as u32, __owner: 0xfffffffb, }; pub const PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER: pthread_rwlock_t = pthread_rwlock_t { __active: 0, __blockedwriters: 0, __blockedreaders: 0, __heavy: 0, __lock: PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, __rcond: PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, __wcond: PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, __owner: -2i32 as c_uint, __spare: 0, }; const_fn! { {const} fn _CMSG_ALIGN(len: usize) -> usize { len + mem::size_of::() - 1 & !(mem::size_of::() - 1) } {const} fn _ALIGN(p: usize, b: usize) -> usize { (p + b - 1) & !(b - 1) } } f! { pub fn CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr: *const msghdr) -> *mut cmsghdr { if (*mhdr).msg_controllen as usize >= mem::size_of::() { (*mhdr).msg_control as *mut cmsghdr } else { 0 as *mut cmsghdr } } pub fn CMSG_NXTHDR(mhdr: *const crate::msghdr, cmsg: *const cmsghdr) -> *mut cmsghdr { let msg = _CMSG_ALIGN((*cmsg).cmsg_len as usize); let next = cmsg as usize + msg + _CMSG_ALIGN(mem::size_of::()); if next > (*mhdr).msg_control as usize + (*mhdr).msg_controllen as usize { 0 as *mut cmsghdr } else { (cmsg as usize + msg) as *mut cmsghdr } } pub fn CMSG_DATA(cmsg: *const cmsghdr) -> *mut c_uchar { (cmsg as *mut c_uchar).offset(_CMSG_ALIGN(mem::size_of::()) as isize) } pub {const} fn CMSG_LEN(length: c_uint) -> c_uint { _CMSG_ALIGN(mem::size_of::()) as c_uint + length } pub {const} fn CMSG_SPACE(length: c_uint) -> c_uint { (_CMSG_ALIGN(mem::size_of::()) + _CMSG_ALIGN(length as usize)) as c_uint } pub fn FD_CLR(fd: c_int, set: *mut fd_set) -> () { let fd = fd as usize; let size = mem::size_of_val(&(*set).fds_bits[0]) * 8; (*set).fds_bits[fd / size] &= !(1 << (fd % size)); return; } pub fn FD_ISSET(fd: c_int, set: *const fd_set) -> bool { let fd = fd as usize; let size = mem::size_of_val(&(*set).fds_bits[0]) * 8; return ((*set).fds_bits[fd / size] & (1 << (fd % size))) != 0; } pub fn FD_SET(fd: c_int, set: *mut fd_set) -> () { let fd = fd as usize; let size = mem::size_of_val(&(*set).fds_bits[0]) * 8; (*set).fds_bits[fd / size] |= 1 << (fd % size); return; } pub fn FD_ZERO(set: *mut fd_set) -> () { for slot in (*set).fds_bits.iter_mut() { *slot = 0; } } pub fn _DEXTRA_FIRST(_d: *const dirent) -> *mut crate::dirent_extra { let _f = &((*(_d)).d_name) as *const _; let _s = _d as usize; _ALIGN(_s + _f as usize - _s + (*_d).d_namelen as usize + 1, 8) as *mut crate::dirent_extra } pub fn _DEXTRA_VALID(_x: *const crate::dirent_extra, _d: *const dirent) -> bool { let sz = _x as usize - _d as usize + mem::size_of::(); let rsz = (*_d).d_reclen as usize; if sz > rsz || sz + (*_x).d_datalen as usize > rsz { false } else { true } } pub fn _DEXTRA_NEXT(_x: *const crate::dirent_extra) -> *mut crate::dirent_extra { _ALIGN( _x as usize + mem::size_of::() + (*_x).d_datalen as usize, 8, ) as *mut crate::dirent_extra } pub fn SOCKCREDSIZE(ngrps: usize) -> usize { let ngrps = if ngrps > 0 { ngrps - 1 } else { 0 }; mem::size_of::() + mem::size_of::() * ngrps } pub fn major(dev: crate::dev_t) -> c_uint { ((dev as c_uint) >> 10) & 0x3f } pub fn minor(dev: crate::dev_t) -> c_uint { (dev as c_uint) & 0x3ff } } safe_f! { pub {const} fn WIFSTOPPED(status: c_int) -> bool { (status & 0xff) == 0x7f } pub {const} fn WSTOPSIG(status: c_int) -> c_int { (status >> 8) & 0xff } pub {const} fn WIFCONTINUED(status: c_int) -> bool { status == 0xffff } pub {const} fn WIFSIGNALED(status: c_int) -> bool { ((status & 0x7f) + 1) as i8 >= 2 } pub {const} fn WTERMSIG(status: c_int) -> c_int { status & 0x7f } pub {const} fn WIFEXITED(status: c_int) -> bool { (status & 0x7f) == 0 } pub {const} fn WEXITSTATUS(status: c_int) -> c_int { (status >> 8) & 0xff } pub {const} fn WCOREDUMP(status: c_int) -> bool { (status & 0x80) != 0 } pub {const} fn IPTOS_ECN(x: u8) -> u8 { x & crate::IPTOS_ECN_MASK } pub {const} fn makedev(major: c_uint, minor: c_uint) -> crate::dev_t { ((major << 10) | (minor)) as crate::dev_t } } // Network related functions are provided by libsocket and regex // functions are provided by libregex. // In QNX <=7.0, libregex functions were included in libc itself. #[link(name = "socket")] #[cfg_attr(not(target_env = "nto70"), link(name = "regex"))] extern "C" { pub fn sem_destroy(sem: *mut sem_t) -> c_int; pub fn sem_init(sem: *mut sem_t, pshared: c_int, value: c_uint) -> c_int; pub fn fdatasync(fd: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn getpriority(which: c_int, who: crate::id_t) -> c_int; pub fn setpriority(which: c_int, who: crate::id_t, prio: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn mkfifoat(dirfd: c_int, pathname: *const c_char, mode: crate::mode_t) -> c_int; pub fn mknodat( __fd: c_int, pathname: *const c_char, mode: crate::mode_t, dev: crate::dev_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn clock_getres(clk_id: crate::clockid_t, tp: *mut crate::timespec) -> c_int; pub fn clock_gettime(clk_id: crate::clockid_t, tp: *mut crate::timespec) -> c_int; pub fn clock_settime(clk_id: crate::clockid_t, tp: *const crate::timespec) -> c_int; pub fn clock_getcpuclockid(pid: crate::pid_t, clk_id: *mut crate::clockid_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_attr_getstack( attr: *const crate::pthread_attr_t, stackaddr: *mut *mut c_void, stacksize: *mut size_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn memalign(align: size_t, size: size_t) -> *mut c_void; pub fn setgroups(ngroups: c_int, ptr: *const crate::gid_t) -> c_int; pub fn posix_fadvise(fd: c_int, offset: off_t, len: off_t, advise: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn futimens(fd: c_int, times: *const crate::timespec) -> c_int; pub fn nl_langinfo(item: crate::nl_item) -> *mut c_char; pub fn utimensat( dirfd: c_int, path: *const c_char, times: *const crate::timespec, flag: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_getclock( attr: *const pthread_condattr_t, clock_id: *mut clockid_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_setclock( attr: *mut pthread_condattr_t, clock_id: crate::clockid_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_setpshared(attr: *mut pthread_condattr_t, pshared: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(attr: *mut pthread_mutexattr_t, pshared: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared( attr: *const pthread_rwlockattr_t, val: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(attr: *mut pthread_rwlockattr_t, val: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn ptsname_r(fd: c_int, buf: *mut c_char, buflen: size_t) -> *mut c_char; pub fn clearenv() -> c_int; pub fn waitid( idtype: idtype_t, id: id_t, infop: *mut crate::siginfo_t, options: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn wait4( pid: crate::pid_t, status: *mut c_int, options: c_int, rusage: *mut crate::rusage, ) -> crate::pid_t; // DIFF(main): changed to `*const *mut` in e77f551de9 pub fn execvpe( file: *const c_char, argv: *const *const c_char, envp: *const *const c_char, ) -> c_int; pub fn getifaddrs(ifap: *mut *mut crate::ifaddrs) -> c_int; pub fn freeifaddrs(ifa: *mut crate::ifaddrs); pub fn bind( socket: c_int, address: *const crate::sockaddr, address_len: crate::socklen_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn writev(fd: c_int, iov: *const crate::iovec, iovcnt: c_int) -> ssize_t; pub fn readv(fd: c_int, iov: *const crate::iovec, iovcnt: c_int) -> ssize_t; pub fn sendmsg(fd: c_int, msg: *const crate::msghdr, flags: c_int) -> ssize_t; pub fn recvmsg(fd: c_int, msg: *mut crate::msghdr, flags: c_int) -> ssize_t; pub fn openpty( amaster: *mut c_int, aslave: *mut c_int, name: *mut c_char, termp: *mut termios, winp: *mut crate::winsize, ) -> c_int; pub fn forkpty( amaster: *mut c_int, name: *mut c_char, termp: *mut termios, winp: *mut crate::winsize, ) -> crate::pid_t; pub fn login_tty(fd: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn uname(buf: *mut crate::utsname) -> c_int; pub fn getpeereid(socket: c_int, euid: *mut crate::uid_t, egid: *mut crate::gid_t) -> c_int; pub fn strerror_r(errnum: c_int, buf: *mut c_char, buflen: size_t) -> c_int; pub fn abs(i: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn labs(i: c_long) -> c_long; pub fn rand() -> c_int; pub fn srand(seed: c_uint); pub fn setpwent(); pub fn endpwent(); pub fn getpwent() -> *mut passwd; pub fn setgrent(); pub fn endgrent(); pub fn getgrent() -> *mut crate::group; pub fn