Feature: STI Resource Ensure that standard CRUD works with STI models Background: Given I am logged in And a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Publisher ActiveAdmin.register User """ Scenario: Create, update and delete a child STI resource Given I am on the index page for publishers When I follow "New Publisher" And I fill in "First name" with "Terry" And I fill in "Last name" with "Fox" And I fill in "Username" with "terry_fox" And I press "Create Publisher" Then I should see "Publisher was successfully created" And I should see "Terry" When I follow "Edit Publisher" And I fill in "First name" with "Joe" And I press "Update Publisher" Then I should see "Publisher was successfully updated" And I should see "Joe" When I follow "Delete Publisher" Then I should see "Publisher was successfully destroyed" Scenario: Create, update and delete a parent STI resource Given I am on the index page for users When I follow "New User" And I fill in "First name" with "Terry" And I fill in "Last name" with "Fox" And I fill in "Username" with "terry_fox" And I press "Create User" Then I should see "User was successfully created" And I should see "Terry" When I follow "Edit User" And I fill in "First name" with "Joe" And I press "Update User" Then I should see "User was successfully updated" And I should see "Joe" When I follow "Delete User" Then I should see "User was successfully destroyed"