setspent(); pub fn endspent(); pub fn shm_open(name: *const c_char, oflag: c_int, mode: mode_t) -> c_int; pub fn ftok(pathname: *const c_char, proj_id: c_int) -> crate::key_t; pub fn mprotect(addr: *mut c_void, len: size_t, prot: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn posix_fallocate(fd: c_int, offset: off_t, len: off_t) -> c_int; pub fn mkostemp(template: *mut c_char, flags: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn mkostemps(template: *mut c_char, suffixlen: c_int, flags: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn sigtimedwait( set: *const sigset_t, info: *mut siginfo_t, timeout: *const crate::timespec, ) -> c_int; pub fn sigwaitinfo(set: *const sigset_t, info: *mut siginfo_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_setschedprio(native: crate::pthread_t, priority: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn if_nameindex() -> *mut if_nameindex; pub fn if_freenameindex(ptr: *mut if_nameindex); pub fn glob( pattern: *const c_char, flags: c_int, errfunc: Option c_int>, pglob: *mut crate::glob_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn globfree(pglob: *mut crate::glob_t); pub fn posix_madvise(addr: *mut c_void, len: size_t, advice: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn shm_unlink(name: *const c_char) -> c_int; pub fn seekdir(dirp: *mut crate::DIR, loc: c_long); pub fn telldir(dirp: *mut crate::DIR) -> c_long; pub fn msync(addr: *mut c_void, len: size_t, flags: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn recvfrom( socket: c_int, buf: *mut c_void, len: size_t, flags: c_int, addr: *mut crate::sockaddr, addrlen: *mut crate::socklen_t, ) -> ssize_t; pub fn mkstemps(template: *mut c_char, suffixlen: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn getdomainname(name: *mut c_char, len: size_t) -> c_int; pub fn setdomainname(name: *const c_char, len: size_t) -> c_int; pub fn sync(); pub fn pthread_getschedparam( native: crate::pthread_t, policy: *mut c_int, param: *mut crate::sched_param, ) -> c_int; pub fn umount(target: *const c_char, flags: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn sched_get_priority_max(policy: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn settimeofday(tv: *const crate::timeval, tz: *const c_void) -> c_int; pub fn sched_rr_get_interval(pid: crate::pid_t, tp: *mut crate::timespec) -> c_int; pub fn sem_timedwait(sem: *mut sem_t, abstime: *const crate::timespec) -> c_int; pub fn sem_getvalue(sem: *mut sem_t, sval: *mut c_int) -> c_int; pub fn sched_setparam(pid: crate::pid_t, param: *const crate::sched_param) -> c_int; pub fn mount( special_device: *const c_char, mount_directory: *const c_char, flags: c_int, mount_type: *const c_char, mount_data: *const c_void, mount_datalen: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn sched_getparam(pid: crate::pid_t, param: *mut crate::sched_param) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_mutex_consistent(mutex: *mut pthread_mutex_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_mutex_timedlock( lock: *mut pthread_mutex_t, abstime: *const crate::timespec, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_init(lock: *mut crate::pthread_spinlock_t, pshared: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_destroy(lock: *mut crate::pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_lock(lock: *mut crate::pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_trylock(lock: *mut crate::pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_spin_unlock(lock: *mut crate::pthread_spinlock_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_init(__attr: *mut crate::pthread_barrierattr_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_destroy(__attr: *mut crate::pthread_barrierattr_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_getpshared( __attr: *const crate::pthread_barrierattr_t, __pshared: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_barrierattr_setpshared( __attr: *mut crate::pthread_barrierattr_t, __pshared: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_barrier_init( __barrier: *mut crate::pthread_barrier_t, __attr: *const crate::pthread_barrierattr_t, __count: c_uint, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_barrier_destroy(__barrier: *mut crate::pthread_barrier_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_barrier_wait(__barrier: *mut crate::pthread_barrier_t) -> c_int; pub fn sched_getscheduler(pid: crate::pid_t) -> c_int; pub fn clock_nanosleep( clk_id: crate::clockid_t, flags: c_int, rqtp: *const crate::timespec, rmtp: *mut crate::timespec, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_attr_getguardsize( attr: *const crate::pthread_attr_t, guardsize: *mut size_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_attr_setguardsize(attr: *mut crate::pthread_attr_t, guardsize: size_t) -> c_int; pub fn sethostname(name: *const c_char, len: size_t) -> c_int; pub fn sched_get_priority_min(policy: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_condattr_getpshared( attr: *const pthread_condattr_t, pshared: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_setschedparam( native: crate::pthread_t, policy: c_int, param: *const crate::sched_param, ) -> c_int; pub fn sched_setscheduler( pid: crate::pid_t, policy: c_int, param: *const crate::sched_param, ) -> c_int; pub fn sigsuspend(mask: *const crate::sigset_t) -> c_int; pub fn getgrgid_r( gid: crate::gid_t, grp: *mut crate::group, buf: *mut c_char, buflen: size_t, result: *mut *mut crate::group, ) -> c_int; pub fn sem_close(sem: *mut sem_t) -> c_int; pub fn getdtablesize() -> c_int; pub fn getgrnam_r( name: *const c_char, grp: *mut crate::group, buf: *mut c_char, buflen: size_t, result: *mut *mut crate::group, ) -> c_int; pub fn initgroups(user: *const c_char, group: crate::gid_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_sigmask(how: c_int, set: *const sigset_t, oldset: *mut sigset_t) -> c_int; pub fn sem_open(name: *const c_char, oflag: c_int, ...) -> *mut sem_t; pub fn getgrnam(name: *const c_char) -> *mut crate::group; pub fn pthread_cancel(thread: crate::pthread_t) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_kill(thread: crate::pthread_t, sig: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn sem_unlink(name: *const c_char) -> c_int; pub fn daemon(nochdir: c_int, noclose: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn getpwnam_r( name: *const c_char, pwd: *mut passwd, buf: *mut c_char, buflen: size_t, result: *mut *mut passwd, ) -> c_int; pub fn getpwuid_r( uid: crate::uid_t, pwd: *mut passwd, buf: *mut c_char, buflen: size_t, result: *mut *mut passwd, ) -> c_int; pub fn sigwait(set: *const sigset_t, sig: *mut c_int) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_atfork( prepare: Option, parent: Option, child: Option, ) -> c_int; pub fn getgrgid(gid: crate::gid_t) -> *mut crate::group; pub fn getgrouplist( user: *const c_char, group: crate::gid_t, groups: *mut crate::gid_t, ngroups: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_mutexattr_getpshared( attr: *const pthread_mutexattr_t, pshared: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_mutexattr_getrobust( attr: *const pthread_mutexattr_t, robustness: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_mutexattr_setrobust(attr: *mut pthread_mutexattr_t, robustness: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_create( native: *mut crate::pthread_t, attr: *const crate::pthread_attr_t, f: extern "C" fn(*mut c_void) -> *mut c_void, value: *mut c_void, ) -> c_int; pub fn getitimer(which: c_int, curr_value: *mut crate::itimerval) -> c_int; pub fn setitimer( which: c_int, value: *const crate::itimerval, ovalue: *mut crate::itimerval, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawn( pid: *mut crate::pid_t, path: *const c_char, file_actions: *const crate::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, attrp: *const crate::posix_spawnattr_t, argv: *const *mut c_char, envp: *const *mut c_char, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnp( pid: *mut crate::pid_t, file: *const c_char, file_actions: *const crate::posix_spawn_file_actions_t, attrp: *const crate::posix_spawnattr_t, argv: *const *mut c_char, envp: *const *mut c_char, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_init(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_destroy(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, default: *mut crate::sigset_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault( attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, default: *const crate::sigset_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getsigmask( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, default: *mut crate::sigset_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setsigmask( attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, default: *const crate::sigset_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getflags(attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, flags: *mut c_short) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setflags(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, flags: c_short) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getpgroup( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, flags: *mut crate::pid_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setpgroup(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, flags: crate::pid_t) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, flags: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy(attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, flags: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_getschedparam( attr: *const posix_spawnattr_t, param: *mut crate::sched_param, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawnattr_setschedparam( attr: *mut posix_spawnattr_t, param: *const crate::sched_param, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_init(actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen( actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t, fd: c_int, path: *const c_char, oflag: c_int, mode: crate::mode_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose( actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t, fd: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2( actions: *mut posix_spawn_file_actions_t, fd: c_int, newfd: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn popen(command: *const c_char, mode: *const c_char) -> *mut crate::FILE; pub fn faccessat(dirfd: c_int, pathname: *const c_char, mode: c_int, flags: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn inotify_rm_watch(fd: c_int, wd: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn inotify_init() -> c_int; pub fn inotify_add_watch(fd: c_int, path: *const c_char, mask: u32) -> c_int; pub fn gettid() -> crate::pid_t; pub fn pthread_getcpuclockid(thread: crate::pthread_t, clk_id: *mut crate::clockid_t) -> c_int; pub fn getnameinfo( sa: *const crate::sockaddr, salen: crate::socklen_t, host: *mut c_char, hostlen: crate::socklen_t, serv: *mut c_char, servlen: crate::socklen_t, flags: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn sendmmsg( sockfd: c_int, msgvec: *mut crate::mmsghdr, vlen: c_uint, flags: c_uint, ) -> c_int; pub fn recvmmsg( sockfd: c_int, msgvec: *mut crate::mmsghdr, vlen: c_uint, flags: c_uint, timeout: *mut crate::timespec, ) -> c_int; pub fn mallopt(param: c_int, value: i64) -> c_int; pub fn gettimeofday(tp: *mut crate::timeval, tz: *mut c_void) -> c_int; pub fn ctermid(s: *mut c_char) -> *mut c_char; pub fn ioctl(fd: c_int, request: c_int, ...) -> c_int; pub fn mallinfo() -> crate::mallinfo; pub fn getpwent_r( pwd: *mut crate::passwd, buf: *mut c_char, __bufsize: c_int, __result: *mut *mut crate::passwd, ) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_getname_np(thread: crate::pthread_t, name: *mut c_char, len: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn pthread_setname_np(thread: crate::pthread_t, name: *const c_char) -> c_int; pub fn sysctl( _: *const c_int, _: c_uint, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut size_t, _: *const c_void, _: size_t, ) -> c_int; pub fn getrlimit(resource: c_int, rlim: *mut crate::rlimit) -> c_int; pub fn setrlimit(resource: c_int, rlp: *const crate::rlimit) -> c_int; pub fn lio_listio( __mode: c_int, __list: *const *mut aiocb, __nent: c_int, __sig: *mut sigevent, ) -> c_int; pub fn dl_iterate_phdr( callback: Option< unsafe extern "C" fn( // The original .h file declares this as *const, but for consistency with other platforms, // changing this to *mut to make it easier to use. // Maybe in v0.3 all platforms should use this as a *const. info: *mut dl_phdr_info, size: size_t, data: *mut c_void, ) -> c_int, >, data: *mut c_void, ) -> c_int; pub fn memset_s(s: *mut c_void, smax: size_t, c: c_int, n: size_t) -> c_int; pub fn regcomp(__preg: *mut crate::regex_t, __pattern: *const c_char, __cflags: c_int) -> c_int; pub fn regexec( __preg: *const crate::regex_t, __str: *const c_char, __nmatch: size_t, __pmatch: *mut crate::regmatch_t, __eflags: c_int, ) -> c_int; pub fn regerror( __errcode: c_int, __preg: *const crate::regex_t, __errbuf: *mut c_char, __errbuf_size: size_t, ) -> size_t; pub fn regfree(__preg: *mut crate::regex_t); pub fn dirfd(__dirp: *mut crate::DIR) -> c_int; pub fn dircntl(dir: *mut crate::DIR, cmd: c_int, ...) -> c_int; pub fn aio_cancel(__fd: c_int, __aiocbp: *mut crate::aiocb) -> c_int; pub fn aio_error(__aiocbp: *const crate::aiocb) -> c_int; pub fn aio_fsync(__operation: c_int, __aiocbp: *mut crate::aiocb) -> c_int; pub fn aio_read(__aiocbp: *mut crate::aiocb) -> c_int; pub fn aio_return(__aiocpb: *mut crate::aiocb) -> ssize_t; pub fn aio_suspend( __list: *const *const crate::aiocb, __nent: c_int, __timeout: *const crate::timespec, ) -> c_int; pub fn aio_write(__aiocpb: *mut crate::aiocb) -> c_int; pub fn mq_close(__mqdes: crate::mqd_t) -> c_int; pub fn mq_getattr(__mqdes: crate::mqd_t, __mqstat: *mut crate::mq_attr) -> c_int; pub fn mq_notify(__mqdes: crate::mqd_t, __notification: *const crate::sigevent) -> c_int; pub fn mq_open(__name: *const c_char, __oflag: c_int, ...) -> crate::mqd_t; pub fn mq_receive( __mqdes: crate::mqd_t, __msg_ptr: *mut c_char, __msg_len: size_t, __msg_prio: *mut c_uint, ) -> ssize_t; pub fn mq_send( __mqdes: crate::mqd_t, __msg_ptr: *const c_char, __msg_len: size_t, __msg_prio: c_uint, ) -> c_int; pub fn mq_setattr( __mqdes: crate::mqd_t, __mqstat: *const mq_attr, __omqstat: *mut mq_attr, ) -> c_int; pub fn mq_timedreceive( __mqdes: crate::mqd_t, __msg_ptr: *mut c_char, __msg_len: size_t, __msg_prio: *mut c_uint, __abs_timeout: *const crate::timespec, ) -> ssize_t; pub fn mq_timedsend( __mqdes: crate::mqd_t, __msg_ptr: *const c_char, __msg_len: size_t, __msg_prio: c_uint, __abs_timeout: *const crate::timespec, ) -> c_int; pub fn mq_unlink(__name: *const c_char) -> c_int; pub fn __get_errno_ptr() -> *mut c_int; // System page, see pub static mut _syspage_ptr: *mut syspage_entry; // Function on the stack after a call to pthread_create(). This is used // as a sentinel to work around an infitnite loop in the unwinding code. pub fn __my_thread_exit(value_ptr: *mut *const c_void); } // Models the implementation in stdlib.h. Ctest will fail if trying to use the // default symbol from libc pub unsafe fn atexit(cb: extern "C" fn()) -> c_int { extern "C" { static __dso_handle: *mut c_void; pub fn __cxa_atexit(cb: extern "C" fn(), __arg: *mut c_void, __dso: *mut c_void) -> c_int; } __cxa_atexit(cb, 0 as *mut c_void, __dso_handle) } impl siginfo_t { pub unsafe fn si_addr(&self) -> *mut c_void { #[repr(C)] struct siginfo_si_addr { _pad: [u8; 32], si_addr: *mut c_void, } (*(self as *const siginfo_t as *const siginfo_si_addr)).si_addr } pub unsafe fn si_value(&self) -> crate::sigval { #[repr(C)] struct siginfo_si_value { _pad: [u8; 32], si_value: crate::sigval, } (*(self as *const siginfo_t as *const siginfo_si_value)).si_value } pub unsafe fn si_pid(&self) -> crate::pid_t { #[repr(C)] struct siginfo_si_pid { _pad: [u8; 16], si_pid: crate::pid_t, } (*(self as *const siginfo_t as *const siginfo_si_pid)).si_pid } pub unsafe fn si_uid(&self) -> crate::uid_t { #[repr(C)] struct siginfo_si_uid { _pad: [u8; 24], si_uid: crate::uid_t, } (*(self as *const siginfo_t as *const siginfo_si_uid)).si_uid } pub unsafe fn si_status(&self) -> c_int { #[repr(C)] struct siginfo_si_status { _pad: [u8; 28], si_status: c_int, } (*(self as *const siginfo_t as *const siginfo_si_status)).si_status } } cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] { mod x86_64; pub use self::x86_64::*; } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] { mod aarch64; pub use self::aarch64::*; } else { panic!("Unsupported arch"); } } mod neutrino; pub use self::neutrino::*;